MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

Summer Employment

We have two opportunities for student summer employment with our facilities team! We are extending this opportunity to apply to children of staff and faculty.

If your child (age 16 or older) is interested in working at Lawrence on the facilities crew this summer, please contact HR to apply by June 14.

All Staff Meeting: June 20

The Staff Connections committee invites you to attend a follow up from our spring all-staff meeting on Tuesday, June 20th in Youngchild 121 from 9–10 a.m.

The meeting will feature an update from President Mark Burstein, Vice President for Finance and Administration Christopher Lee and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Ken Anselment about next year’s budget, as well as a Q&A session.

Questions? Feel free to reach out to your Staff Connections representatives!

Register for the 2017 Diversity Conference

Lawrence’s inaugural diversity conference — “Teaching All Students Well: Preparing an Educated Citizenry for Wise Participation in a Diverse Democracy” — will be held Aug. 17-18 on the Lawrence campus.

The conference is organized by Kimberly Barrett, vice president for diversity and inclusion and associate dean of the faculty, and the professional development committee of the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs.

The conference is designed to help all educators strengthen their individual learning communities through effective and inclusive teaching methods.

Highlighting the conference will be a keynote address by multicultural scholar Derald Wing Sue, professor of psychology and education in the department of counseling and clinical psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. Sue also holds an appointment with Columbia’s School of Social Work.

Register online at:

For questions or additional information, contact Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at 920-832-6744 or

New Hires/Job Changes 6/8

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Jeremiah Bures-Swift, custodian (Campus Services)
  • Sheldon Hudson, custodian (Campus Services)
  • Tracy Russell, custodian (Campus Services)

New Employment Opportunities with Alumni!

Career Services congratulates and sends our best wishes to all graduating seniors!   If you are still searching for opportunities, please come visit our office. Our services extend into the summer and to alumni as well.

Lawrence alumni have recently made some new opportunities available!

WLUK-TV Green Bay is hiring a weekend Assignment Editor.  Job ID: 28361John Doran ’14 is currently a reporter with the station.

Alex Stickle ’15 is looking for a highly organized, accurate Lawrentian with excellent writing and editing skills to fill an Administrative Assistant/Client Services role with NewArc Investments in their Finance Office in Naperville, IL. Job ID: 28343

Other recently posted jobs:

Sentry, Direct Sales Representative, Job ID: 28342
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (PAC), Group Sales Assistant, Job ID: 28339
, Sales Representative, Job ID: 28354

TODAY: Diversity and Inclusion Awards Reception

Office of Diversity & Inclusion Awards Reception

With sincere appreciation for making our progress possible,
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion cordially invites you to an Awards Reception

Thursday, June 1, 2017
From 4-6 pm

Esch Hurvis Room
Warch Campus Center
Lawrence University

Reply to Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at

Wellness Tip from Laurie

Did you know that nearly 5 million people are treated annually for skin cancer, at a cost of more than $8 billion? And that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S.—and most of it can be prevented?!

Here’s what the CDC recommends we do to protect ourselves from the damaging UV rays of the sun:

  1. Stay out of the sun, if possible. Find some shade, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. When you are out in the sun, cover up. In addition to your sunglasses, wear a hat, protective clothing and broad spectrum sunscreen (with at least SPF 15.)
  3. Re-apply sunscreen every two hours—and immediately after swimming, sweating or toweling off.
  4. Be extra careful around surfaces that reflect the sun’s rays, like sand, water and concrete.

And what about those darn ticks we keep hearing so much about this year? There’s actually some debate about whether ticks are going to be more plentiful this year than in the past, but regardless, the best way to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases is to avoid tick exposure. Here’s a link to an informative article that addresses how to avoid exposure in the months ahead:

Summer is a great time of the year, and we’re fortunate to live in an area that affords us plenty of fun outdoor activities to take advantage of.  With a little planning and the right skin protection, your summer can be both fun and safe.

Laurie Ehlers, RN, CDE
RN Educator
Memorial Hall, Room 102

Open Enrollment Deadline – May 31!

Please note the deadline for the submission of any Benefit Open Enrollment add/drop or change forms to be submitted to HR is Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

If you do not wish to make any changes to your benefit elections, you do not need to submit any enrollment forms with the exception of the flexible spending account enrollment form.  If you would like to enroll in the new vision coverage offering, that enrollment form must be submitted as well.

All Open Enrollment material, including the meeting presentation, can be found on Lawrence’s website.  Please use this link to access the page directly.