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Category: My Department

Budget Info, Updates & Feedback

As we look for opportunities across the University to ensure our financial stability, it is important that we keep the campus community aware of our progress. Updates on the budget allocation process will be made throughout the winter and spring and shared with the Lawrence community via a new blog and through other communications, including emails and presentations. For more information or to share questions, comments, or suggestions throughout this process (and you do have the option to have your submission be shared anonymously ), visit

President’s Award of Excellence

It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2018 President’s Award of Excellence to recognize staff members who continually go above and beyond for the betterment of Lawrence.

The President’s Award of Excellence (PAE) recognizes exemplary University staff members for their exceptional support and performance for their Department and the University. The President and the PAE Review Committee will select up to 2 individuals annually for this award.


The PAE Review Committee will carefully consider all nominations, taking into consideration the following criteria:

  • Innovation and Enhancement: Drives innovation, initiative and leadership in the workplace through creative ideas which positively impact the University and/or the surrounding community.
  • Support of Individuals: Demonstrates above and beyond commitment to provide timely service and support to the students, staff or faculty.
  • Stewardship of Campus Facilities & Resources: Demonstrates a high level of care and responsible management for the well-being of the University and its resources for the benefit of our students, staff, and faculty.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Cultivates trust, respect, and actively includes different perspectives while working in partnership with others to create an environment of comradery and collaboration.
  • Fosters a Diverse & Welcoming Community: Individual is committed to fostering a community that embraces all members and provides equal access, opportunity, and outcome to cultivate inclusion and dialogue across differences.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Nominees must be an active, regular full or part-time staff member with a minimum of one year of service (Senior Administrators, faculty, student workers/students and staff with less than one year of service, casual, temporary, leased/contracted employees are not eligible for nomination.)
  • Exhibits consistent demonstration of the criteria listed above
  • Demonstrates and maintains consistent job performance that exceeds expectations while displaying high levels of commitment, stewardship and respect

On behalf of Mark and the PAE Review Committee, we strongly encourage you to nominate a deserving colleague for the 2018 President’s Award of Excellence.  You may nominate a staff member from your own department or another department.

Nominations will be accepted now through Wednesday, January 16, 2019. Nomination forms are available on the President’s Award of Excellence page describing how the employee encompasses the above mentioned criteria. A persuasive nomination will consist of heartfelt examples that illustrate the merit of the candidate, along with real-life anecdotes. The nomination form can be submitted by one of the following methods:

Email:  HumanResources@Lawrence.Edu
Interoffice Mail: Human Resources, Brokaw Hall
WebForm: President’s Award of Excellence

Thank you in advance for helping us to identify and honor outstanding members of our Lawrence University staff!

Holiday Payroll Deadlines

As a reminder, campus will be closed beginning the week of December 24th through January 1st. Payroll will continue to process paychecks for the December 28th payday. In order for payroll to process timely, deadlines for time sheet submission and approval will be adjusted as outlined below:

  • Thursday, December 20th  – submit timesheet for approval to supervisor by 4 p.m.
  • Friday, December 21st  – supervisors approve time sheets by 8 a.m.

We understand that to meet the needs of campus during campus closures, a small number of employees will be working. Those who work that week will be notified by their supervisor to establish their work schedules and discuss paid time off alternatives.  Contact the Human Resources & Payroll Office should you have any questions.  We hope you enjoy the upcoming holiday!

College Ave. Crosswalk Lights

The City of Appleton is installing a new button activation system this week for the mid-block College Avenue crosswalks between Drew and Lawe Streets. The new system will require pedestrians to push a button to activate the warning lights. This change will cut down on false activations, which can reduce the effectiveness of the lights. If you have questions, please contact Jake Woodford at 832-6850.

320 E. College Avenue Update

The process of selling the former bank building at 320 E. College Avenue continues. While this process was expected to conclude in the fall, negotiations between the City and developer remain ongoing and a closing date has not been set. This sale does not envision changes to Lawrence-owned parking immediately to the north of that building.

Holiday Payroll Deadlines

As a reminder, campus will be closed beginning the week of December 24th through January 1st. Payroll will continue to process paychecks for the December 28th payday. In order for payroll to process timely, deadlines for time sheet submission and approval will be adjusted as outlined below:

  • Thursday, December 20th  – submit timesheet for approval to supervisor by 4 p.m.
  • Friday, December 21st  – supervisors approve time sheets by 8 a.m.

We understand that to meet the needs of campus during campus closures, a small number of employees will be working. Those who work that week will be notified by their supervisor to establish their work schedules and discuss paid time off alternatives.  Contact the Human Resources & Payroll Office should you have any questions.  We hope you enjoy the upcoming holiday!

Responsibility Charting Lunch & Learn

You are invited to attend a lunch & learn session on December 11 (11am – 1pm) in Esch Hurvis in the Warch Campus Center to learn about the process of Responsibility Charting.

This technique is utilized to assist in the identification of roles and responsibilities as it relates to decision making and implementation.  James Krantz, an Executive Consultant in areas of organizational change and leadership, will facilitate an informal and interactive session that is open to all members of the Lawrence community.

Contact Human Resources should you have any questions;  please feel free to bring your lunch and join us.  No RSVP is required.

November New Hires

The following colleagues have been hired or rehired within the last couple of weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence! 

Alex Baldschun – Assistant Director of Bjorklunden
Dan Hamrin – Director of Admissions Operations and Systems
Alan Knapinski – Custodian
Shelly Krueger – Senior Systems Analyst
Jedidiah Rex – Instructional Designer
Jovita Velarde Garcia – Bon Appetit – Front of House
Shelby Rae – User Support Specialist I