MyLU Insider

Financial Services

Category: Financial Services

FINAL REMINDER – Finance year- end deadline is Friday, July 16 for invoice and CERTIFY processing

In order for Finance to process the June 30 year end accurately, please be reminded of the following:

    • Please approve invoices for FY21and forward them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 16th (scan and email is acceptable!)
      • Any invoice received after July 16th , will be entered into FY22.  If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to FY21, but have not received it by the deadline of July 16, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.
      • For invoices being processed near June 30, please clearly identify which fiscal year the invoice relates to as FY21 or FY22. 
        • Generally, invoices should be recorded in the fiscal year for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoice is dated June 25th, 2021 but is for services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice should be posted to FY22. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2021 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice should be posted to FY21. 
        • If there has been a consistent alternate posting method for a routine vendor invoice, please make note of this on the invoice.
    • All FY21 expense reports should be created, reviewed and approved NO LATER than July 16.
      • If you are contacted by Financial Services regarding late reports, PLEASE comply with their requests to complete your outstanding CERTIFY reports for compliance with our annual outside audit. 
    • If any down payments for product or services were made on an LU credit card, please contact Financial Services for proper coding.
    • CAUTION:  In CERTIFY, please review credit card purchases made near June 30 and only include purchases that should be entered into FY21 on your final June 15-June 30 expense report.  There may be transactions that were purchased prior to June 30; however, they may be posted with a July 2021 date in CERTIFY due to the banking industry processes.  If there is a July posted transaction that should be in FY21, you may include that transaction on your final June CERTIFY report.  You will have to modify your report date range to June 15- July 1 or as applicable. 
  • Please contact Brandie Jewett X6542, Kay Guilette (credit cards) X7205 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.

FINANCE Fiscal Year 21 DEADLINE-July 16

The end of our FISCAL YEAR JUNE 30, 2021 has arrived! Please be reminded of the following :

    • Please approve invoices for FY21and have them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 16th
      • Any invoice received in our office after July 16th , will be entered into FY22.  If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to FY21, but have not received it by the deadline of July 16, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.
      • For invoices being processed near June 30, please clearly identify which fiscal year the invoice relates to as FY21 or FY22. 
        • Generally, invoices should be recorded in the fiscal year for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoice is dated June 25th, 2021 but is for services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice should be posted to FY22. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2021 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice should be posted to FY21. 
        • If there has been a consistent alternate posting method for a routine vendor invoice, please make note of this on the invoice.
    • All FY21 expense reports should be created, reviewed and approved NO LATER than July 16.
      • If you are contacted by Financial Services regarding late reports, PLEASE comply with their requests to complete your outstanding CERTIFY reports for compliance with our annual outside audit. 
    • If any down payments for product or services were made on an LU credit card, please contact Financial Services for proper coding.
    • CAUTION:  In CERTIFY, please review credit card purchases made near June 30 and only include purchases that should be entered into FY21 on your final June 15-June 30 expense report.  There may be transactions that were purchased prior to June 30; however, they may be posted with a July 2021 date in CERTIFY due to the banking industry processes.  If there is a July posted transaction that should be in FY21, you may include that transaction on your final June CERTIFY report.  You will have to modify your report date range to June 15- July 1 or as applicable. 
  • Please contact Brandie Jewett X6542, Kay Guilette (credit cards) X7205 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.


With our FISCAL YEAR END JUNE 30, 2021 (FY21) approaching, please be reminded of the following :

    • Please approve invoices for FY21and have them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 16th
      • Any invoice received in our office after July 16th , will be entered into FY22.  If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to FY21, but have not received it by the deadline of July 16, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.
      • For invoices being processed near June 30, please clearly identify which fiscal year the invoice relates to as FY21 or FY22. 
        • Generally, invoices should be recorded in the fiscal year for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoice is dated June 25th, 2021 but is for services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice should be posted to FY22. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2021 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice should be posted to FY21. 
        • If there has been a consistent alternate posting method for a routine vendor invoice, please make note of this on the invoice.
    • All FY21 expense reports should be created, reviewed and approved NO LATER than July 16.
      • If you are contacted by Financial Services regarding late reports, PLEASE comply with their requests to complete your outstanding CERTIFY reports for compliance with our annual outside audit. 
    • If any down payments for product or services were made on an LU credit card, please contact Financial Services for proper coding.
    • CAUTION:  In CERTIFY, please review credit card purchases made near June 30 and only include purchases that should be entered into FY21 on your final June 15-June 30 expense report.  There may be transactions that were purchased prior to June 30; however, they may be posted with a July 2021 date in CERTIFY due to the banking industry processes.  If there is a July posted transaction that should be in FY21, you may include that transaction on your final June CERTIFY report.  You will have to modify your report date range to June 15- July 1 or as applicable. 
  • Please contact Brandie Jewett X6542, Kay Guilette (credit cards) X7205 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.

Emergency Grant Funding is Available for All Lawrentians

On Friday, May 28 students received the following email:

We know many students continue to incur extraordinary or unplanned expenses due to the ongoing global pandemic. We write today to let you know emergency grant funding is available to assist with some of these expenses.

Thanks to Higher Education Emergency Relief (HEERF) funds the university received via grants from the Department of Education, emergency grant funding is available for all Lawrentians—regardless of citizenship status.

HEERF grants are prioritized for students with exceptional need. Emergency grant funding is intended to help with any component of your cost of attendance (such as tuition, housing, food, transportation, technology, health care, personal expenses or dependent care), as well as emergency costs that arose due to the pandemic. Although funding is not available for future expenses over the summer, a significant amount of HEERF grants will be available to students at the beginning of the 2021-22 academic year.

HEERF grants for this round of applications will be disbursed on June 16. Grant payment can be applied towards your student account or paid directly to you (by check or deposited in your bank account on file with Lawrence). To apply for funding, click here or visit

The priority consideration date to complete the application is 4:59pm CT on Sunday, June 13, 2021

Stay well.

Curt Lauderdale 
Dean of Students

Ryan Gebler 
Director of Financial Aid