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Category: My Department

Tutti! Raffle

The Academy of Music is hosting a raffle!  100% of the raffle ticket sales go directly to tuition assistance for Academy students with demonstrated need.  As of this writing, more than 1,500 community members participate in Academy of Music programs; approximately 1 in 15 receives tuition assistance.

You can purchase your raffle tickets, at $5.00 each, by contacting Cheryl Boyle in the Academy office (x6278 or ).  Each ticket holder has the chance to win a $1,000 Visa gift card, two tickets to the 1:10 pm Labor Day game between the Brewers and the Cubs (at Miller Park), or two tickets to the 2018-19 LU Artist Series concerts.

The winning raffle tickets will be drawn the evening of Saturday, March 24th in the Lawrence Chapel at the conclusion of the Girl Choir concert.  The concert is webcast, so feel free to tune in between 8:15 and 8:30 pm to watch the drawing.  Winners need not be present to win.

Thank you for supporting access to music education.

Tuition and fees for the 2018-19 academic year

March 1, 2018

Dear Students,

During its recently held winter meeting the Lawrence Board of Trustees set the comprehensive fee for the 2018-19 academic year. Full-time tuition will be $47,175. Together with room, board and fees, the total comprehensive fee will be $57,816 – a 3% increase over last year. Thanks to significant efforts by many to contain our operating costs, this is the fourth consecutive year that Lawrence has been able to hold the comprehensive fee increase to 3% or less.

You can see a more detailed breakdown of next year’s comprehensive fee at

Lawrence remains committed to the value of off-campus and study abroad programs as important parts of a liberal arts education. Last year, we increased need-based financial aid for these programs.  We remain committed to keeping the increase of that aid at the same rate as Lawrence tuition. For next year, that increase will amount to a per-term maximum of $8550. Several recent gifts from the Lawrence community have also established new scholarships specifically for study abroad.  We expect to continue to restructure off-campus and study abroad costs to ensure increased access to these programs.

In addition, beginning this summer starting wages for student work on campus will increase to 3.5% beyond the Wisconsin minimum wage – with many positions earning considerably more depending on experience and job responsibilities.

While we strive to keep cost increases in check, we remain committed to investing in a Lawrence education.  Lawrence will continue to provide learning opportunities that help prepare its students for success in an ever-changing world, will maintain one of the lowest student-to-faculty ratios in the country, and will ensure a highly personalized college experience.

I wish you great success as you end winter term and head into a well-deserved spring break.


Mark Burstein



Cultural Competency – Supporting People Who Use Diverse Englishes

Location: Esch Hurvis Room (225), Warch Campus Center
Date & Time:
Thursday, March 1st; 11:15 am – 12:15 pm

Lavanya Murali Proctor, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Cecile Despres-Berry, Director of English as Second Language and the Waseda program present this workshop that aims to help us understand and negotiate the range of Englishes that people, particularly those born outside of the U.S., may use. We will discuss how these varieties of English are not more correct or incorrect but simply different. We will also discuss language attitudes and ideologies inherent in the idea of standard Englishes and how to recognize and avoid linguistic discrimination. Our aim is to offer practical guidance to inclusive interactions across the range of Englishes employed in our community. Please RSVP at by February 26th, 2018.

Spring into Wellness with the Lawrence Walking Group

Looking for an easy way to add more activity into your week?  Participate in the Lawrence Walking Group!  We’ll meet on Tuesdays at noon, in front of the Wellness Center – and head out for a 30 minute walk.  All you need is a pair of comfortable walking shoes – and perhaps a jacket, at least for now.  If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll head indoors and walk the track instead.

Our first group will meet on Tuesday, March 6th. Can’t make it every week – no worries!  Just join us when you can – and bring a co-worker!

Contact RN Educator Laurie Ehlers at or 832-7498 with any questions.

Final Winter Term Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on March 8th

Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The final session of open office hours for Winter Term is being held on March 8th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.

Staff Monthly – February

Please check out the February edition of the Staff Monthly!

As always, please submit any questions you would like answered to the email,  provide recognition to your colleagues by emailing or participate in the monthly photo contest but emailing your photo to

Staff Connections Committee