MyLU Insider

Career Services

Category: Career Services

What’s happening in the CCE:

The Center for Community Engagement and Social Change remains open and committed to supporting Lawrentians’ interest in serving others. We have created a brand new GivePulse page with an array of virtual volunteer opportunities for students to help fulfill our community’s needs. We are listing opportunities such as online tutoring for local schools, becoming a pen pal for our senior community, crisis counseling, providing poetry feedback, wildlife support, and more.  Please visit our new GivePulse page to see how you can make a positive impact remotely!

Stay connected with us on the lawrenceuni_clc Instagram page, request to join our mailing list by emailing, or schedule an appointment (sign in, select “appointment” and then “community engagement”)

BackStage Pass to the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to join leaders from the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center on March 4 as they talk about their roles in the arts, how they got there, and the ever-evolving industry trends. Take a behind-the-scenes tour and learn about all aspects of the PAC including marketing, development, stage production, ticketing and more! Shuttles will be running between the Con Drop Off and the PAC from 3:30 – 3:50 p.m. and again when the program finishes at 6:30 p.m.

If you are walking or providing your own transportation, please enter at the PAC Main Entrance on the corner of Division and College.

Agenda: Panel: 4-5 p.m., Tour: 5-6 p.m., Q&A: 6 – 6:30 p.m.

See Handshake for more details and to register!

Graduate School Exploration: GSEF and GRADx Fellowships

Join us March 5 if you want to explore graduate school and funding options in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. 

Come learn how the Graduate School Exploration Fellowships (GSEF and GRADx) can help you explore avenues to graduate school or summer research opportunities at a Big 10 university.  Meet current fellows and faculty mentors who will share their experiences with these programs. Students from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. For more details, see Handshake.

Experiential Learning Funding Applications are online now!

The Center for Career, Life, and Community Engagement’s experiential learning funds help support students’ summer internships, service, and volunteerism. For students interested in opportunities with small presses, large research labs, professional orchestras, global NGOs, and much more, these funds can alleviate barriers related to living costs and travel.  That means students will be able to pursue projects that matter to them in intentional, supported ways. Applications opened on January 1.  They are available online now. The deadline to apply is April 3. Please share this opportunity widely with students, and encourage them to meet with Career Advisors in the CLC if they have questions. We can’t wait to see the projects, service, volunteerism, and internships that this year’s recipients take on!

Join Viking Connect

Join Viking Connect, and get direct access to hundreds of alumni volunteers in target industries and cities.

The Center for Career, Life, and Community Engagement has officially launched “Viking Connect” – a Lawrence-specific student to alum networking and mentoring platform.

By joining, you’ll be able to:  

·         Discuss your academic and career interests with alumni in a position to help

·         Connect with Lawrentians in your target city or industry

·         Reshape the look, feel, and scale of advising/mentoring at Lawrence!

Join Viking Connect today to tap the power of the Lawrence network!

Public Health Career Week at Lawrence! Week of October 28

Next week is Public Health Career Week at Lawrence, with multiple opportunities to explore how different interests, skills and education can be applied to benefit society through a broad range of public health careers.

Students and faculty are welcome to attend all offered events. Lawrence is partnering with multiple organizations on this initiative, each bringing unique perspective and expertise into the conversation:

  1. The Peace Corps – Tuesday, October, 29
    Tali Levine from the Peace Corps will host an Information Session over lunch and 1:1 Chats to discuss opportunities for public health field experience through volunteering with the Peace Corps. Student Registration
  2. Returning Lawrence Alumni – Saturday, November 2
    An Alumni Panel consisting of former LU students who’ve pursued careers in public health will discuss their fields and provide insight into the many sectors of public health. Student Registration
  3. UW School of Medicine & Public Health – Saturday, November 2
    A UW grad school admissions rep will give a presentation on preparing for graduate study in public health. Student Registration
  4. GlobeMed – Saturday, November 2
    LU’s GlobeMed student organization will host a documentary screening of The Bleeding Edge, a film that explores the positive and negative aspects of technological advances in modern medicine. Student Registration

Students can register for all events on Handshake at the links above. Lawrence faculty who are interested in attending any of these sessions (including a public health advising discussion on Friday, November 1) can Register Here.

For additional information, contact Sophie Leppanen in the Center for Career, Life & Community Engagement.

How Did I Get Here? Alumni Lunch with Darcy Kind ’97

Darcy Kind ’97, Conservation Biologist at the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, will be coming to Lawrence for a casual networking lunch on Friday, October 11 to talk to students about careers in Biology and Conservation.

For more information please contact the Center for Career, Life & Community Engagement.

Lawrence’s 2nd Annual Internship and Career Fair – September 26

On Thursday, September 26, Lawrence is hosting its 2nd Annual Internship & Career Fair in the Warch Campus Center – Somerset Room from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Over 25 employers will be in attendance seeking candidates for internships, part-time, and full-time opportunities. There will be a strong learning component to this year’s fair, allowing students to learn about each organization’s opportunities for emerging leaders, company culture, workplace diversity, and community engagement initiatives.

Participating employers will include Johnson Controls, Northwestern Mutual, U.S. Venture, M3 Insurance, Breakthrough Fuel, Associated Bank, AFLAC, Boldt, Appleton Group, Fox Valley Scribes, UnitedHealth Group, Captel, the FBI, U.S. Census Bureau, Weidert Group, MIlliporeSigma, Epic, Pound Social/Dodles, Fox Valley Performing Arts Center, Pillars, City Year, Building for Kids Children’s Museum, Riverview Gardens, Junior Achievement USA, and more!

Interested students can sign up on Handshake:

Help us celebrate student successes!

During Spring Term, the CLC will be celebrating student achievements with Spotlight! We want to recognize students who have secured a summer internship, research position, graduate school acceptance, full-time employment and other post graduate and summer plans. We want to celebrate their achievements around campus and online so be on the lookout around campus and our Facebook Page.  Check out what this looks like below!

You can easily register for Spotlight by clicking here. Don’t forget to encourage others to register their opportunities with Spotlight so we can celebrate them with the campus!

If you have any questions contact the CLC at