MyLU Insider

Spiritually speaking-We’ve got your early week covered

  MON –  Esch Hurvis starting at 4:15p
Begin your week with balance and energy as you begin a practice of  Tai Chi. Complete your exercise there or flow right in to the yoga practice that follows in the same space.  Open to all.
Every Monday during term. 


  TUE – Andrew Commons 12:30p-1:30p

On Tuesday, have a seat with Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, Linda Morgan-Clement.  Take lunch with Linda in Andrew Commons and discuss what’s on your mind, spiritual or otherwise. Connect.  You will find her at one of the tables near the ice cream machines.  Open to all.
Tuesdays of weeks 4,6,8 and 10.


WED – Intersections: Water  5:15p

Come and continue the connection between water and resourcefulness.  Start your experiental workshop at Sabin House and connect with fellow Lawrentians around water’s faceted presence in both vast and intricate ways.   Intersections shows us the places where faith, scholarship, work and activism all connect. “Water” will be led by Terra Winston, Associate Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life.  Open to all.
Final two sessions October 3rd and 10th.