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Diversity and Inclusion

Category: Diversity and Inclusion

Reminder: Dr. Barrett’s Office Hours

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The Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Dr. Kimberly Barrett, will continue to provide opportunities for students to meet with her this term via Zoom. Dates and times are listed below:


  • May 14
  • May 28

Please, contact Cindy Pickart, for an appointment and zoom link information. Individual meetings will occur on a first come, first served basis.

This Week’s Virtual Hug 5-7-20

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope”.
Barack Obama 

Tip for Inclusion Online:
Unplug regularly. Constant Zooming for class, meetings and social connection at a distance can cause a significant amount of fatigue, particularly when done in the midst of a world-wide health crisis. So it is important to spend time offline in order to be at our intellectual and emotional best. Routinely take time to read a physical book, spend time in nature even if that entails simply opening a window, and doing something physical like exercise or enjoying a quiet moment of reflection. Self-care is key to well-being anytime but especially during times like these.

Resources for emotional well-being and self-care:

Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus

National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources

Lawrence University Wellness Services

Something that brings me joy…
Taking advantage of warm weather that allows for a short visit with my son outside at his new home in the country a few miles from Madison. Even if it must be socially distant, we still feel the love six feet (or cities) apart. 

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well-being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
and Associate Dean of the Faculty

This Week’s Virtual Hug 4-30-20

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:
The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them and lessens the threat of their differences.“
Audre Lorde

Tip for Inclusion Online:
Act as if words matter. We communicate best online when our writing is simple, clear and factual. Avoid sarcasm, idiosyncratic colloquialisms and all capital letters. In addition, remember just because you are not physically sharing the same space with someone does not mean it is acceptable to be rude, engage in name calling or be intentionally offensive. Recently, people have won significant financial settlements in the courts for being harassed online. So, if you wouldn’t say it in person don’t say it online. 

If you are a target of harassment, report it here.

Something that brings me joy…
Although I am being very intentional about eating healthy these days, my husband’s homemade triple chocolate cookies brought me guilty pleasure this weekend. He made them with ingredients he happened to find in the pantry. 

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
and Associate Dean of the Faculty

Dr. Barrett’s Virtual Office Hours

The Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Dr. Kimberly Barrett, will continue to provide opportunities for students to meet with her this term via Zoom. Dates and times are listed below:


  • April 30
  • May 14
  • May 28

Please, contact Cindy Pickart, for an appointment and zoom link information. Individual meetings will occur on a first come, first served basis.

Unmasking and Unmaking the Hidden Curriculum— with Dr. Marcia Chatelain

A workshop you can learn and grow from remotely.

When: Thursday, May 7, 2020
Time: EITHER 9–10:15 a.m. OR 10:30-11:45 a.m.
(Participants will also be invited to sign up for “Office Hours”
meetings that afternoon.)

Where: Zoom, of course!

Reservation link:

“. . .in academe, there are unwritten rules and unspoken expectations.“
From Chatelain’s essay in The Chronicle of Higher Education: Help-First-Generation/244830

Her webpage:
Questions? Contact Kathy Privatt:

This Week’s Virtual Hug 4-24-20

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” Maya Angelou

Tip for Inclusion Online:

Remember the Platinum Rule. The platinum rule states that we should treat others as they want to be treated. I think of it as a step beyond the golden rule of treating folks as we want to be treated. In a diverse community we cannot assume that others expectations are the same as ours, particularly online. So we should devise ways of letting people make us aware of their preferences and be open to honoring them. Conversely, we should, also, afford others a little grace as they come to understand and value our differences, especially during these times of constant change and uncertainty.

Something that brings me joy…

Going for a walk after the rain and seeing the first signs of spring, the daffodils, blooming in my yard is bringing me joy these days. 

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.

Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

and Associate Dean of the Faculty

This Week’s Virtual Hug

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Desmond Tutu

Tip for Inclusion Online:

Slow Down. When we interact virtually, we are missing many of the cues that give meaning to our interpersonal interactions. So we need to be sure to be fully present, avoid multitasking and make sure we read all posts and assignments carefully. Remember, implicit bias most often happens when we are in a rush or tired. This is an opportunity for us to break the habit of “Lawrence Busy”, focusing on one thing at a time, particularly on the things that matter most at this moment.

Speaking of busy, let’s show some gratitude to our colleagues in technology services who are supporting all that we do at a distance. Thank you!

Also, let’s keep in mind the locations and populations that are being hit especially hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly as we integrate these topics into the curriculum, community engaged learning and volunteer opportunities.

Something that brings me joy…

Winning when playing my very competitive husband in one of his favorite games, cribbage, brings me much joy lately. The other Dr. Barrett doesn’t like to lose. And now that I have time to play regularly in the evenings he is being forced to learn some humility (because I’m triumphant quite often).

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.

Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

and Associate Dean of the Faculty

Diversity and Intercultural Center Virtual Drop-Ins

Chat with us! While classes are being offered remotely, the staff at the Diversity and Intercultural Center is offering Virtual Drop-In hours via Zoom. If the available times do not work for your schedule please feel free to email us directly. To enter our chat room, you can click the link below or enter our 10 digit ID included in the poster. All meetings are Central Time Zone (CDT).

Dr. Brittany Bell Weekly Drop-In Hours

Mon: 12pm-1pm* & 1pm-2pm, Tues: 9am-11am, Wed: 1-2pm* & 2-3pm

Meeting ID: 275-581-7794

Dr. Brittany Bell:

Yeng’s Weekly Drop-In Hours

Mon: 3-5pm*, Wed: 10am-12pm, Thu: 3pm-4pm & 4pm-5pm*

Meeting ID: 458-784-5972

Yeng Lee:

Group Drop-In: You will join the Zoom meeting with a staff member and other students at the same time.

Private Drop-In: Students will be placed in the waiting room until let in by a staff member. 

*indicates group drop-ins

Please contact Jordyn and Laura for meeting IDs and Passwords:



Join Me in a Virtual Hug!

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week

“When one door of happiness closes another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.”

Helen Keller

Tip for Inclusion Online

Practice kindness. Kindness can be the thread that connects us as we work together at a distance. Offering to set up a time to ‘chat’ with someone outside of class, being flexible and calling people in when you disagree with someone (especially online) can go a long way in leveling the playing field when we are all working and learning in different settings and circumstances. Keep in mind that you have no way of knowing the additional responsibilities and demands people are juggling at a distance. To learn more about the science and impact of kindness follow this link.

With that in mind let’s send some love to our students, alumni and others who are in New York or have family there. It is currently being hit particularly hard by the pandemic.

Something that brings me joy…

Playing catch with my kitten, Snowflake, who technically was a gift to my husband, brings me joy. It all began one evening while I was watching television in bed. Snowflake picked up her favorite furry toy, jumped up on the bed and put it down next to me. When I finally noticed it I threw it off the bed. She brought it back to me. We repeated this a few times. Then she took it to my husband who was sitting in a chair across the room. She alternated fetching it between the two of us. We have been playing catch every day since. In the attached video I tried to demonstrate my cat playing catch, but true to her kitty nature she had something else in mind, but it was still fun.

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.

Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

and Associate Dean of the Faculty