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Accounts Payable Year End Reminders

As we approach FISCAL YEAR END JUNE 30, 2018, please be reminded of the following :

  • In order to allow the Financial Services office to prepare for Lawrence University’s annual audit, we ask that you approve invoices for the fiscal year ending 06/30/18 and have them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 13th. Any invoice received in our office after July 13th will be entered into the 2018-19 fiscal year regardless of the date on the invoice or the date of the delivery of the product or service. If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to the 2017-18 fiscal year, but have not received it by the deadline, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.


  • Invoices will be entered in the fiscal period for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoices is dated June 25th, 2018 but is for a services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice will go to the next fiscal year. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2018 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice will be posted back to the 2017-18 fiscal year.  Purchases or services that are to be reflected as June 30, 2018 expenses need to be purchased and received by June 30, 2018.
    • Purchases WILL be considered made/paid by June 30, 2018 if they are purchased on an LU purchasing credit card, regardless of whether the item/service has been received by June 30


  • Down payments will not be considered an expense as of June 30, 2018.
    • LU has to be in receipt of the item purchased by June 30, 2018 to be considered a valid expense to hit the books as of June 30, 2018.


  • It is NOT necessary that the invoice be in hand by June 30, 2018; howeverFinancial Services needs to be made aware that the expense is to be dated for fiscal year June 30, 2018 if it will not be clear on the invoice when the invoice is received after fiscal year end.


  • If you have a specific invoice for which you would like to make an exception, please contact Brandie Jewett X6542 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.

Learning @ LU Collaborative (LLC)



Who: Staff, faculty, and administrator presenters will share their perspectives with all staff and faculty on a variety of topics surrounding a general theme of change.

What: This day will be focused on educating each other on current changes both at Lawrence and throughout our world, whether social, political, environmental, or scientific. Light refreshments will be served during a morning social and throughout the program.

When: Wednesday, June 20th from 8:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Where: Warch Campus Center

Why: The included topics will encompass current changes in our world and emphasize the various ways in which change can manifest and come about. Attendees will have the opportunity to enhance their awareness of several key ongoing developments as well as of our role in understanding and creating change.


HR Forms Library

All HR forms can now be found in one convenient location in the Forms Library on the Human Resources webpage. Here you will find forms relating to Benefits, Payroll, Safety & Injury, Reporting, FMLA, Employee Information Changes, etc. Please contact HR if you need any assistance in finding a form that is not located in the Forms Library.

Final Report From the Life After Lawrence Task Force

We are pleased to announce that the Final Report from the Life after Lawrence Task Force was endorsed by the Board of Trustees at the mid-May meeting.  The Final Report is a summary of the recommended objectives, goals, strategies and initiatives for Life after Lawrence following eight months of work by the task force.  In line with university practice, we are now publishing the report on-line and would like to open it up for public comment.  Comments will be received through mid-July and will be integrated into the next phase of the initiative which is the development of the Implementation Plan.  The Implementation Plan will be drafted during July-September and will be presented to the Board of Trustees for endorsement at the November 2018 meeting.  Implementation of the task force’s full recommendations are anticipated to take up to five years and involve all constituencies of Lawrence including students, faculty, staff, alumni and parents.  Comments will be received through July 15, 2018.  The full report and comment form can be viewed at the following link:

Thank you,
Christopher Card, Vice-President for Student Life
Anne Jones, Interim Executive Director, Career Services

Accreditation FAQ II

Lawrence is preparing for an accreditation review, a process that every institution of higher education undergoes. Below are answers to questions about where we are in the process. (See the original Accreditation FAQ at for information about what accreditation is and why it matters.)

What’s happening with accreditation?

The Accreditation & Assessment Committee has been preparing materials for our upcoming review by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The review has three parts:

(1) Quality Initiative Report: Title III Project Director Matt Stoneking is preparing a report on years 4-5 of our Title III project to improve retention, persistence, and completion by first-generation students and students from traditionally underrepresented groups.

