MyLU Insider


Category: Students

2017-2018 Convocation Series – “Is Peace Possible?” with Colman McCarthy

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
11:10 a.m.
“Is Peace Possible?”
Colman McCarthy

Award-winning journalist, educator and long-time peace activist, Colman McCarthy directs the Center for Teaching Peace in Washington, D.C., which he founded in 1985.

The son of an immigration lawyer and a stay-at-home mother who often welcomed refugees straight from Ellis Island into their home, McCarthy spent nearly 30 years as a columnist for the Washington Post. Since 1999, he has written a weekly column for The National Catholic Reporter.

As an educator who believes if we don’t teach children peace, someone else will teach them violence, McCarthy has taught courses on nonviolence and peace literature for more than 30 years. He is the author of 14 books, including 2002’s “I’d Rather Teach Peace” in which he chronicles his experiences introducing the theory and practice of creative peacemaking to classrooms ranging from a suburban Washington, D.C. high school to a prison for juveniles to Georgetown University Law Center.

McCarthy earned a bachelor’s degree from Spring Hill College, a small Jesuit school in Mobile, Ala.

His appearance is supported by the Class of 1968 Peace and Social Activism Fund.

Mindfulness and Movement in the Mudd

Do you need to build some quiet, reflective time into your work week? Boost productivity, combat stress, and feel more centered by practicing chair yoga and mindfulness.

Visit the Mudd Library on Friday mornings from 10:30 to 11:00 am to learn some strategies for staying fully present and peacefully engaged. We meet in the Kruse Room on the fourth floor. All are welcome!

Kruse Room on the 4th floor of the Mudd Library

Interested In A Pharmacy Career?

Shaun Keating, from Medical College of Wisconsin – Pharmacy School, will be on campus on Monday, October 23, 2017, starting at 2:00 p.m.  Stop by to visit with Shaun Keating to discuss your pharmacy education track.

1:1 Chats – 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Sign up in LUworks.                                                   2:00 p.m. ;   2:30 p.m.;   3:00 p.m. ;   3:30 p.m.

Info Session – 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Information Table – 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Become a part of the Higher Education Research Experiences (HERE) Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL

Opportunities for qualified students, alumni, and faculty to participate in hands-on research or technical projects in a real-world setting

  • Experience the thrill of research or technical projects at a cutting edge national laboratory and camaraderie with prestigious scientists, researchers and engineers
  • Meet and collaborate with the people who are world and international experts in fields that interest you
  • Contribute to the U.S. technical prowess that will enhance living standards and set the nation at the top of a global community
  • Participate in developing solutions to pressing scientific and technical problems

Highlights of the program

  • Open to Entering College Freshmen, Undergraduates, Recent Associate/Bachelor’s Graduates, Current Graduate Students, and Faculty – Open to all majors; appointments are primarily for Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) majors but other opportunities may be available for technical projects
  • Applications are accepted year-round
  • Appointments can start and end at any time during the year based on your availability and the needs of the ORNL mentor/project
  • Full-time and part-time appointments
  • Minimum GPA  – 2.5/4.0
  • U.S. Citizen or Legal Permanent Resident (LPR)
  • Stipend based on academic status
  • Limited travel and housing allowances (if eligible)
  • Professional development activities

Visit or contact for more information!

Nominations Now Open for President’s Award of Excellence

President’s Award of Excellence

The President’s Award of Excellence (PAE) recognizes exemplary University staff members for their exceptional support and performance for their Department and the University. Award recipients of the Award of Excellence will receive $1,000 monetary award and a commemorative plaque. Their name will also be added to a perpetual plaque of award recipients that will be displayed in the office of Human Resources in Brokaw Hall. Recipients and their guest will be invited to attend the annual Service Award Luncheon where they will be recognized for their accomplishments.  The award recipient’s supervisor and nominator(s) will also be invited to attend the luncheon.  The President and the PAE Review Committee will select up to two individuals annually for this award.


