The Sustainable Lawrence University Garden (SLUG) student organization will hold another honey sale Thursday, Jan. 26 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Steitz Hall of Science atrium.
Bring your own jars!
The Sustainable Lawrence University Garden (SLUG) student organization will hold another honey sale Thursday, Jan. 26 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Steitz Hall of Science atrium.
Bring your own jars!
Wondering how to be successful in job interviews? Attend the next Seniors: Support, Strategies and Success (S4) session Jan. 31 at 11:10 a.m. in the Runkel Room in the Warch Campus Center. Lauren Sell, talent acquisition coordinator at Kimberly-Clark Corporation, will give you tips on how to ace your next interview!
Following S4, join Lauren for 1:1 chats in Career Services to learn more about several marketing positions available at one of Kimberly-Clark’s Neenah locations. Register for 1:1 chats in LUworks.
Meghan Lally, accessibility services coordinator and academic skills specialist in Lawrence’s Center for Academic Success, will present Reframing Disability: Designing Inclusive Classrooms and Communities on Friday, Jan. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center’s Esch Hurvis Room.
Learn about campus resources and how to take part in the shared responsibility of creating usable, equitable and inclusive environments.
The Cultural Competency Lecture Series at Lawrence features our faculty, students and staff sharing their expertise related to the knowledge and skills necessary to take a culturally competent, equity-minded approach to the work and learning in which they are engaged at Lawrence. Bring your lunch and learn!
If joining us, please RSVP to by Jan. 20. See the Cultural Competency Lecture Series flier for more details and upcoming speakers. Hope to see you there!
Several offices across campus will be participating in an “Open Doors” initiative as part of tomorrow’s U.S. presidential inauguration. These offices will have staff members available to talk with students on a walk-in basis for those who would like to reflect, share their excitement or voice concern.
Counselors will also be available for same-day referrals. Open Doors offices are listed below.
The Rev. Linda Morgan-Clement, the Julie Esch Hurvis Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, invites all members of the campus community to sign up for a four-week series called “Embodying Your Faith” beginning Feb. 8.
Sessions will begin between 4:30 and 4:45 p.m. and end by 6 p.m.
Email Linda Morgan-Clement at to indicate your interest or ask any questions, and see the image below for more details.
Winter in Wisconsin can make for some treacherous road conditions. Please see this PDF, courtesy of the Department of Human Resources, for tips for safe traveling during this time of year.
As of Jan. 18, faculty, staff and students now use their Lawrence network/email username and password to log in to Voyager. This means you will no longer have two passwords to remember—just one that will allow you to log in to email, Voyager, campus computers and Lawrence Wi-Fi.
Please contact the Technology Services helpdesk at 920-832-6570 or with any questions.
All members of the Lawrence community are encouraged to celebrate the Lunar New Year on Jan. 28 in the Warch Campus Center’s Somerset Room.
Cultural dance and music performances will begin at 6 p.m., with a cultural expo to follow. The event is free and open to the public.
Thanks to collaboration with alumni and friends of the university, Career Services has a variety of events coming up next week. These events range from conservation/land and water resource management to business/consulting to government.
Students, attend info sessions and/or 1:1 chats with Northwest Youth Corps, The Boldt Company, U.S. Department of State and Optum to explore current internship and job openings.
Registration and details for these events can be found on LUworks.
Help save lives by donating blood next Thursday, Jan. 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center’s Esch Hurvis Room.
To schedule an appointment, email Erin Buenzli, director of wellness and recreation, or visit and enter sponsor code A041.