(2) Assurance Argument & Evidence File:  The committee has drafted arguments for the five quality assurance criteria set by the HLC, and these arguments link to evidence documents collected from across the university. The arguments and evidence are being loaded into the HLC system for further editing and review.

(3) Federal Compliance Form:  Director of Research Administration Kristin McKinley has gathered evidence to show our compliance with federal requirements—including 25 appendices!

The Higher Learning Commission has selected a team of five peer reviewers from public and private universities. The team will review our materials in September and visit campus to meet with administration, faculty, staff, students, and trustees on October 1-2.

Students and the public have been invited to submit comments to the HLC via a student survey emailed to all students in April and public notices sent to our public email list and placed in alumni magazines and local newspapers.

What’s coming up?

This summer we will edit our materials and update the evidence before we lock our submission at the end of August.  In September, we will communicate with the campus community about preparing for the review visit.  On October 1-2, the HLC peer review team will be on campus to conduct their comprehensive evaluation.

How can I help?

If you receive a request to provide information or documents for the evidence file, please respond right away.  You may also be asked to review parts of the argument or evidence for accuracy.  At the start of the academic year in September, we expect that you will be eager to hear about our review visit and the role that you might play.

Learning @ LU Collaborative (LLC)



Who: Staff, faculty, and administrator presenters will share their perspectives with all staff and faculty on a variety of topics surrounding a general theme of change.

What: This day will be focused on educating each other on current changes both at Lawrence and throughout our world, whether social, political, environmental, or scientific. Light refreshments will be served during a morning social and throughout the program.

When: Wednesday, June 20th from 8:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Where: Warch Campus Center

Why: The included topics will encompass current changes in our world and emphasize the various ways in which change can manifest and come about. Attendees will have the opportunity to enhance their awareness of several key ongoing developments as well as of our role in understanding and creating change.


2018 Summer Residential Camps & Programs

Residential summer camps and programs arrive on campus June 17. Guests will be housed in Trever, Sage, Kohler and Hiett Halls and Big and Little Exec Apartments.

Camp Akeela and Beyond Akeela return for their second year and have nearly doubled in size. Some of these campers have an ASD or Asperger’s diagnosis, a Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NLD or NVLD), or a related social communication disorder. Highly-trained counselors will ensure they experience a fun-filled, engaging camp experience that supports their social growth and independent living skills.

The College Horizons Scholars Program, a three-week summer program designed to empower Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian College Horizons alumni in their transition from high school to college, returns to campus for a second year. The program is hosted by Lawrence University with support from the Mellon Foundation and focuses on academic, co-curricular and campus life to help students acclimate to their first year of college.

Lawrence University will once again host the Lawrence University Science Institute (LUSI) for rising seniors who are interested in applying to Lawrence in the fall. Participants will have the opportunity to shadow current Lawrence students, assisted by biology, chemistry, geology and physics faculty members, in their various departmental research.

Nike Swim Camps return for their third year with two sold out camps. These popular camps are operated by Lawrence University’s Head Swimming and Diving Coach Andrew Fleek. Men’s Head Soccer Coach Will Greer plans to host a 2 night overnight ID Camp for prospective student athletes at the end of July. Olympic silver medalist Jinelle Siergiej will also be returning with her Crazy Eights hockey camp for female athletes.

The Atlantic Brass Quintet Seminar, an annual residential immersive summer program established in 1993, endures as one of the most popular summer destinations for both student and professional brass players. Thanks to Assistant Professor of Music Tim Albright, the seminar will move to Lawrence University in 2018. Widely acclaimed as one of the world’s finest and most versatile brass chamber ensembles, the Atlantic Brass Quintet has performed in 48 of the United States and dozens of countries across four continents.

Lawrence will offer EAA housing for the first summer since 2013. Guests will be arriving from as far away as Japan. A three night minimum stay on campus is required.

Current LU students, Mathew Larosiliere and Adrian Odamtten, will serve as 24/7 Summer Conference Assistants.