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Category: Staff

Health Tips from Laurie

Get Off to a Healthy Start this School Year!

Summer really tends to fly by, doesn’t it? It seems like we were just winding down at the end of spring term, and here we are again – students are back, the weather is notably cooler, the trees are starting to change, and fall sports are in action. Personally, I love fall – and I know I’m not alone. But with fall, we often find that we now have less free time than we did these past 2-3 months.  The arrival of fall may mean new or greater responsibilities at work, a busier schedule at home, and that feeling like there’s just not enough time on the weekend. And this can leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed, and quite simply, stressed out.

As the fall season ramps up, don’t let those obligations at work and home derail the positive and healthy changes you may have made this summer when time was a little easier to come by. Here are some suggestions for keeping stress under control, and getting fall off to a healthy start:

Keep up your activity level. The shorter days may make it more challenging to get out and bike or kayak in the evenings, but make it a priority to stay as active as you can. Exercise is a great way to help manage stress and boost your confidence, not to mention how it positively impacts your general health and fitness. Take a walk with a co-worker over lunch or hit the Wellness Center to keep that activity level up.

Pack lunch and snacks from home. With the fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance in late summer, many of us find ourselves eating a little lighter this time of the year. Keep up the benefits of your healthier diet by prepping your lunch and some snacks the night before, so you don’t find yourself ordering delivery or snacking on chips and other convenience foods when you run short on time. Veggies and hummus, an apple with peanut butter, or even a piece of string cheese and a handful of nuts make for healthier snack options than most vending machines can provide.

Don’t short change yourself on sleep.  Aim for 8 hours a night. And watch your caffeine intake, especially later in the day.  I love coffee as much as the next person, but I’ve come to realize it’s not my friend after 3 pm if I want to get a decent night of sleep.

Get your flu shot this fall.  Help protect yourself, your family and coworkers, and the Lawrence community by doing what you can to prevent the spread of influenza this school year.

Meet with me to discuss the results of your PHA. First of all, make sure you sign up for the PHA’s (happening the last week of September and first week of October.)  A few days after your appointment, you’ll be able to complete the written portion on-line, and your results should be available nearly immediately afterwards.  I’ll be reaching out to folks whose lab results indicate elevated blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol or PSA levels. But please contact me if you have any questions about your results, or would like to discuss how you might make changes that can improve your overall health and wellness.

Here’s to a healthy year ahead for all of us! Please reach out to me if you need anything.

Laurie Ehlers, RN, CDE

Lawrence University – RN Educator

Room 102, Memorial Hall

Phone: 920-832-7498;

Personal Health Assessment (PHA) Registration is Now Open

Personal Health Assessment (PHA) Registration is Now Open!

What is a PHA?

The Personal Health Assessment is a tool that highlights how our lifestyle choices directly impact overall health. Two scores are provided:

  • Your Lifestyle Rating is based on your self-reported daily habits related to nutrition, physical activity, alcohol consumption, stress and depression, and tobacco use.
  • Your Biometric Score is based on tobacco use, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar.

The Personal Health Assessment Report provides personalized feedback, tips to improve your lifestyle habits, and resources for more information.

Who is eligible to participate?

All staff and faculty are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the PHA process.  Participation is also encouraged for the following individuals covered under the Lawrence University medical plan: spouses/domestic partners of employees, retirees and spouses/domestic partners of retirees.

Note for Medical Plan Participants

Participation by employees, retirees covered under the medical plan, and spouses/domestic partners covered under the medical plan will provide the discounts to the medical plan premium.  All participants must complete both the biometric screening and the lifestyle questionnaire to receive the premium discount. The questionnaire can be completed 5 days after your biometric screening appointment.

How do I sign up?

Scheduling directions can be found in the attached 2017 PHA Instruction Sheet or click here to sign up: The PHA schedule books quickly.  To ensure you receive your preferred appointment time, do not delay in scheduling your appointment.

What is the PHA schedule?

The PHA schedule is as follows:

Location Date Time
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 9-27-16 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 9-28-17 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 9-29-17 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 10-4-17 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 10-5-17 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University, Warch Campus Center – Appleton 10-6-17 6:30 am – 10:30am
Lawrence University – Bjorklunden 10-9-17 7:00 am – 9:00 am
NOTE: this appointment requires each participant to fast for at least 8 hours prior to the appointment time.


Please contact your HR Representative if you have any questions regarding the PHA process including scheduling your assessment.

