Thank you to everyone who attended the 2018 Compliance Training; if you were unable to attend in-person, please complete the online Moodle. Training should take approximately 1.5 hours to complete. Thank you!
Category: My Department
Summer Employment Update
Employment opportunities for Summer 2018 are available and posted in LU Works! They can also be found on the Human Resources page. Specific application instructions are provided within each position description, please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.
Thanking Alumni Guests
Do you know of any visiting alumni who are giving back to Lawrence with their time? We greatly appreciate all of our alumni guest lectures, performances, book readings and more.
Please help us give them a proper reception and thank you by letting the Alumni Office know!
Fill out the form here.
Prevent the Flu!
Prevent the Flu
With influenza at record levels this year, it’s vital that we do all we can to prevent the spread of the flu across our campus. If you haven’t already, PLEASE GET VACCINATED. Another important step to prevention is frequent, thorough hand washing – even if you’re not ill. If you can’t use soap and water, then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Additionally, make sure you’re getting enough rest, and eat a healthy diet to help bolster your immune system against the flu.
If you’re interested in getting a flu shot, Faculty and Staff can reach out to our RN educator Laurie Ehlers at or 832-7498 to schedule an appointment.
Students can go to the Health Center Monday-Friday, 7:30-11:30am and 1-4pm, or contact No appointments are necessary.
Summer Employment Update
Summer Employment Update
Summer employment recruitment efforts are well under way – all positions have been posted and student applications are filtering in. Job offers will go out from the HR Department beginning the week of March 5th, please contact Lindsay Kehl if you have any questions.
Compliance Training
Compliance Training
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2018 Compliance Training; if you were unable to attend in-person, please complete the online Moodle. Training should take approximately 1.5 hours to complete. Thank you!
Summer Employment Update
Summer Employment Update
Employment opportunities for Summer 2018 are available and posted in LU Works! They can also be found on the Human Resources page. Specific application instructions are provided within each position description, please contact Human Resources if you have any questions.
Applications for Lawrence Scholarships Are Open!
If you are looking for funding to support your project, internship, or to explore your interests, the following scholarships are currently opened for current Lawrence students to apply.
Graduation School Exploration Fellowship (ACM-B1G): For sophomore standing students from historically underrepresented groups in higher education who are interested in pursuing study and research in the humanities, humanistic social sciences, and arts. Applications are due February 16, 2018.
The Harold B. Zuehlke and Richard W. Zuehlke Research Fund for Physical Science – supports research projects in the physical science initiated by students. Applications are due February 16, 2018.
The Sara A. Quandt and Thomas A. Arcury Endowment for Experiential Learning and Research in Public Health – provide Lawrence students with unique and valuable opportunities to conduct research and immerse themselves in the field of public health. Applications are due February 23, 2018.
The Mita Sen Award for Societal Impact – For juniors whose project has the potential to impact society. Applications are due March 2, 2018
The Dennis Huebner Pre-Law Stipend – For juniors who are interested in exploring or pursuing opportunities related to a career in the legal profession. Applications are due March 1, 2018.
For more information and application materials, visit the Pre-Professional and Major Fellowships site. Questions? contact Kia Thao at
Third Annual Shadow Silicon Valley
David Eddy ’81 and Chiao-Yu Tuan ’14 have graciously offered to provide an insider’s view into the ecosystem of Silicon Valley, taking place this year during spring break. Visits will include Facebook, Google and Airbnb among other networking stops and events. The application process consists of a resume and cover letter being emailed to Amanda Netzel, Assistant Director of Career Services, by Monday, February 19 at 5 p.m.
EVENT TONIGHT! INx: Internship Information Exchange
Career Services is hosting the INx: Internship Information Exchange in WCC, Esch Hurvis at 8 p.m. Come hear the stories of past interns and network with them and local employers who currently host internships. This is a come as you are event and feel free to stop in for a short period of time as well! Staff and faculty welcome to join.