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Category: Students

Off-Campus Programs is hiring!

Are you passionate about study abroad? Off-Campus Programs is hiring student workers for the 2024-25 school year!

Job Openings

London Centre Student Assistant

Apply on Handshake!

The Lawrence London Centre Student Assistant position consists of helping the Off-Campus Programs Office with various aspects of promoting the London Centre program. Students average around 5-10 hours per week.


  • Must have participated on a London Centre program 
  • Genuine interest in promoting the London Centre on campus in Appleton 
  • Excellent communication skills – Ability to articulate the benefits of a study abroad experience to prospective students to better facilitate cross-cultural competence   
  • Organizational skills – to help plan fun and engaging events for students to learn more about the program

Outreach Specialist & Special Projects Assistant

Apply on Handshake!

The Outreach Specialist and Special Projects Assistant position consists of helping the Off-Campus Programs Office with various aspects of promoting the study abroad and off-campus programs experience. Students average around 10 hours per week.


  • Previous participation in an off-campus study program is strongly preferred
  • Should be able to articulate the benefits of a study abroad experience to prospective students to better facilitate cross-cultural competence.
  • Must be genuinely interested in promoting inclusion in off-campus study to all members of the Lawrence campus.
  • The student should also be experienced in social media management, especially Instagram.
  • Should be innovative and creative and not afraid to share ideas on new ways of marketing and outreach.

Greek Week

Sunday, May 12

  • Greek Week Kick-Off | 1-4 p.m. | Quads
    All chapters
  • Volleyball Tournament | 7-9 p.m. | Quads
    Sigma Phi Epsilon and Delta Gamma

Monday, May 13

  • Cooking for Cots | 11 a.m.-6 p.m. | Spirit Space Kitchen
    Beta Psi Nu
  • Flashlight Tag | 9 p.m. | Main Hall Green
    Beta Psi Nu

Tuesday, May 14

  • Pancake Breakfast | 9 a.m.-Noon | Beta House
    Beta Theta Pi
  • Arts and Crafts | 4:30-6:30 p.m. | Main Hall Green
    Delta Gamma

Wednesday, May 15

  • Murder Mystery | 6 p.m. | Warch-Pusey Room
    Kappa Alpha Theta

Thursday, May 16

  • Lip Sync | 5 p.m. | Wriston Ampitheater
    All Chapters

Friday, May 17

  • Pet Kits | 11 a.m.-2 p.m. | Outside Warch
    Kappa Alpha Theta & Beta Theta Pi
  • Puppy Yoga | 4:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. | Wellness Ctr Multipurpose Room
    Kappa Kappa Gamma
  • Scavenger Hunt | 6 p.m. | Quads
    Delta Tau Delta

Sunday, May 19

  • Car Wash | 9 a.m.-Noon | Wriston Turnaround
    Sigma Phi Epsilon


Friday, May 17 | 4:30-9 p.m.
Warch 225-226 – Esch Hurvis & Mead Witter Rooms

Lawrentians Enhancing Diversity in the Sciences presents the second annual STEM Gala! A black tie formal event celebrating the graduating seniors from all STEM departments as well as recognizing the staff and students who made this year amazing.

Field Experience in the Gambia

Wednesday, May 15 | 3:30-5 p.m.
Steitz Atrium

Please join students who participated in Field Experience in The Gambia as they share their research and volunteer projects through poster presentations. The projects reflect the research interests of the students and cover topics related to politics, international relations, environmental studies, business, sports, food security, religion, and culture. Students who participated in a KidsGive project at a local school will present about their volunteer experience.

This even is free and open to all Lawrence community members and the public.


Friday, May 17 | 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Warch 324 – Somerset Room

Biofest is culmination of the Biology Senior Experience at Lawrence. At this event, senior biology, biochemistry, and neuroscience students will present their self-designed Senior Experience projects to the Lawrence University community.

This is a come-and-go event where you can drop in and attend for as long as you are able. Students will be presenting posters as well as other products to display their senior experience projects.

Zoo Days

Saturday, May 18 | 12-4 p.m.
Main Hall Green

A Lawrence tradition that celebrates warm weather and aids in campus community building. It’s an opportunity for organizations to have their own booth and promote themselves to the campus community.