New York Times subscription

Interested in getting the daily New York Times on campus for a fraction of the newsstand cost? A Monday – Friday subscription is only $54.00 for the fall term. Sound too good to be true? It may be but there are no gimmicks. The NYT is delivered each day by 6 AM to the Warch Campus Center and is available for pick-up at the Information desk any time. We also keep your missed copies for three days, so if you cannot get over here one day your paper will be waiting for you the next.

If you are interested e-mail me at and let me know to order a paper for you. Paper delivery will begin Monday, September 11th. Please let me know which terms you want to receive the paper including December break, Spring break and Summer (there is no delivery the week of Christmas). The rates are shown below.

2017-2018 NYT faculty/staff rates:
One term: $54.00
Winter break: add $20.00
Spring break: add $5.00
Summer: add $65.00
Entire year: $230.00

Send a check (payable to LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY) to Greg Griffin, Warch Campus Center (paper delivery starts September 11th).

Congratulations to Anna Simeth

Congratulations are in order for Anna Simeth! Anna was honored with the Appleton Education Association’s “Friend of Education Award” for her ongoing work on a Leadership Fox Cities community project: “Family Dinner Night.” She shared the stage with other community leaders recognized for their commitment to education, including Dr. John Mielke who was honored for his 26 years of service on the Appleton School Board. Please join us in thanking Anna and her LFC colleagues for their remarkable contributions towards making the Fox Cities a healthier community.

Payroll Holiday Deadline

Reminder: With the upcoming Labor Day Holiday (and welcome week) we will need time sheets approved earlier than normal.  If at all possible, please approve your staff’s time sheets by noon on Friday 9/1.  The only exception to that is the staff who will be working over the weekend or who are on call, those time sheets will need to be approved prior to Monday (Labor Day) morning at 7:00 a.m.

Please work with your staff to ensure that everyone is submitting to you in a timely manner.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact payroll and we will work out a solution.

We appreciate all of your help on this! Looking forward to seeing many of you during welcome week!

Bon Appétit Catering Director Change

Lola Rottier, Catering Director, Bon Appétit is retiring on August 31. Please join me in congratulating her on her accomplishments and dedication to Lawrence University and Bon Appétit catering.

Going forward, please contact Debra Walker at or 832-7305 with all of your catering needs for the Warch Campus Center or other areas around campus.

Monthly Health Tips from Laurie

If you follow medical news, you’ve probably heard of studies that link gut bacteria to various health conditions and medical concerns. Gut bacteria is perhaps known primarily for helping aid in the digestion of our food. But did you know that gut bacteria has been shown to influence the response of our immune system? Or that recent studies indicate that gut bacteria may contribute to depression, and the development of autism in young children?

Research will certainly continue to delve into this arena — but in the meantime, it appears beneficial to maintain healthy gut bacteria. Eating more prebiotic and probiotic foods can help. Prebiotics are generally high-fiber foods that good bacteria feed on, which helps them to proliferate. These include things like whole grains, artichokes, asparagus, garlic, onion, and bananas. Probiotics are fermented foods that carry living beneficial bacteria. Examples are yogurt, tempeh, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut. Try incorporating more of these into your diet on a regular basis. And for optimal gut health, only use antibiotics when necessary – as antibiotics often kill both bad and good bacteria, which can contribute to digestive issues.

More information can be found in the August Newsletter.


August 23 Mudd Library Coffeehouse: Movement and Mindfulness in the Mudd

You’ve heard about mindfulness and the scientifically-proven benefits that practitioners enjoy, including increased productivity, improved concentration and mental clarity, heightened compassion and self-awareness, better sleep, and deeper relaxation. Join us to learn some simple mindfulness techniques and gentle yoga stretches you can do at your desk. The practice is simple. Showing up is the challenge!

Join us on Wednesday, August 23 at 10 a.m. on the first floor of the Mudd Library for our final coffeehouse of the summer! As always, refreshments will be provided.

New Hire/Job Changes 8/17

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Alex Babbitt, Film Festival and Conference Assistant (Film Studies)
  • Kaitlyn Bellingar, Staff Counselor (Health and Wellness)
  • Katelyn Bittner, Associate Director of Admissions and Director of Conservatory Admissions (Admissions)
  • Ramona Gonzalez, Custodian (Campus Services)
  • William Krautkramer, Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach (Athletics)
  • Abigail Screnock, Administrative Coordinator of Athletics (Athletics)
  • Hope Wreath, Assistant Woman’s Soccer Coach (Athletics)