MyLU Insider

Career Services

Category: Career Services

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – JPMorgan Chase

Looking for a summer internship in finance? There’s still time to apply to the Emerging Talent Program as the Community Reinvestment Strategy Summer Intern! As an intern with Community Reinvestment and Community Partnerships (CRCP), a business unit within JPMorgan Chase, you will have opportunities to partner with the broader CRCP Team and work on areas of lending, investments, and/or services in the firm’s footprint. This is a paid position for nine weeks, between early June and early August. Apply by May 9th! For details on this position and many more coming up for Summer 2022, see Handshake here.

If you would like help with your application materials, please make an appointment on Handshake with Grace Kutney, advisor to the Business & Entrepreneurship (#BE) career community.

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – Harvard Business School CORe Program

Are you a first year or sophomore student interested in business? If so, you may be interested in a new set of online courses through Harvard Business School called Credential for Readiness (CORe). CORe consists of three courses—Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting —and a final exam. These classes will be paid for by the Career Center and students will take them remotely over the summer. Open to first year or sophomore students who have a GPA over 3.5. Apply here before the April 29th deadline.

For help with your application materials, please make an appointment here with Grace Kutney, advisor to the Business & Entrepreneurship (#BE) career community.

Social & Environmental Justice Internship Fund

Thanks to generous donor funding, the Career Center will fund eight student interns this summer who are working/volunteering in the Milwaukee and Fox Cities areas in positions related to social and environmental justice. Each student will receive academic credit and up to a $5000 stipend to support their work throughout the summer. This money can also go towards housing, which we can help you find!

For program details and step by step instructions on securing and reporting an internship, and applying for funding (both with May 16th deadlines), go to:

If you need help reaching out to any of these organizations or preparing materials to apply, please make an appointment with an advisor in the Career Center here. For questions about the funding application, please email Emily Bowles.  

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – VOCAL Technologies is hiring!

Are you looking to use your computer science, math or physics degree to work with an industry leader? VOCAL Technologies, Ltd. provides innovative telecommunications and networking design solutions to a large base of international OEM companies. VOCAL is actively seeking highly motivated designers with knowledge and experience in the following areas (full-time, part-time, and internships available):

  • Software Engineering
  • Hardware Engineering
  • Mathematics and Physics
  • Modulation/Channel Coding Theory
  • Wireless Network Protocol Development
  • RF Hardware Design
  • Multimedia Development

For details on the various positions and to apply by the April 28th deadline, click here. If you would like help with your application materials, please make an appointment on Handshake with Grace Kutney, advisor to the Tech & Data Sciences (#TD) career community.

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – Warner Music Group Emerging Talent Associate Program

Do you want to work in the music industry among a broad and diverse roster of new stars and legendary artists? Warner Music Group’s (WMG) Emerging Talent Associate Program (Virtual – Summer 2021) is a paid program designed to provide students the opportunity to apply their skills and gain hands-on experience in the music industry. For more details and to apply, click here. The application deadline is May 7, 2021.

If you would like help with your application materials, please make an appointment on Handshake with Teri Mueller, advisor to the Visual and Performing Arts (#VPA) career community.

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – U.S. News & World Report Summer Internship

Does working with a passionate and hard-working team of journalists covering education, national security, the economy, health and politics for the News section of U.S. News & World Report sound interesting to you? If so, see Handshake for details about this remote and paid summer internship and apply by April 30th. For help with your application materials, make an appointment here to meet virtually with Ty Collins, advisor to the Communications, Journalism, and Written Arts (#CJW) career community.

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center – Delaware State Parks Internship Program

Does field experience that provides practical work experience and valuable training in the many and varied careers in the state park system interest you? If so, the Delaware State Parks Internship Program offers just that. Interns in the program engage in education, management, administration, and environmental stewardship activities to increase and promote the environmental awareness of visitors. There are 15 positions open in a variety of areas and they fill quickly. Applications are reviewed as they are received so apply today on Handshake!

If you would like help with application materials, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Jacklyn Fischer, advisor to the Physical & Natural Sciences career community.

WERF: Wisconsin Education Recruitment Fair 2021

Are you interested in working in the K-12 school setting? Do you want to explore opportunities with school districts in Wisconsin and nationwide? If so, the Wisconsin Education Recruitment Fair (WERF) is the perfect venue to connect with employers and to learn more about what they are looking for in candidates for their district.  Make the most of Spring Break and attend this fair on Tuesday, March 23rd from 3-7 p.m. CDT.

Register for the fair and view participating school districts and organizations here, and then sign up for informational group and/or 1:1 sessions. If you have questions about how to navigate the fair or would like help preparing for it, we encourage you to make an appointment with Teri Mueller, advisor to the Education & Community Engagement career community in Handshake today!

Opportunity Knocks from the Career Center: RAY Diversity Fellowship Programs

Inspired by efforts to increase racial diversity in environmentally-related sectors, the Roger Arliner Young (RAY) Diversity Fellowship Program supports two cohorts of Fellows per year: RAY Conservation Fellows and RAY Clean Energy Fellows. The RAY Fellowship Program aims to increase and facilitate conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy-related career pathways for emerging leaders of color. There are 19 positions open that are two-year paid fellowships for recent college graduates. See complete list here and check back as more will be added. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis now through March 26. Apply here today!

For help with your application materials, please schedule an appointment on Handshake with Jacklyn Fischer, our new advisor to the Physical & Natural Sciences career community!