World Music Series: Balinese Music & Dance Concert

Featuring Guests Dewa Ayu Eka Putri and I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena

Sunday, May 19 | 3-4:30 p.m.
Memorial Chapel

Three ensembles (the LU student gamelan, and the community and children’s gamelans of the Lawrence Community Music School) will be joined by Indonesian performing artists Dewa Ayu Eka Putri and I Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena. Both guests come from respective families with deep roots in Balinese performing arts and work to bridge indigenous cultural practices with contemporary global perspectives.

This concert is free and open to the public!

About Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena

Putu Tangkas Adi Hiranmayena is an Indonesian artist-scholar serving as Assistant Professor of Music (Performance and Creativity), where he directs the Balinese Sound Ensemble and teaches courses on Heavy Metal Music, Electronic Music, and Noise and Activism. He also is a founding member of Balinese Experimental duo, ghOstMiSt, with dancer-anthropologist, Dewa Ayu Eka Putri; PAK Yeh (free-improvisation trio) from Denver, Colorado; and T.A.T.W.D. (improvised noise-metal trio) from Urbana, Illinois.

Hiranmayena’s academic, performance, and compositional research focuses on the intersections of Cosmology, Indigeneity, Environmental Activism, and Performativity in Balinese Gamelan, Heavy Metal, and Noise. He takes post-colonial, performance studies, and creative ethnographic approaches to looking at the state of sound in the social sciences and humanities. His work constitutes equitable forms of knowledge production in the form of public-facing academic articles and Glocal creative artistic pieces.

As a creative ethnographer, Hiranmayena has written articles, coupled with artistic compositions, that interrogate the state of performance in South-East Asian performing arts. Most notably, his articles, “If a Dragon Dies in the Forest, Do Humans Hear a Sound?” (2022); “Fix Your Face”: Performing Attitudes Between Mathcore and Beleganjur,” (2022); “ghOstMiSt’s Trails of Indigeneity,” (2021), discuss myriad of perspectives on traditional, popular, and experimental Balinese performance idioms. Hiranmayena continues to perform and compose internationally while also maintaining status as board member of Insitu Recordings and Gamelan Tunas Mekar.

About Dewa Ayu Eka Putri

Dewa Ayu Eka Putri is a Balinese artist-anthropologist and is currently a Lecturer of Dance at Grinnell College. She teaches courses on Balinese Dance and Performing Arts, specializing in traditional and contemporary dance styles. Putri also maintains her position as dance instructor at the critically acclaimed arts organization, Sanggar Cudamani, from Pengosekan, Bali, Indonesia.

She received her B.A. from Universitas Udayana in cultural anthropology and is a leading figure in women’s gamelan ensembles all around Bali. Born into a family of artists, Dewa Ayu is internationally known for her collaborations of traditional and contemporary works in theater, music, and dance while actively working as a freelance research assistant. The majority of her work advocates for the legal protection of women and children which is highlighted in various discursive artistic modalities.

Currently, Putri has international projects with organizations in Mexico, Switzerland, and Japan, as well as annual projects in Indonesia. She also organizes the performing arts shelf in the virtual library at BasaBali Wiki.

Richard A. Harrison Symposium

Saturday, May 18 | 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Main Hall

Celebrate and recognize over 30 outstanding student research projects.

Student presenters have been nominated by faculty sponsors and are being recognized for outstanding work in humanities or social science disciplines. Each year, one project receives the Richard A. Harrison Award.

Read more about the Symposium

Schedule of Events

  • 8-9 a.m. | Welcome Reception | Steitz Atrium
  • 8:30 a.m. | Remarks by Provost Blitstein | Steitz Atrium
  • 9-10:30 a.m. | Session 1
  • 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. | Session 2
  • 12:15 p.m. | Lunch | Andrew Commons
    Guests and participants who wish to eat in the Commons will receive a voucher to cover the cost of their meal.

Session 1 | 9-10:30 a.m.

