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Career Services

Category: Career Services

Explore Allied Health Careers

Ever wondered what “allied health” means or what type of career options are available? Join us on Tuesday, May 19, 5-6 p.m. (CDT) as we host an alumni panel that will give a glimpse into their world of work and how you can prepare to enter these fields. There will be an opportunity for you to ask them questions live and we will do break out rooms to dive into details!

• Bobbi McGivern ’98 – Genetic Counseling

• Amy White ’00 – Genetic Counselor

• Megan Bjella ’09 – Occupational Therapist

• Sarah Maldonado ’08 – Physician Assistant

Sign up in Handshake or simply join the zoom meeting here:

Living and Working in D.C.

Do you want to make a difference in the world today? Are you interested in working in government or for an NGO? You may have to move to Washington D.C.!

Join LU Alumni, Dalia Khattab ’18 and Nick Ashley ’18, on Wednesday, May 13th at 4:30pm (CDT) as they share their experiences in moving to DC, finding housing and jobs, making connections, and fun tips about living in the nation’s capital.

Dalia, a Government and Biology Major, just earned her Master’s Degree in Public Health at the George Washington University and works for the Pan American Health Organization. Nick, an Economics and Russian Studies Major, currently works for the government contracting firm, Grant Thornton, supporting Homeland Security efforts. He previously served as a legislative intern with the U.S. House of Representatives.

Register in Handshake and join us at to hear how they got to D.C. and found jobs, what it is like living and working there, and for Q & A! Also, hear from your Government, Law and International Affairs Career Community Advisor, Ty Collins, as he discusses ways to continue your career exploration during Lawrence’s remote Spring Term.

Experiential Learning Funding Available

The CLC has overhauled its funding and application processes to specifically fund remote student projects and experiences given that the vast majority of summer internship, research, and service opportunities have been cancelled due to Covid-19. Students can still apply for funding to support these type of opportunities, which can be self-designed or curated through Lawrence partners.

See the CLC Funding Application page for details.

Museum Careers

Join Museum Studies Professor Beth Zinsli and Timothy Anne Burnside, Museum Specialist in Curatorial Affairs at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, on Tuesday, May 19 at 11:30 a.m. (central time) for an exclusive chat about working in the world of museums! This Zoom chat is a great opportunity to learn about Timothy’s path to working at the Smithsonian and get an inside scoop about exploring careers in museums. The session will also include an opportunity for students to ask questions of their own to Beth and Timothy.

Sign up in Handshake and join us via zoom at

Lawrence Alumni Music Education Panel

Get a jump on your Music Education career by connecting with four Lawrence alumni from varying sized school districts, roles, and from regions across the country! This panel will take place Wednesday, April 29 at 5 p.m. via Zoom here:

Hear stories about how these Lawrentians found a path to their current roles, how they are staying connected to students, colleagues and their art during these trying times, and how they think education will evolve a result of COVID-19. Also hear from your Career Community Advisor, Teri Mueller, as she discusses ways to continue your career exploration during Lawrence’s remote Spring Term.

Dan Van Sickle ’03, Choir Director, Appleton Area School District, WI

David Davis ‘11, Instrumental Music Teacher, Minnetonka Public Schools, MN

Emily Crowe ’14, Music Programs Manager/Music Teacher, Uncommon Schools, NY

Alek Wasserman ‘16, General Music Teacher at Davidson Charter Academy, NC

Register in Handshake or click here to join next Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Spring Term Coffee Hours with Teri Mueller, #VPA and #ECE Career Community Advisor

Join Teri Mueller, Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Career Community Advisor, for a virtual drop in coffee hour from 1-2 p.m. Thursdays during Spring Term at

For those in the Education and Community Engagement (ECE) Career Community, join Teri on Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. at

These coffee hours are informal events for members of the VPA & ECE Career Communities where students can come and go as they like and ask questions about jobs/internships, life, community engagement, and more. Drop by for a few minutes to ask about hiring trends, get some quick resume feedback, hear about job search resources, share your COVID-19 self care tips with other community members, and/or simply enjoy some conversation and BYO coffee/tea.

Learn more about Lawrence University’s eight career communities here.

Seniors-Only Series – Insurance Insanity

Join Athletics Director Christyn Abaray, for an important discussion about the various types of insurance you’ll need to understand after you graduate from Lawrence. She’ll discuss health, life, auto and renters insurance. Get answers to questions like What is a premium? What is a deductible? What is a co-pay?

Tuesday, April 28th
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register at

Connect Virtually with the Center for Career, Life, and Community Engagement (CLC)

The CLC is open and providing virtual programming for all of our events and appointments. Join us this Spring Term as we:

  • Bring employers to recruit, answer your questions, and give workshops in classes via Zoom;
  • Offer virtual appointments with CLC advisors (sign up on Handshake);
  • Present “CareerCast Live” with CLC staff members ready to give tips on managing your job search during Covid-19, using LinkedIn and Viking Connect, and a live Q&A;
  • Have Drop-In Coffee Hours for various career communities (sign up for a career community to get curated news, opportunities, and invites);
  • Share life after Lawrence skills for seniors in our “SOS Series”;
  • Help you network with alumni on Viking Connect; and
  • Answer questions or help make appointments (email us at

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