MyLU Insider

Grants Team Updates

Alex Baldschun joins the Grants Team

The Department of Corporate, Foundation, and Sponsored Research Support (the grants team), is delighted to announce that we are welcoming our newest grants officer, Alex Baldschun! Alex started his Lawrence career in 2018 at Björklunden as the Assistant Director, joining the Advancement team in 2020 as part of Development Operations and then Prospect Research. He has a strong background in the humanities and as a writer – he graduated from Ripon College with a degree in religion, classics, and history, and earned a master of arts in religious studies from the University of Chicago. He and his wife live in Green Bay.

Got Grant Ideas?

We invite you to work with us on your proposal ideas for external grant funding! We are here to help turn your ideas for new initiatives, research, artistry, and community projects into fundable grant proposals. We can help you identify potential donors, interpret proposal guidelines, develop your application narrative, create a budget, advise on grantsmanship, and assist with submission. We are happy to meet with members of the faculty and staff at any stage of a project’s development, but please note that you must submit an Intent to Seek External Funding Format least 30 days before corporate and foundation deadlines and at least 60 days before government deadlines.

We look forward to working with you!

  • Anna Beno
  • Alex Baldschun
  • Amy Kester