MyLU Insider

Diversity and Inclusion

Category: Diversity and Inclusion

Employees of Color Resource Group meeting announcement

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Nathan Marsh Pusey room • Warch Campus Center.

Join us for a gathering of LU Staff and Faculty of Color.  We will meet each other to discuss how you have found or created a sense of belonging and connection at LU and the Fox Cities as well as next steps.

Join us at 4:30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. For more information contact:
Carla Daughtry (x7176) or Ariela Rosa (x7446).

Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on February 7th

Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The second session of open office hours for Winter Term is being held on February 7th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.

Upstander Training on February 17th (RSVP by February 11)

February 17, 2018
Esch Hurvis Studio (WCC), 10 am – 2 pm 
Please RSVP by February 11 by emailing us at! (limited seats)
Lawrence Students, Staff, Faculty and people from the Appleton community are invited to attend. The Upstander training will help you build the skills to interrupt bullying or other harmful behaviors and comments. Learn how to become an agent for change and co-creator of positive narratives about race and other identities. Participants will unpack real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively challenge prejudice in our community. Those who plan to attend are asked to commit to be present for the entire training session.

Cultural Competency – Fat Stigma: Why All of Us Are Stakeholders in Obesity

Fat stigma is real; it is worldwide; and it has real consequences, including worsening health outcomes and exacerbating obesity. Americans’ understanding of the causes of bodyweight variation is dominated by a personal responsibility frame. This session will draw on research, as well as personal experience, to provide a more complex and nuanced exploration of the causes of bodyweight variation in the contemporary world. Preliminary results from a recent focus group study with large-bodied individuals in the Fox Valley will be presented and discussed. The purpose of the session is to help us develop more productive ways to understand this element of diversity so that we can engage in less counterproductive stigmatizing and blaming in order to show more respect and inclusion for people of all sizes.

Please RSVP to by January 9th!

Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on January 11th

Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The first open office hours for Winter Term are being held on January 11th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.

Dignity and Respect Campaign Kick-Off

Date: January 16, 2018
Vanue: Cinema (Warch Campus Center), 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm 
Celebrating inclusion of all ages, cultures and backgrounds, the Dignity & Respect Campaign, is a year-long engagement for the entire community! The evening will feature the launching of Appleton’s Dignity & Respect website and will give attendees the opportunity to take the pledge.

January Cultural Competency Lecture Series

Cultural Competency Lecture Series

January 11, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Esch Hurvis Room (225)

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology Mark R. Jenike

Fat Stigma: Why All of Us Are Stakeholders in Obesity

Fat stigma is real; it is worldwide; and it has real consequences, including worsening health outcomes and exacerbating obesity. Americans’ understanding of the causes of bodyweight variation is dominated by a personal responsibility frame. This session will draw on research, as well as personal experience, to provide a more complex and nuanced exploration of the causes of bodyweight variation in the contemporary world. Preliminary results from a recent focus group study with large-bodied individuals in the Fox Valley will be presented and discussed. The purpose of the session is to help us develop more productive ways to understand this element of diversity so that we can engage in less counterproductive stigmatizing and blaming in order to show more respect and inclusion for people of all sizes.

Please RSVP to by January 9!

Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on January 11th

Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The first open office hours for Winter Term are being held on January 11th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.


January Cultural Competency Lecture

Cultural Competency Lecture Series

January 4, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Esch Hurvis Room (225)

Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology Mark R. Jenike

 Fat Stigma: Why All of Us Are Stakeholders in Obesity

Fat stigma is real; it is worldwide; and it has real consequences, including worsening health outcomes and exacerbating obesity. Americans’ understanding of the causes of bodyweight variation is dominated by a personal responsibility frame. This session will draw on research, as well as personal experience, to provide a more complex and nuanced exploration of the causes of bodyweight variation in the contemporary world. Preliminary results from a recent focus group study with large-bodied individuals in the Fox Valley will be presented and discussed. The purpose of the session is to help us develop more productive ways to understand this element of diversity so that we can engage in less counterproductive stigmatizing and blaming in order to show more respect and inclusion for people of all sizes.

Please RSVP to by January 2!

Upstander Training

This training is open to ALL Lawrence Students, Staff and Faculty Members.

The Bystander/Upstander training will help you build the skills to interrupt bullying or other harmful behaviors and comments. Learn how to become an agent for change and co-creator of positive narratives about race and other identities. Participants will unpack real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively challenge prejudice in our community.

Date & Time: November 13, 4:30-8:30 PM

Location: Warch Camper Center – Somerset Room (324)

Please RSVP to by November 10.

This session will be facilitated by FIT OSHKOSH trainers and is sponsored by Lawrence University’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion.