MyLU Insider


Category: Students

Dance Series: Michelle N. Gibson

Sunday, April 14 | 3 p.m.
Lawrence Memorial Chapel

A Congo Square Gathering

A Reverence for Culture & Healing for Humanity, Down By The Riverside

Second Line Community Event

with live music by Conservatory Jazz Students

Michelle N. Gibson Graphic

Michelle N. Gibson is a consummate storyteller, employing body and mind to build a bridge between the arts and academia. On stage and in the classroom, Gibson’s dance, choreography, and associated scholarship evoke the social, political, economic, and spiritual understandings central to building bonds within and across cultures.

Admissions is free; be prepared to move!

Read more about Michelle N. Gibson

Let’s All Vote!

The next upcoming election is April 2, the 2024 Spring Election and Presidential Preference Vote. This is a great time to get out and make your choices known. Progress happens at the polls!

Lawrence wants to help you get there, so we are outlining a few helpful details and also providing a few areas of assistance to make sure you have all you need.

  1. Voter registration
  2. Voter Identification
  3. Access to the polls

If you have not voted before in Wisconsin or if you have moved since you last voted, you will need to register to vote for the election. 

Register in person: Visit us at City Hall and register in person with the City Clerk’s Office through Friday, March 29, 2024. To speed up the process, please access the registration form online and have it filled out when you come in, or fill out the hardcopy form prior to coming to the counter.  Please be sure to bring proof of your current residence. 

Register at the polls: Go to your polling place on Election Day and register in person.  You will be able to vote immediately after completing registration, so be sure to bring your proof of residence (Voter ID-see below) as well as your photo ID.
*Please note that online and mailed registrations deadline of March 13 has already passed. You will need to register in person if you wish to vote in the April 2nd election.

This form will speed your registration process if you complete it in advance, and it requires your street address at Lawrence, not the University address of 711 E. Boldt Way. 

You can find your campus housing street addresses at

VOTER IDENTIFICATION: More than just your Lawrence ID card You may be asked to show your proof of Lawrence residency when you go to vote. The City Clerk has a record of your address, but you will need to bring a voter ID card which can be accessed here. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT STEP THAT SHOULD NOT BE SKIPPED.

ACCESS TO THE POLLS: A shuttle will loop a route between the polling places and the Wriston Turnaround throughout the day, beginning at 7 a.m. and ending at 7 p.m. Both polling places are less than a mile from the main campus. Note below that not every campus resident votes at the same location.

Polling Place for: 
Small Execs, Big Execs, Delta Tau Delta
Memorial Presbyterian Church, Voting Room: Fellowship Hall- Lower Level
803 E College Ave 
Polling Place Hours: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 7 a.m.-8 p.m.


Polling Place for:
All other campus residences
Saint Joseph Parish Center
404 W Lawrence St
Polling Place Hours: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 7 a.m.-8 p.m.

Additional Election Information

If you would like to volunteer to help on April 2, please contact Michelle Buchinger in the CCE at or 920-832-6644.

Your vote does truly make a difference and we wish you the best on election day.

LUaroo auditions

Want to perform in LUaroo 2024? Apply now!

The deadline is April 15, so don’t hesitate! We can’t wait to hear you.

LUaroo 2024 is scheduled for May 25-26.

  • Application for LUaroo artists are due 11:59 p.m. April 15.
  • Application results will be emailed by April 24 at the latest.
  • Artists are required to provide all their own instruments and backline.

What you will need for your application:

  • Audition video (2-4 minutes)
  • Picture used for promotion
  • Set length preference (15 or 30 minutes)
  • Mics/inputs needed
  • Stage plot
  • Your availability May 25-26

Questions? Reach out to the Band Booking Committee at

Dr. Kenny E. Yarbrough Office Hours

We invite students to come connect with Dr. Kenny E. Yarbrough, Vice President for I.D.E.A.S. Division.

Come have a casual conversation about your experience at Lawrence and what we can do to support our diverse student body.


  • Tuesday, April 9 | 3:30-5 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 2 | 3:30-5 p.m.
  • Monday, May 27 | 3:30-5 p.m.

Where: Diversity & Intercultural Center

The Crowdfund for Lawrence Athletics

March 28-April 3

Athletic Crowdfund Graphic

This year each of our 24 NCAA Athletics programs are raising funds to support their programs directly. Projects will be announced on March 28. Will you help us get in the game and support Lawrence Athletics and our student-athletes?

Give to the Crowdfund!

With all teams working together, the overall goal for the crowdfund is to surpass 850 donors in 7 days! We are depending on our passionate Viking community of alumni, parents, and friends to come together and help us reach this goal. Every single gift matters, and every single donor counts.

Spread the world on social media with #alwaysaviking !

Disability Awareness Week: April 1-5

On behalf of Accessibility Services and the I.D.E.A.S Division we invite you, the Lawrence faculty, staff, and students in joining us in embracing diversity and celebrating Disability Awareness Week.

The Disability Awareness events for the week will be a time to come together and create a community where everyone is valued and respected for who they are.

Monday April 1, 2024
Disability Awareness Tabling
11-1 p.m. & 4:30-6:30 p.m. – Warch Lobby

Wednesday April 3, 2024
Interactive Talk: Disability Advocacy w/ Dr. Petra Watzke
5-6:30 p.m. – Warch 325 – Pusey OR via Zoom

This talk examines what disability advocacy can look like on the LU campus. Audience members are invited to share their own experiences to affirm the centrality of this topic for the LU community. Refreshments will be served.

RSVP by March 28.

Friday April 5, 2024 Wear your Disability Awareness T-shirt
Sensory Pop-Up Experience
12-4 p.m.


Saturday, April 6 | 6 p.m.
Sunday, April 7 | 4 p.m.
Stansbury Theatre

Cabaret is free for Lawrence students! Tickets can be purchased at the Box Office.

  • Adult – $6
  • Senior – $4
  • Faculty/Staff – $4

Cabaret is Lawrence International’s flagship event. It is an annual celebration of cultures, traditions, clothes, performances, and cuisine from across the globe, and it has been going on for over 40 years. It brings together a plethora of different cultures represented on campus (which promotes integration among the cultures), and fosters a positive social dynamic among LI and Lawrence community members.

A Cabaret is a unique event that promotes an understanding of diversity in Lawrentians and members of the greater community. Many students from numerous countries prepare for months to participate and get a chance to show their cultures.

Any student can participate in any performance and can join the fashion show to represent their own or another country.

Every year, faculty members, friends families, their children, and other community members participate and get a first-hand glimpse of other cultures.

Staged reading of “Run with the Hare”

Thursday, March 28 | 7 p.m.
Cloak Theatre

Staged reading of RUN WITH THE HARE, Daniel John Stapleton (1886-1968) and the Battle for Kilkenny.

Professor Troy’s new play is a result of his recent Irish Fulbright Scholar year researching the Irish War of Independence (1918-1921). This new play development presentation will showcase the contributions of four guest artists, Alan Kopischke, Olivia Gregorich, Stephen Spencer, and Jacque Troy joining forces with current Theatre Arts students. A talk-back with the playwright will follow.