Room 104 | Moderator: Sara Ceballos (Musicology)

  • Dana Abbo: “Reading with the Ear: A Sonic and Musical Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway
  • Evan Ney: “Poetic Soundscapes: Linking Sound and Meaning in Dickinson’s Civil War Poetry”
  • Charlotte Trumble: “Freistadt: Soundscapes and Poetry”

Room 201 | Moderator: Gustavo Fares (Spanish)

  • Linnea Morris: “Mujeres en mariachi: La presencia permanente de mariacheras en el scenario del mariachi”
  • Riley Winebrenner: “El uso de bananas en el arte brasileño: de antropofagia a tropicalismo”
  • Elena Yank: “Todo sobre la apariencia: La mirada masculina, la autenticidad de género y el monólogo de Agrado en Todo sobre mi madre de Pedro Almodóvar”

Room 211 | Moderator: Garth Bond (English)

  • Owen Davies: “Technology and the Body in the Films of David Cronenberg”
  • Patience Garcia: “’The Skeleton Behind the Man’: Skeletal Metaphors in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles
  • Katarina Stanley: “What is AI anyhow? What am I? and What are You?: A Response to Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass from a Contemporary Perspective”

Room 216 | Moderator: Linnea Ng (Psychology)

  • Grace Fox: “Can Caregivers Accurately Report on their Child’s Rumination?”
  • Finneas Frawley: “From Identity to Intimacy: Exploring Transgender People’s Dating Attitudes towards Gender Experience”
  • Nell Rudoff: “The Observer Perspective in Music Performance Anxiety among College Students”
  • Caleb Yuan: “Leaning Strategies: Motivation and COVID Stress”

Room 401 | Moderator: Jason Brozek (Government)

  • Rain Orsi: “Democracy’s Downfall?: Investigating a Second Wave of Electorate Shift in South America”
  • Noah Stevenson: “A Light in the Darkness?: The Role of Italy in a Worsening Crisis of Irregular Migration in the Mediterranean Sea”
  • Gabrielle Wood: “Untangling the Afghani Puzzle: Pashtun Culture, Taliban Totalitarianism, and Women’s Rights”

Room 404 | Moderator: Brigid Vance (History)

  • Madeleine Tevonian: “Synethetic Symbolism: Community Engagement with the Sacred at Buddhist Stupas” (winner of the 2023 Richard A. Harrison Award for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences”

Session 2 | 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Room 104 | Moderator: Mark Jenike (Anthropology)

  • William Brenneman, Katie Costanzo, and Megan Graffagna: “Evaluating the Food to Grow Initiative: Exploring Children’s Food and Nutrition Knowledge and Educational Programming at the Building for Kids”

Room 201 | Moderator: Madera Allan (Spanish)

  • Grace Hanson: “El sonido y la definición de comunidad en Carmen y Lola de Arantxa Echevarría”
  • Reese Pike: “Carne asada y casas de muerte: El narcocorrido en Dreamland

Room 211 | Moderator: Victoria Kononova (Russian)

  • Lorcan Baxter: “You Can’t Go Home Again: Nostalgia and Modernity in Rachmaninoff’s Trois Chansons Russes
  • Lydia LeMoine: “An Analysis of the Historical and Political Influences on Gender Based Violence in Kyrgyzstan”
  • Noah Stevenson: “Love as Faith: Finding Inspiration and Beauty in Soloviev’s ‘The Meaning of Love’”

Room 216 | Moderator: Claire Kervin (English)

  • Dana Abbo: “Perfect Sum of Perfect Parts: Disability and Deformity as the Foundation of Utopia in Sarah Scott’s Millenium Hall
  • Lauren Dahl: “The Pen as Power: Evelina’s Epistolary Form and Narrative Control”
  • Lainie Yank: “‘I Still Need Her With Me’: Motherhood, Loss, and Lack in Joan Didion’s Blue Nights

Room 401 | Moderator: Sigma Colón (Environmental Studies & Ethnic Studies)

  • Hannah Amell: “The Wellbeing of Trans Youth through the Lens of Policy: A Review of American Literature”
  • Anders Hanhan: “A Bird’s Eye View of Food Insecurity: Using Mapping Methodology to Assess Risks and Resiliency Connected to Urban Food Access”
  • Ashley Tang: “Boulder’s Housing Affordability Crisis: An Analysis of the Convergence of Airbnb-Driven Gentrification, Urban Growth Regulations, and Tourism Development in Boulder, Colorado”

Room 404 | Moderator: Jake Frederick (History)

  • Nora Briddell: “Leslie Feinberg (1949-2014): Remembering a Revolutionary Communist”
  • Chris Dakich: “The Alchemy of Coffee: Penetrating Insights into the Relation between Coffee, Libido, and the Rise of Modernity in Late Seventeenth Century England”
  • Samuel Schuler: “Brutality at Waxhaws and Exhaustion at Cowpens: How Banastre Tarleton Lost the Battle of Cowpens”