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Career Services

Category: Career Services

Watson Fellowship Information Session

Are you interested in learning about one of the coolest fellowships ever offered? That’s the Watson Fellowship. Join Brian Pertl, Dean of the Lawrence Conservatory of Music, for an information session on Wed., Aug. 12 at 1pm CDT and hear how a winner receives $36,000 to carry out a one-year independent study of their own design outside the United States.  

See Handshake for more details and connect via Zoom with passcode: 197426.  

Opportunity Knocks from the CLC – Internships at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Summer is in full swing and if you’re interested in exploring the investment banking industry that means it is time to apply for an internship for next summer 2021!  JPMorgan Chase & Co. is offering three internship programs with application deadlines of Sept. 30:

There are also three upcoming virtual information sessions (Aug. 10, 11 & 14 at noon CDT):

We encourage you to check Handshake frequently for new internships, jobs, and events by simply searching for a company of interest. 

For help with application materials, please contact Ty Collins, the new Business & Entrepreneurial (#BE) Advisor today!  To explore all eight of our career communities and to sign up for one, click here.

Opportunity Knocks from the CLC – Get Creative with NASA and the Psyche Inspired Program

Are you interested in the intersection of the arts and science?  The Psyche Inspired Program brings undergrads together to share the excitement of NASA’s Psyche mission with the public in new ways through artistic and creative works.  Apply here by August 12 for this remote, academic year internship (with a stipend!) that is open to any class year and any major.  For more information, contact Dr. Cassie Bowman ’98 who will lead the 2020-2021 program.   

For help in preparing your application materials, please contact Teri Mueller, Career Advisor to the Visual and Performing Arts (#VPA) Career Community.  We welcome you to explore and join one of our eight career communities today!

Opportunity Knocks from the CLC – SiriusXM + Pandora is Hiring

This Fall, join the SiriusXM + Pandora Internship Program from the comfort of campus or your own home! Now through August 7, the audio entertainment company is accepting applications to seven part-time, REMOTE, PAID, internships in sales/marketing, video production, and content programming.  For a full list, and details on how to apply, visit Handshake and search SiriusXM + Pandora.

For assistance in preparing your application materials, please schedule a virtual appointment with Ty Collins, advisor to the Communications, Journalism, and Written Arts Career Community and radio industry expert.  To learn more about the CLC’s eight career communities and to join one, sign up here!

Opportunity Knocks from the CLC – Campus Election Engagement Project is Hiring

Are you committed to educating peers about the importance of voter registration and becoming an informed voter?  If so, apply by Aug. 15 in Handshake to serve as Engagement Fellow for the Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP).   Open to all class years and majors!

The Fellow will receive direct guidance from Kristi Hill in the CCE, and for assistance in preparing your application materials, please schedule a virtual appointment with Ty Collins, advisor to the Government, Law and International Affairs (#GLI) Career Community.  To learn more about the CLC’s eight career communities and to join one, sign up today!

Opportunity Knocks from the CLC – Goldman Sachs Hiring Now

Did you know that the CLC sends weekly “Opportunity Knocks” emails with curated internship and job opportunities to students who have signed up for one of our eight career communities? Join one or more today!

This week we are highlighting the Business & Entrepreneurship (#BE) career community with internship and full time positions at Goldman Sachs, an American multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in New York City.  See four unique opportunities below:

2020 Virtual Hispanic/Lantinx Possibilities Summit – Applications due July 12

2021 Undergrad Virtual Insight Series – Applications opening in fall.  Contact Nuwa Serunjogi (LU student currently participating in this program) for more information.

2021 Summer Analyst Opportunities – Apply soon, applications reviewed on a rolling basis with deadline of Oct. 31.

2021 Full Time Analyst Opportunities – Apply soon, applications reviewed on a rolling basis with deadline of Oct. 31.

It may be hard to believe, but investment banking firms and other high profile businesses have hiring deadlines that close in early to late fall.  Summer is a great time to network with alumni on Viking Connect, prepare your resume, and design an action plan to secure next summer’s internship or full time position following graduation.

To get started, click here to make an appointment with Michelle Cheney, the #BE Advisor!

Log Your Summer Experience – Win a Prize!

Summer is here and congratulations to all students on completing a tough term!
In the CLC, we love to hear what students are doing during the summer and ask that you share this information with us in a few different ways depending on the type of experience.
Volunteer hours can be entered in Give Pulse by clicking the green “add impact” button. Students can complete one entry for the entire summer by entering a date range of choice. Volunteer hours will be shared on the students co-curricular transcript and will be used to identify community engagement award winners. Any questions can be sent to

Other summer experiences (i.e internships, research or other experiential learning) information can be reported through Handshake Experiences. Click on the “Request an Experience” button and input the information in the form. Any questions can be sent to  

If you complete either of these your name will be entered into a drawing where 3 people will receive an Amazon purchase of your choice up to $25!
Log Volunteer Hours Here      
Register your Experience Here    

Life Design with Mike O’Connor

Are you the best version of you?  

Let us help you with the answer! Join Mike O’Connor, Riaz Waraich Dean of the Center for Career, Life, and Community Engagement to learn how design thinking can help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where we are, what we do for a living, or how young or old we are. Design and build your career and your life, a life of fulfillment and joy!  

This is an exclusive early look at the new fall class UNIC 153: “Designing Your Life After Lawrence”  

Join us on Instagram Live! – @lawrenceuni_clc  

Thursday, May 21st at 4:30p.m. (CDT)

1:1 Chats with Noah Hochberg ’19

The pharmaceutical industry is still hiring! Chat 1:1 with 2019 Lawrence graduate Noah Hochberg on Tuesday, May 26 about his time at Lawrence, how he landed his job as a Primary Care Sales Representative, and what opportunities are currently available at his organization. 1:1 Chats will take place in 30 minute increments from 3 -6 p.m. CDT via zoom. Sign up on Handshake to select a meeting time.