MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

Northeast WI LGBTQ+ Career Fair

Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (CDT)
Warch Campus Center – Esch Hurvis Room

In an effort to help LGBTQ+ and allied students and graduates find employment opportunities with companies that are committed to pro-fairness values, the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber is hosting the 2018 Northeast WI LGBTQ+ Career Fair.

This event is an opportunity to connect diverse talent – primarily high school students, college students, and recent graduates (though everyone is welcome at event) — with companies in the area seeking talent, either as full-time, part-time or internship positions.

This is free to attend and on-site registration will be available.


Careers in Government Conversation with Bill Baer ’72 and Nancy Hendry

Wednesday, April 25, 5 – 6 p.m.
WCC Commons, Perille Dining Room

Swipe in your meal and join Distinguished Scarff Professors Bill Baer ’72 and Nancy Hendry as they discuss careers in government and best practices in applying and interviewing for internships and full time positions.

1:1 Chats to follow from 6 – 8 p.m.; Please register through LUworks.

Work / Life Integration, Be Passionate! – Cabinet Answers Your SOS (Seniors Only Series)!

Join Brian Pertl, Dean of the Conservatory of Music, for an inspiring discussion about finding the right balance between your personal and professional lives after you leave Lawrence.  Also learn how to stay passionate about your new career!  Refreshments provided!

Thursday April 26th, from 11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center Esch Hurvis Room.  Registration on LUworks appreciated.

Save the Date – Learning at Lawrence Collaborative

Join us for a Learning at Lawrence Collaborative the morning of June 20th, 2018. This day will be focused on the education and discussion of current changes, whether social, political, environmental, or scientific, both at Lawrence and in the world, and will be facilitated by members of the Lawrence community. Additional information regarding this event will be shared in the weeks to come.

Thank You from Ken Anselment

The worst snowstorm in decades brought out the best of the Lawrence community earlier this week.

Your warmth and hustle metaphorically melted 21+ inches of snow to create a warm and welcoming environment for about 100 visitors who, themselves, braved nasty (and, at times dangerous) conditions to come from places like California, New Mexico, Texas, Chile, Japan, and—of course—the upper Midwest to experience Lawrence before they make their final college decisions by May 1.

Those students and their families left Lawrence with evidence that this is a community that hustles and cares in extraordinary ways:

You plowed and shoveled back-straining snow to clear the lots and paths around campus…

You prepared food on the fly and showered our guests with cookies (so many cookies)…

With classes cancelled Monday—effectively wiping out an entire day of open house programming—you answered our 11th-hour call for volunteers to come in impromptu mock classes and presentations…

You opened your house for an improvised reception that turned into a 60-person pizza party. (I’m looking at you, Mark Burstein and David Calle)…

You got out of bed early to trudge through the snow and play fiddle music to greet our guests at 8:30 Monday morning…

Colleges like to talk about their warm, welcoming, and caring communities—but on Sunday and Monday, Lawrence University showed it in ways our visitors (and I) will never forget.

Thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but—on behalf of your friends on the admissions & financial aid team—I think we know how George Bailey feels at the end of It’s a Wonderful Life when the entire town comes together to help him in his time of greatest need.

Your generosity is extraordinary.

You are the Lawrence difference.

Ken Anselment
Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid

Piece of the Pie: Spring Wellness Initiative

Spring is still waiting to be sprung! This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep waiting to get a spring in our step! Come to the wellness center to participate in our Piece of the Pie Wellness Initiative! Complete 6 different activities to enter in for your chance to win prizes! Pick up and turn in your pie sheet to the front desk at the wellness center! Chance to win ends April 28th!

  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Massage Therapist
  • Healthy Vikings
  • Intramurals
  • Yoga Class
  • TRX Class
  • Dietician
  • One-time Events
  • Mind Spa
  • 30min workout
  • Fit Bit Rental

Attention film lovers of Lawrence!

Next weekend, 4/20 through 4/22, Lawrence will again be hosting the Associated Colleges of the Midwest’s Student Film Conference and Festival.

The Film Department has been working for months organizing 175 submissions from 10 different ACM colleges into what will be a whirlwind weekend of films, paper presentations, screenplay readings, and workshops given by film artists and professionals.

Events will start at 7pm on Friday, 4/20 in the Warch Cinema with members of IGLU performing a live scoring of a silent film. Stick around after their performance to catch the first film screening of the festival.

The majority of the films will be shown on Saturday the 21st, both at the Warch Cinema and Wriston Auditorium, with the screenplay readings and paper presentations happening on Sunday the 22nd. You can find the full schedule here:

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the festival, feel free to contact Alex Babbitt at

ACM Student Film Conference and Festival Team