MyLU Insider

University Announcements

Category: University Announcements

New Employees/Rehires/Promotions

If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence!

New Employees:

Kat Mueller – Lecturer of Biology

Eric Schacht – University Counsel

Nick Guzzo – Assistant Baseball Coach

AJ Verhage – Assistant Baseball Coach

Haley Kolosso – Bon Appetit

Derek Krull – Bon Appetit

Cheryl Licht – Bon Appetit

Mirwais Alami – Custodian

Aracelis Paulino – Custodian

Gilbert Park – Campus Safety

Kyle Tauschek – Gift Processing Specialist

Stephanie Chitel – Human Resources Manager


Frank Babbitt – Lecturer of Music

Gregory Riss – Lecturer of Music


Helena Dulaney – Office of Residential Ed & Housing office Coordinator

Shelby Rae – Human Resources Coordinator

Jenny Ziegler – Executive Director of Development Analytics and Operations

Winter Term Convocation – Alexandra Bell’s “Counternarratives”

The University Convocation, “Counternarratives”, will be held in Memorial Chapel on Friday, February 18th and will feature multidisciplinary artist Alexandra Bell.

To register for in-person attendance, fill out this form. The registration process will be first-come-first-served for students, faculty and staff; attendance will be limited to 300.

Convocation will begin at 12:30 PM on Friday, February 18th. A Q&A will follow immediately.

The ceremony will be livestreamed at so that all Lawrentians can watch from their rooms, offices, or another location. 

LU-RF Summer Research

LU-RF Summer Research application deadline is Friday, February 18th, 2022

Find more information and the application at:

QUESTIONS? *Where do I find the projects? *What is the stipend? *How do I ask for reference? *Do I need prior experience? *How do I talk to a professor about the research? Contact:

DROP-IN HOURS in the Science Atrium Session 1: Thurs, Jan. 27th, 2022 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Session 2: Weds, Feb. 2nd, 2022 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Drop by the Science Atrium to ask Dr. Deanna Donohoue all your questions, get advice, or just chat.

Celebrate Lawrence’s 175th Anniversary!

Giveaways! Trivia contest! Cookies! A birthday recital! Join the Lawrence community in celebrating our 175th anniversary on Founders Day Weekend, January 14 &15. This is the kick-off of a year-long celebration of our 175th year.

(In order to protect the health and safety of our community, we will be offering grab-and-go and virtual events to celebrate this incredible milestone.)

Founders Weekend Events

  • Friday, January 14 from 12:30-2 p.m. We’ll be kicking off with an event in Warch Campus Center.
    • The first 50 students to arrive will win some awesome Lawrence gear. All members of the community can pick up some swag, including a calendar, stickers, and a special anniversary sweet treat, and can write a birthday card to Lawrence. This is a grab-and-go event.
  • Friday, January 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. join Lawrentians from around the world for a special virtual trivia contest. (Advance registration required.)
  • Saturday, January 15 at 8 p.m., tune in for a very special virtual 175th Birthday Recital live streamed from the Chapel featuring performances from our talented Conservatory faculty.

Watch your email and the LU Insider for more information as the anniversary approaches and be sure to visit the 175th-anniversary webpage for historical content, a look at key moments in Lawrence history, and more information about these events.

Save The Date-Saying ‘So Long’ to Curt Lauderdale, Dean of Students

We’ll be sharing best wishes, extending congratulations, and expressing gratitude for the many years of service and dedication. Please join with your fellow Lawrentians in wishing the best to Curt Lauderdale as he departs the Viking ship.

You are invited to save January 11, 2022 from 4pm-6pm to celebrate, show respect, share a memory, and help close a chapter within the dynamic Lawrence storyline.

A Kudoboard has been set up to capture positive sentiments. Please share your own post, and feel comfortable sharing the link with folks off campus who may want to share a parting word or photo.

We respectfully ask that you RSVP via this form so that we know who can attend.

Indigenous People’s Day Celebration

The 6th annual Indigenous People’s Day Celebration will take place on Monday October 11, 2021, at 5:30-6:30pm on Main Hall Green/Kaeyes Mamaceqtawuk Plaza (near the Mudd library).

All are invited to learn about the meaning behind the new Otachiah (Crane) 2021 art sculpture created by Oneida architecture professor Chris Cornelius and the historical context behind the Menominee words “Kaeyes Mamaceqtawuk.” 

A blessing of our new plaza will be given in the Menominee language by elder Dennis Kenote of the Menominee Nation.

A pow-wow demonstration by drummers, singers, and dancers from the Oneida Nation will be in attendance.

Traditional Indigenous food will be served. 

This collaborative healing outdoor event is free and open to the public. Please join us – all are welcome!

Come to the President’s Tailgate on Saturday

President's Tailgate logo

Join President Laurie Carter at the President’s Tailgate ahead of the football and volleyball games on Saturday, October 2 at the Banta Bowl.

The tailgate runs 11:30-1PM and the first 300 students (with LU ID) will receive a free t-shirt and pizza. Play games and enjoy music by the Mariachi Ensemble while supporting our Vikings!

Ride the shuttle from the turnaround on Lawe Street (behind Wriston) to the Banta Bowl starting at 11:30 and ride back to campus after the game.

Masks are required in the shuttle, at the tailgate event, and at the volleyball game.

Join a Guiding Coalition

At last week’s Matriculation Convocation, President Carter shared with our community a framework for a new way of collaboratively working together to strengthen our university. At the conclusion of her address, she called on Lawrentians–faculty, staff, and students alike–to join together to transform Lawrence into a university that is poised to lead in the new higher education landscape.

Bolstered by the sense of urgency that comes with the external challenges at hand, Lawrence will create five guiding coalitions that will serve as accountable, integrated groups bound by opportunity, strategy, and action. Consisting of a volunteer army of Lawrentians from across the university, they will form strategic visions and initiatives to move us forward. They will also work and be authorized to remove barriers so that they are able to generate short-term wins, sustain acceleration, and ultimately institute change.

Each coalition will be provided a charge and timeline for the work. Structurally, each will have co-leads (at least one faculty member and one staff member) who facilitate the group’s work and will consist of members from multiple layers of the university hierarchy and will represent all constituents—faculty, staff, students, trustees, and alumni. Members of the coalitions must have a sense of urgency and a commitment to the change initiative at hand. Our five guiding coalitions and their co-leads are:

  • Visioning Our Five Priorities—Jason Brozek, Stephen Edward Scarff Professor of International Affairs & Associate Professor of Government & Jenna Stone, Associate Vice President of Finance
  • Full Speed to Full Need—Cassie Curry, Director of Major & Planned Giving & Jake Frederick, Professor of History
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Antiracism—Connie Kassor, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies & Jacklyn Fischer, Assistant Director, Career Center – Health Professions
  • Athletics—Kim Tatro, Director of Athletics & Gary Vaughn, Lecturer in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Coordinator, Innovation and Entrepreneurship program
  • 175th Anniversary—Ed Berthiaume, Director of Public Information & Lina Foley-Rosenberg, University Archivist

All members of the Lawrence community have the opportunity to participate, step up and act like never before. Everyone, regardless of role, can engage in this process.

If you are interested in joining a guiding coalition, please email Alice Boeckers, executive assistant to the president, at by Friday, September 24. And if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Cabinet member or one of the leads listed above. Coalition membership will be finalized and communicated with campus by September 30.