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Category: My Department

Spoerl Lecture Series: Salty Lives & Hungry Tides

Everyday Adaptations to Climate Change in the Sundarbans

Tuesday, Feb. 11 | 4:30 p.m.
Youngchild 121

The everyday of living a life altered by climate change is a tremendous amount of work, especially in vulnerable communities that had little to do with causing it. Dr. Raka Sen, a sociologist from Arizona State University, will utilize her work on the Sundarban region of India and Bangladesh to discuss what the additional labor due to climate change looks like on the ground and how these changes are accumulating to larger societal and structural changes. This talk will get us thinking about issues of global environmental justice and how we can imagine a more just climate future.

Charting Your Way Career Discernment Retreat

Students are invited to a career discernment retreat at Björklunden February 21-23!

The retreat, called Charting Your Way, will focus on multiple factors that go into career exploration and planning, including your values, interests, and preferences. We will also work on résumés and LinkedIn profiles.

Space is limited, so sign up today! Registrations are due by Feb. 17 at 1 p.m.

If you have any questions, please email Kevin Gaw at

Financial Aid Drop-In Hours

Do you have questions about next year’s FAFSA? Financial aid in general? Federal student aid support? Loan repayment?

The Financial Aid Office is holding drop-in hours to help in any way they can. Bring your questions and your laptop, and let’s get the FAFSA submitted!

You will also be entered in a raffle for Viking Gold!

  • Thursday, Feb. 6 | Friday, Feb. 7 | Thursday, Feb. 20 | Friday, Feb. 21
    Noon-3 p.m.
    Financial Aid Office | Chapman Hall 2nd Floor

Facilities Project Updates

Current and future projects happening around campus:

  • Mudd Library: Work will be ongoing through summer
  • Harper Hall: Stage floor refinished March 24-30
  • Campus: Annual maintenance power outage, July 14
  • Warch: Passenger elevator replacement June 23– Sept. 5
  • Chapel Façade: Renovation to begin summer 2025 TBD
  • Brokaw/Colman/West Campus: parking lot resurfaced summer 2025 TBD
  • Quads 3-4-5, Wilson House, Big Exec: Fire system upgrades summer 2025 TBD

Watch for updates weekly; TBD dates will be filled in as learned. Please note that dates are subject to change due to weather or supply chain issues. Please be safe when in these areas!

West Campus Tour Registration

As progress on Lawrence University’s West Campus project accelerates in preparation for the fall, faculty and staff are invited to register for tours of the facility.

All tours will begin promptly at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and are limited to 10 participants per tour. Slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Additional details (including meeting place, safety information, and PPE requirements) will be communicated directly the week prior to your selected tour date. Please note that this is an active construction site. It will likely be loud and dusty. Please plan accordingly and review the site safety guidelines that will be provided in advance of your tour.

All participants should wear long pants and flat, closed-toed shoes. Anyone not dressed accordingly will not be permitted to tour the site.

The new facility will include:

  • The Trout Museum of Art on the first floor
  • Roughly 30,000 square feet of new office, instructional, and co-curricular spaces on the second floor, including:
    • A Humanities Center
    • A Digital Humanities Lab
    • A state-of-the-art music production facility
    • Faculty offices
    • Multiple seminar, lecture, and active learning classrooms
    • Multiple common and lounge areas
    • A large multipurpose space for campus and community use
  • 2 floors of market-rate apartments

Contact Garrett Singer with questions or concerns (

Home Athletics: Feb. 3-9

Come cheer on your Vikings at their home events this week!

Wednesday, Feb. 5

  • Women’s Basketball vs Knox
    5:30 p.m. | Alex Gym
  • Men’s Basketball vs Knox
    7:30 p.m. | Alex Gym

Friday, Feb. 7

  • Men’s Ice Hockey vs University of Dubuque
    7 p.m. | Appleton Ice Center

Saturday, Feb. 8

  • Men’s Ice Hockey vs Dubuque
    7 p.m. | Appleton Ice Center