The PAE Review Committee will carefully consider all nominations, taking into consideration the following criteria:

Support:  Demonstrates above and beyond commitment to the support of the students, staff or faculty.
Stewardship: Demonstrates a high level of care and responsibility for the well-being of the University and its resources for the benefit of our students, staff, and faculty.
Innovation:  Drives innovation, initiative and leadership in the workplace through creative ideas which positively impact the University and/or the surrounding community.
Teamwork:  Works in partnership with others while nurturing an environment of comradery and collaboration.

How to submit:

Complete the Nomination Form describing how the nominee demonstrates the above listed criteria, not to exceed three typed pages, by November 17, 2017.  When completed with the nomination form, you will need to select “file”, “save as” and save to desktop or personal folder.  The form can be submitted via one of the following methods:

Fax:  920.993.6026
Interoffice Mail:  Rochelle Blindauer, Human Resources
Hand Deliver:  Rochelle Blindauer, Brokaw Hall, Room 108


Thank you for your nominations and recognition of the colleagues that make Lawrence a great place!

New Hires/Job Changes 10/19

The following colleagues have been hired, rehired or have a new position within the last two weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence or congratulate them on their new position!

  • Erica Dailey, Assistant Director of Campus Safety (Office of Campus Safety)
  • Rhett Doar, Custodian (Warch Campus Center)
  • Rachel Hart, Staff Counselor (Health and Wellness)
  • Della Otradovec, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach (Athletics)
  • Ashton Vicente, Cantabile Girl Choir Manager (Academy of Music)

Intersections – Monday, October 23rd

Intersections – Monday, October 23rd, 7pm at the Center for SRL. Join in a mindful practice for this unique Intersections Series: Listen with the Ears of Your Heart. Open to Students, Staff and Faculty. Intersections are an opportunity to explore the spaces where our spiritual lives and work/study/activities intersect. October 23 is the second of three sessions. The third session will be on October 30.

Upcoming Career Services Events

Monday, Oct. 23
Emory University Candler School of Theology Info Table: Candler School of Theology is one of seven graduate schools at Emory University, located in Atlanta, Georgia. Join Ashly Cargle-Thompson ’04 to learn about the application process and how to set yourself apart from the competition.
Info Table
Noon – 2:00 p.m.; WCC, Lobby Table Area Near Mailroom
1:1 Chats*
2 – 4:00 p.m.; Career Services Conference Room

Tuesday Oct. 24
Lawrence International Alumni Mentoring (LIAM) Program Kick Off
: International students who have been admitted into the LIAM Program must attend this session to set goals for the year!
7:30 – 8:30 p.m.; Alice G. Chapman, Room 202

Thursday, Oct. 26
Internships 101
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.; Alice G. Chapman, Career Services Conference Room

* Advanced registration in LUworks is required.

D-Term Opportunities Applications Due Today!

BOSTON:  5th Annual KIPP Academy Public Charter School Internships
Susie ’72 and John Kane are pleased to offer two internships at KIPP Academy in the Boston metropolitan area.  If you are interested in experiencing an innovative system of education in a diverse, inner city environment, then apply by the end of the day to be a part of this experience.  The dates of the experience are November 27—December 15.  Housing and meals provided. See LUworks Job ID 28744 for more details.

MINNEAPOLIS:  1rst Annual KIPP Academy Internship in Minneapolis!
This opportunity is similar to the Boston opportunity, but in Minneapolis!  Housing and meals not provided at this location.  See LUworks Job ID 28729 for more details. 

CHICAGO:  3nd Annual Forest Preserve Foundation Internships
Shelley Davis ’92 is happy to extend an opportunity to one or two interns who are interested in protecting and restoring the natural habitats of the Forest Preserves of Cook County.  Interns will assist with donor communications—appeals, mailings, social networking and a potential event with their young professionals association.  If you are interested in communications in the environmental field apply today!  Monday, November 27 through Thursday, December 14; Minimum commitment 2 – 3 days/week.  See LUworks Job ID 28745 for more details.