MyLU Insider

Diversity and Inclusion

Category: Diversity and Inclusion

The Black Experience in the Fox Cities

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the History Museum at the Castle would like to remind members of the Lawrence University community that they are invited to join us for the next Cultural Competency Lecture. This panel webinar “Stone of Hope: Black Experiences in the Fox Cities,” takes place on February 25, 2021, 11:30am-1:00pm CST via ZOOM.  The “Stone of Hope: Black Experiences in the Fox Cities” pop-up museum is a collaboration between African Heritage, Inc. and the History Museum at the Castle. It is available online and on display at the Warch Center during February 2021. The panelists will discuss bias, trust, inclusive history and highlight Appleton as a case moving through the 1700s to the present.  This panel will share essential research findings and lessons from the “Stone of Hope” regarding how to uncover erased histories of Black experiences, sundown towns, restrictive covenants, the struggle to keep from being re-marginalized, and more.

The following is a link to the Museum’s virtual exhibit offerings:

The panelists for this lecture are:
• Sabrina W. Robins, Ph.D., – Director, Operations, ManpowerGroup, Inc. and
Board Member of African Heritage, Inc., 
• Nicholas Hoffman – Administrator of Museums and Historic Sites,
Wisconsin Historical Society
• Donna K. Sack – Vice President, and Chief Program Officer, Naper Settlement

To receive information about how to join the discussion, contact Cindy Pickart

Reminder – February Upstanding Training

Upstander Training prepares participants to intervene safely and effectively when witnessing incidents of discrimination, harassment, or harm. You’ll engage with real-life scenarios to learn how to effectively identify and challenge negative narratives and behaviors.

Facilitators from Common Talks will provide an interactive training via Zoom on Friday February 26, 2021 from 1-5 p.m.

There is no charge to participate and training is open to the public. Space is limited, though, so please RSVP:

Warm and Fuzzies Virtual Event

Warm and Fuzzies Virtual Event

From February 6th to February 13th. You can send anonymous compliments or words of encourage to an student, staff, or faculty members who are on campus or remote. Your message will be delivered to them on February 14th and candy hearts can be picked up in the Diversity and Intercultural Center.

Scan the QR code to send your message now! Or use this link: (Make sure the last half of link is capitalized).

Brought to you by: the Diversity and Intercultural Center, AIO, Alianza, BSU, CODA, COLORES, LUNA, and PAO. For more information email

Setting Up For Success

Setting up for Success on February 20th at 2:30pm.

In collaboration with the Center for Academic Success and the Wellness Center, this workshop will provide you with information to improve your study skills and tips for practicing selfcare. Participants will be entered to win a prize!

Collaborators: Imelda Gledhill, Center of Academic Success and Corynn Stoltenberg, Wellness Center.

RSVP by scanning the QR Code or join the day of by using the meeting link: Or meeting ID: 927 9721 6343.

Hosted by the Diversity and Intercultural Center.

Professional Development Subcommittee: (Re)Introduction

The Professional Development Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs, and its purpose is to promote and maximize a variety of professional and personal opportunities related to diversity and inclusion in order to improve cultural competency across our campus community of students, staff, and faculty.

The 2020-21 committee members include Karen Brennan (Spiritual and Religious Life), Ed Berthiaume (Communications), Cassie Curry (Planned Giving), Joanna Morey (Center for Academic Success), and Rose Theisen (Research Administration).

The committee shares the University’s commitment to transformation and to become a community dedicated to the active work of antiracism. As part of this commitment, we are improving our communication about professional development opportunities related to diversity and inclusion activities for University employees. Please watch for updates, reminders, and invitations to participate from the Professional Development Subcommittee in future LU Insiders.

The Professional Development Subcommittee is looking for additional staff and faculty to join the committee. Please contact Joanna Morey ( if you are interested in joining the committee.

The Black Experience in the Fox Cities – Cultural Competency Lecture

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the History Museum at the Castle invite members of the Lawrence University community to join us for the next Cultural Competency Lecture, The Black Experience in the Fox Cities.  It takes place on February 25, 2021, 11:30am-1:30pm via ZOOM.

This presentation is based on the History Museum at the Castle’s “Stone of Hope: Black Experiences in the Fox Cities” exhibit online and on display at the Warch Center during the month of February 2021. The moderator will be Dr. Sabrina Robins, Co-Chair of African Heritage, Inc. Dr. Robbins will discuss the Black experience from the 1700s to the present in the Appleton region. She will cover how the area went from being home to a thriving community of African Americans during the 1800s to a sundown town in the early 1900’s and the strides being made currently to enhance the Black experience in the region. The following is a link to the Museum’s virtual exhibit offerings:

To receive information about how to join the discussion, contact Cindy Pickart

February Upstander Training

Upstander Training prepares participants to intervene safely and effectively when witnessing incidents of discrimination, harassment, or harm. You’ll engage with real-life scenarios to learn how to effectively identify and challenge negative narratives and behaviors.

Facilitators from Common Talks will provide an interactive training via Zoom on Friday February 26, 2021 from 1-5 p.m. There is no charge to participate and training is open to the public. Space is limited, though, so please RSVP:

Staff & Faculty Book Read

The employee resource group LIFT UP is very excited to announce a faculty and staff book reading event for the beginning of spring term.  We will be reading and discussing The Privileged Poor:  How Elite Colleges are Failing Disadvantaged Students. The book discussions will culminate in a virtual talk given by the author, Dr. Anthony Abraham Jack of Harvard University on Thursday, April 8.

The due date for registration to receive a book and sign up for a book discussion date/time is Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. CST. Register at Questions can be directed to the co-chairs of LIFT UP, Rose Wasielewski or Kate Zoromski.

Take a survey on diversity, equity and inclusion and help stock the Lawrence food pantry!

On February 1st, Dr. Kimberly Barrett will send an email with the subject line, “Members of the Lawrence community: Share your perspective on the campus climate for diversity and equity,” inviting you to participate in the HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey.

In this survey, we will ask about your perceptions of Lawrence’s climate and support of diversity and equity, as well as your experiences with discrimination and harassment. We hope that every member of our community will participate in this important survey, regardless of whether or not you have experienced discrimination or harassment at Lawrence. The survey will remain open until March 1st.

The survey is being administered by HEDS, an independent organization, and your responses will be anonymous to Lawrence. We will only receive data in which any survey information that might identify you has been removed. Participation in the HEDS Survey will enable comparison of results across universities, which will be a new opportunity for us to better understand the data.

Your input is essential!

To that end, if at least 300 students and employees complete the survey, 25¢ for each completed survey will be donated to the campus food pantry. If at least 600 students and employees complete the survey, 50¢ for each completed survey will be donated to the campus food pantry, which IF WE ALL PARTICIPATE could result in a total donation over $1000!