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Accounts Payable Year End Reminders

As we approach FISCAL YEAR END JUNE 30, 2018, please be reminded of the following :

  • In order to allow the Financial Services office to prepare for Lawrence University’s annual audit, we ask that you approve invoices for the fiscal year ending 06/30/18 and have them to the Financial Services office by Friday, July 13th. Any invoice received in our office after July 13th will be entered into the 2018-19 fiscal year regardless of the date on the invoice or the date of the delivery of the product or service. If you are expecting an invoice that needs to be posted to the 2017-18 fiscal year, but have not received it by the deadline, please contact Financial Services to work out a solution.


  • Invoices will be entered in the fiscal period for which the delivery of the product or service relates. For example, if an invoices is dated June 25th, 2018 but is for a services that will be provided after July 1st, the invoice will go to the next fiscal year. Conversely, if the invoice has a date of July 5th, 2018 but was for services provided prior to June 30th, that invoice will be posted back to the 2017-18 fiscal year.  Purchases or services that are to be reflected as June 30, 2018 expenses need to be purchased and received by June 30, 2018.
    • Purchases WILL be considered made/paid by June 30, 2018 if they are purchased on an LU purchasing credit card, regardless of whether the item/service has been received by June 30


  • Down payments will not be considered an expense as of June 30, 2018.
    • LU has to be in receipt of the item purchased by June 30, 2018 to be considered a valid expense to hit the books as of June 30, 2018.


  • It is NOT necessary that the invoice be in hand by June 30, 2018; however, Financial Services needs to be made aware that the expense is to be dated for fiscal year June 30, 2018 if it will not be clear on the invoice when the invoice is received after fiscal year end.


  • If you have a specific invoice for which you would like to make an exception, please contact Brandie Jewett X6542 or Amy Price X7164 with any questions.

Current Open Positions at Lawrence

Summer Electrician Assistant 

Find out more at and apply at Lawrence Careers.

WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan Transition

On June 1, 2018 the Lawrence University Retirement Readiness Plan transitioned to the WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan. Retirement accounts will continue with Transamerica. On-campus meetings were held with Transamerica on May 21-24 and Björklunden on May 25 to clarify this transition. If you were unable to attend one of these meetings or would like to review any of the transition materials, see the HR webpage.

May New Hires and Promotions

The following colleagues have been hired or rehired within the last couple of weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence! 

  • Bryce Armstrong – Materials Management Assistant (Office of Campus Safety)
  • Crystal Bailey – Temporary Housing Coordinator (Campus Life)
  • Wesley Breyer – Summer Maintenance & Painting Staff (Facility Services)
  • Kimberly Giertz-Karis – Director of Accessibility and Academic Skills Services (Center for Academic Success)
  • Amy Henderson – Administrative Assistant (Science Hall Office)
  • Jacob Iodence – Assistant Football Coach: Quarterbacks (Athletics)
  • Tristan Kercher – Facilities Maintenance Assistant (Facility Services)
  • Kim Sturm – Bon Appetit Front of House (Contracted Dining Services)
  • Blia Vang – Human Resources Coordinator (Human Resources)


The following colleagues have recently moved to a new position within Lawrence. Please take the time to congratulate them on their new position! 

  • Amy Tesch – Executive Assistant (Development)

Staff and Faculty Thank You Picnic June 5

The time is approaching for our annual celebration of the role our entire community plays in providing a welcoming environment to our prospective students and their families.

Annual Admissions & Financial Aid Gratitude Cookout
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Wriston Amphitheater (rain date Wed, June 6)

11:30am-1:00 pm

Please RSVP to Lynn Van Zeeland at ext. 6506 or We hope you can join us to celebrate our work together.

We are assembling another one of those nifty “by the numbers” sheets, so please send Lynn any fun facts that represent your area (e.g., # of calls to the Help Desk; # of Sriracha bottles downed in Andrew Commons, etc.).
Thank you for all you do,

Ken Anselment

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid

The Rock!

The Rock with Main Hall and Stephenson Hall of Science in the background, circa 1900

You might have noticed a “new” addition to Main Hall green. After a 20-year absence from campus, the Rock has returned! In 1895, members of the senior class came upon the large boulder on a geology field trip to Mosquito Hill near New London and decided to make it their class gift. They hauled it back to campus, carved “Class of 95” into it, and set it in front of Main Hall. The story of the Rock has had a great many twists and turns in over 100 years, but we are happy to have it back on campus. Special thanks to staff members in Facility Services for getting the Rock spruced up and safely situated in its current resting place.

For more information about the history of the Rock, contact the LU Archives at

Learning @ LU Collaborative (LLC)


Who: Staff, faculty, and administrator presenters will share their perspectives with all staff and faculty on a variety of topics surrounding a general theme of change.

What: This day will be focused on educating each other on current changes both at Lawrence and throughout our world, whether social, political, environmental, or scientific. Light refreshments will be served during a morning social and throughout the program.

When: Wednesday, June 20th from 8:00 AM – 12:15 PM

Where: Warch Campus Center

Why: The included topics will encompass current changes in our world and emphasize the various ways in which change can manifest and come about. Attendees will have the opportunity to enhance their awareness of several key ongoing developments as well as of our role in understanding and creating change.


WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan Transition

Beginning on June 1, 2018 the Lawrence University Retirement Readiness Plan will transition to the WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan. Retirement accounts will continue with Transamerica. On-campus meetings were held with Transamerica on May 21-24 and Björklunden on May 25 to clarify this transition. If you were unable to attend one of these meetings or would like to review any of the transition materials, see the HR webpage.

New Sage Hall Loft Celebration – Open to Campus

Please join us for cookies and milk on Tuesday, June 5, from 3:30-5:00 pm to celebrate the newly-completed Mary Cleggett Loft in Sage Hall! Displays of projects taking place over the summer months will also be available, and representatives from the Physical Planning and Sustainability Committees will be available for discussion and questions on projects.  We look forward to welcoming the entire campus community to see the latest addition to campus housing!