MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

“Help for The Homeless” Hygiene Drive

This week kicks off our campus’ branch of the “Help for The Homeless” Hygiene Drive! Currently, local homeless shelters in the Fox Valley and elsewhere receive no federal funding for hygiene products such as shampoo, soap, deodorant, and toothpaste, and rely almost exclusively on donations from the community to provide for these needs. This drive is also occurring off campus in Appleton and in other areas in the state of Wisconsin.

Not having access to hygiene products can mean not staying in school for children who get bullied due to their resulting lack of hygiene, and increased risk of diseases for homeless individuals of all ages. In particular, communicable diseases that can easily be mitigated through sustained hygiene often are able to spread in populations that don’t have access to above hygiene products.

All donations can be placed in the collection boxes located on the third floor of the Warch Campus Center, the third floor of the Wellness Center, the Steitz atrium, and the lobby of the Conservatory. You can email me at if you have any questions regarding donations or the organizations involved, or you can also seek out more information at We appreciate any and all help on behalf of the homeless community here in the Fox Valley.

Special thanks to The Family on 91.9 FM for making this event possible.

Thanks and Sincerely,

Tom Goldberg, Class of 2020
Beta Theta Pi Philanthropy Chair

Cultural Competency – Supporting People Who Use Diverse Englishes

Location: Esch Hurvis Room (225), Warch Campus Center
Date & Time:
Thursday, March 1st; 11:15 am – 12:15 pm

Lavanya Murali Proctor, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Cecile Despres-Berry, Director of English as Second Language and the Waseda program present this workshop that aims to help us understand and negotiate the range of Englishes that people, particularly those born outside of the U.S., may use. We will discuss how these varieties of English are not more correct or incorrect but simply different. We will also discuss language attitudes and ideologies inherent in the idea of standard Englishes and how to recognize and avoid linguistic discrimination. Our aim is to offer practical guidance to inclusive interactions across the range of Englishes employed in our community. Please RSVP at by February 25th, 2018.

Upstander Training on February 17th (RSVP by February 15)

February 17, 2018
Esch Hurvis Studio (WCC), 10 am – 2 pm 
Please RSVP by February 15 by emailing us at! (seats still available)
Lawrence Students, Staff, Faculty and people from the Appleton community are invited to attend. The Upstander training will help you build the skills to interrupt bullying or other harmful behaviors and comments. Learn how to become an agent for change and co-creator of positive narratives about race and other identities. Participants will unpack real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively challenge prejudice in our community. Those who plan to attend are asked to commit to be present for the entire training session.

Last Winter Term Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on March 8th

Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The last session of open office hours for Winter Term is being held on March 8th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.

Udall Scholarship for Environment and Outdoor Leaders

The Udall Foundation offers a prestigious scholarship for students seeking careers in environmental fields. Applicants should be leading change on their campus or in their community.

The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship is a scholarship (up to $7,000!) awarded to up to 50 undergraduate sophomores and juniors pursuing careers related to the environment, Tribal Public Policy, or Native Health Care. Udall Scholars attend the Udall Scholar Orientation in August in Tucson, AZ to meet alumni and community leaders for exceptional networking opportunities and gain lifetime membership in a growing and active alumni network.

Applications are now open!  Campus deadline is March 2, 2018.  National deadline is March 8, 2018.

For more information, contact Kia Thao at



Admissions LUX Open House 2/23

On Friday, February 23 the admissions office will host LUX – Lawrence University Experience – an open house for applicants and their families.  If you see our guests on campus, please make them feel welcome!  Many of them will be Lawrentians in the fall.  If you’re able to park somewhere other than the lots closest to Warch, we’d greatly appreciate that as well.

Special thanks to all of the staff who will be doing presentations, providing a great lunch and making our facilities welcoming for this important event.

Upstander Training on February 17th (RSVP by February 11)

February 17, 2018
Esch Hurvis Studio (WCC), 10 am – 2 pm 
Please RSVP by February 11 by emailing us at! (limited seats)
Lawrence Students, Staff, Faculty and people from the Appleton community are invited to attend. The Upstander training will help you build the skills to interrupt bullying or other harmful behaviors and comments. Learn how to become an agent for change and co-creator of positive narratives about race and other identities. Participants will unpack real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively challenge prejudice in our community. Those who plan to attend are asked to commit to be present for the entire training session.

Open Positions

The following positions are open at Lawrence.  If you know of anyone that may be a great candidate, please encourage them to apply.  If you would like to apply for an open position, please apply at

  • Accessibility Services and Academic Skills Specialist
  • Administrative Assistant for International Student Services (part time)
  • Assistant/Associate Director of Social Media
  • Assistant Professor of Art History
  • Assistant Professor of Music – Horn
  • Assistant Professor of Music – Oboe
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Associate Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Head Men’s Basketball Coach
  • Head Women’s Basketball Coach
  • Head Women’s Soccer Coach
  • Instructional Designer
  • Instructor of Theatre Arts – Scenic Design
  • Payroll Coordinator

PAE Winners

The President’s Award of Excellence Committee and President Burstein are pleased to announce the 2017 President’s Award of Excellence. We had a lot of great nominations again this year, and it was a hard decision. The awards are based on the following criteria: support, stewardship, innovation and teamwork. The winners this year excel in all areas. Please congratulate Nicole Schultz from Campus Services and Lisa VanZeeland from Payroll!

Nicole is responsible for maintaining Lawrence cleanliness standards for Wilson House, the Chapel, and other offices on campus. Nicole showcases all of the criteria for the award. A hallmark of Nicole’s work is her above-and-beyond commitment to the support of the Lawrence family. She does not just take care of buildings, she takes care of people. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have worked in a building that Nicole takes care of can attest to her deep care and responsible management of University resources. Her work is exceptionally thorough, as evidenced by how spotlessly clean her buildings look and smell. Nicole drives innovation, initiative, and leadership in the workplace in several ways. She is always finding creative ways to do her work, problem solve, and support the team better. For example, she takes the initiative to alert staff when supplies are getting low or to submit repair orders. Though she rarely sees us, Nicole understands how important her role is to the work we do every day. Congrats, Nicole, on this achievement!

Lisa is responsible for the payroll process at Lawrence. Lisa exemplifies all of the criteria listed for the award. She extensively supports the international student community in an above and beyond what is expected, but in a way that helps both the Payroll and the International Student Services Office work together efficiently and effectively. No matter what the task, Lisa is always exceptionally cheerful, helpful, and friendly.  The international students are always exceedingly grateful for her help and always feel like they can go to Lisa’s office with a question or concern. Lisa is always driving innovation and showing her leadership by offering ideas to improve efficiency, preparing documents in advance, and most importantly sets an example of a consummate professional always being kind and understanding to students. Congratulations on this achievement, Lisa!

Please take a minute to congratulate Nicole and Lisa. The awards were presented at the Service Award Luncheon, and the winners will also be recognized during the next all-staff meeting. A big thank you to everyone who nominated a colleague. We appreciate the considerable effort that went into each nomination and look forward to reviewing the nominations again next year. Thank you!

—President Burstein & the President’s Award of Excellence Committee (Lisa Van Zee Land) (Nicole Schultz)