MyLU Insider


Category: Students

Senior Series: Mastering Personal Finance

Budgeting, Goals, and Emergency Funds

Tuesday, April 16 | 5:15-6:15 p.m.
Warch 414 – Runkel Room

As young professionals, it’s essential to strike a balance between earning and spending. Picking up where we left off last week, we’ll continue our discussions about managing your finances after graduation.

In this session, we’ll delve into the intricacies of personal finance, focusing on three critical aspects: budgeting, financial goals, and emergency funds. We’ll create a sample budget as a group and try to determine just how much you’ll need to earn to live the lifestyle you want!

Art Talk: Eric Garcia

Wednesday, April 17 | 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Wriston 224 – Auditorium

Come hear artist Eric Garcia talk about his art practice referencing history and a graphic style to create political art that confronts our understanding of the present. Using sculpture, mixed media installations, murals, printmaking and his controversial political cartoons, he aims to challenge his viewers to question sources of power and the whitewashing of history. Eric Garcia’s visit is made possible by the Harold and Mary Donn Jordan Fund for the Arts.

This talk is free and open to the public.

Dance for Diversity film screening

Thursday, April 18 | 7-9 p.m.
Warch 204 – Cinema

Dance For Diversity (DFD) is an annual screendance project series by Creative Director Elisabeth Roskopf that is made explicitly for Artists of Color to elevate their unique voices and share their stories through their dance-making and performance work. DFD provides a platform for Artists of Color to create an original solo piece on film that reflects who they are, their story of identity, and expresses personal experiences that address (including but not limited to) racial stereotypes, discrimination, and assumptions.

There will be a post-screening talk with some of the artists.

Measuring agricultural soil health

Exploring the path from data to decision-making

Thursday, April 18 | 4:30 p.m.
Steitz 102

What does it mean to measure soil health in agricultural systems? Once we measure it, how can we translate the science into practice to support sustainable agriculture?

In this presentation, Dr. Hava Blair, LU ’13 and Dept. of Soil Science at UW-Madison, will share how she have grappled with these questions through research conducted in farm fields, at laboratory benches, and between the pages of more than 200 meta-analyses drawn from the literature.

Dr. Blair’s research journey took her into the fields of 27 commercial farms across Minnesota, where she quantified the effects of agricultural practices on the soil with a suite of commonly used soil health indicators. This on-farm research experience spurred her to think more broadly about what it takes to translate science to practice. How do we synthesize primary research into a body of evidence that might be useful for decision-making? Dr. Blair will share how she explored one facet of this question through the lens of meta-research, and how she continues to explore it through her current work as a soil scientist who develops decision support tools for agriculture in Wisconsin.


Sunday, April 21 | 1-4 p.m.
Library Plaza

Hosted by Greenfire, an environmental justice club, is hosting this tabling and network-based event in celebration of community and coming together for Earth Day.

Outside organizations and Lawrence groups will be invited for our day of collective action, as well as delicious soup and music. This event is for celebrating the earth, appreciating each other and organizing, and fostering a great space to learn/try something new.

Lunch will be served (while supplies last) from Bon App catering starting at 1 p.m. Student bands will be performing from 2-4 p.m. This event will all take place on the Kaeyes Mamaceqtawuk/Library Plaza.

SLUG Earth Day Gardening Session

Monday, April 22 | 6-8 p.m.
SLUG Garden

On Earth Day, there will be a special opportunity to engage in the SLUG Garden for 17 Days of Kindness! SLUG will be hosting an Earth Day gardening session followed by a campfire with s’mores. Attendees will be entered in a raffle to win jars of SLUG honey™ from our very own LU bees!

This is a great opportunity to learn more about SLUG if you have been interested but not yet participated and get involved before the garden’s busy season! This is also an opportunity for faculty and staff to learn more about the community bed program that the garden hosts where community members can manage a bed in the garden for the season.

S&RL is Hiring for Fall 2024

Come work at the Esch Hurvis Center for Spiritual and Religious Life! We have the following positions open for the Fall 2024 Term:

  • Student SRL Assistant
    The SRL Assistant maintains the physical space of the Esch Hurvis Center for Spiritual and Religious Life and supports the functions of the Office of SRL.
  • Student SRL Specialist – General
    This position provides programming development and support for Spiritual and Religious Life.
  • Student SRL Specialist – Multifaith
    The Multifaith specialist coordinates Spiritual and Religious Life education about multiple religious observances and programmatic support for some observances.

Apply on Handshake by Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

Lawrence University Diversity Awards

Lawrence University is committed to upholding the tenets of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. We are proud to offer recognition of individuals in our campus community who embody these tenants. Campus community members are invited to nominate award recipients that ascribe to the follow criteria:

  • Has demonstrated innovation in problem solving and meeting needs based on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
  • Has assisted working with historically excluded populations.
  • Demonstrates a long-time commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging through scholarship or service.
  • Has demonstrated a passion for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging and serves as a role model for faculty, staff, and students.

The I.D.E.A.S. Division is accepting nominations for a student, faculty, and staff member of our Lawrentian community. Please submit a nomination letter with supporting evidence of why this individual deserves this award. Nominations can be sent to ideas@lawrence.eduNominations are due by the close of business, Friday, April 19.