MyLU Insider

MyLU Insider

Internal Communications

STUDENTS FOR HIRE: Seeking Interfaith Activators

The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is looking for three students to fill vital roles on campus as Interfaith Activators for the 2017-2018 academic year.  The team of Interfaith Activators will be responsible for advising, creating, implementing, advertising and supporting interfaith programs and events through the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life. Additionally, there will be some administrative duties and an encouraged learning from other members of the team.   

Visit or apply through LU Works under job ID 28057

 Applications will be accepted until April 20thCome work in this great space and fun office!


Career Symposium This Weekend! (April 7-8)

All majors are invited to the Career Symposium, a two day event this Friday and Saturday featuring sessions with over 25 recent alumni including Ali Heiring ’16, Adam Ferguson ’10, Michelle Li ’12, Syed Abbas ’11, Tara Jensen ’14,  Sandy Murti ’95 and Jaime Harper ’83 from companies like Google, Facebook, Deloitte, Mercer and Citadel.
•             Explore unanswered career questions
•             Expand your professional network and
•             Envision your future!

Learn about personal branding, networking, social impact and more with sessions covering the areas of consulting, arts administration and market research as well as a What to do with a Government Major panel.

Also, visit our newly added Info Tables with Innovation Pavilion and BCDVideo.  Amaan Khan ’16 will discuss the Apprentice role, Job ID: 28138 with Innovation Pavilion and Wes Varughese ’16 will discuss the full-time Territory Account Representative position, Job ID: 28005 with BCDVideo.

There are also multiple opportunities to chat with alumni on a 1:1 basis!  Contact Career Services to schedule a time.

Please register in LUworks (search “career symposium”) as room capacity is limited and space may fill.  Walk-ins will also be welcome on the day of each event as space allows.

April Wellness Tips from Laurie: Get Moving

“Spring breathes new life into the world around us.” Seeing the last remnants of snow melt away, and the first green of spring flowers poking up through the earth puts a little extra zip in everyone’s step. We’re a little more jovial, a little more upbeat. We find a reason to linger outside just a little longer, to catch another minute or two of sunshine.

With warmer weather comes more reasons and more opportunities for us to be outside. And for many of us, that means more opportunities to be moving. Whether that involves cleaning up the yard, walking the dog, or playing catch with the kids, there’s plenty of activities that help us to get moving. And isn’t this a great time of year to move more?

We may have plenty of reasons to move more at home.  But what about here at work? We all spend a lot of time here. Think of the benefits – both mentally and physically – if we found ways to move more while we’re here at work. We’d likely be less stressed, leaner, healthier, and happier.

So give it a try! Here are some ideas to help you get moving more at work:

  • Got a meeting in another building? Maybe you could leave 5-10 minutes early and take a quick stroll before that meeting.  Or you could spend a few extra minutes and take the long way back to your office after the meeting.
  • Better yet — could you turn it into a walking meeting, and bring the entire team outside? That additional activity and change of scenery often helps us “think outside the box” and may result in a more productive session.
  • We all spend a lot of time sitting throughout the day. Think about planning a 10-15 minute walk with your co-workers at set times, like 10 am and 2 pm.
  • Form a walking group with a few co-workers, and meet once or twice a week to get 30 minutes of walking (or running) in at the end of your workday.  For many of us, we’re less likely to find an excuse to miss that activity, if we’ve committed to doing it with someone else.

For any questions or concerns, please contact:

Laurie Ehlers, RN, CDE

RN Educator

Room 102, Memorial Hall

Phone: 920-832-7498

State of Wisconsin visit April 13th

Jennifer Zschernitz, Senior Executive Equal Opportunity Specialist with the State of Wisconsin will show you how to masterfully maneuver the state job application process.  The Info Table at 11:00 a.m. near the mailboxes in Warch will be followed by an Info Session at noon in the Kraemer room.  Sign up in LUworks for 1:1 chats in Career Services from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Allies Network Groups

If you are interested in helping Lawrence University become a more inclusive community, join one of our allies network group sessions to learn more.

Students – Thursday, April 6 (6-7 pm) Arthur Vining Davis – WCC

Staff – Tuesday, April  11 (11:30-12:30 pm) Alice Chapman Conf Room 202

Please RSVP to Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at

CALL FOR PROPOSALS – 2017 Diversity Conference

August 17-18

Teaching All Students Well

Proposals are due April 7.

Sessions can be either 50-minute presentations (with question-and-answer periods) or 80-minute panels or interactive activities. They should directly address the conference focus on inclusive pedagogy.

Potential topic areas include:

  • Strategies for eliminating the achievement and opportunity gap
  • Diversity in curriculum and its impact on learning, development and student engagement
  • Performing and visual arts as diversity education
  • Increasing participation of low-income students and students of color in high-impact educational experiences
  • Creating inclusive classrooms where all students feel they belong
  • Recruiting and/or retaining diverse teachers and faculty
  • Partnering with diverse communities to ensure student success
  • Strategies for effectively handling potentially controversial topics in the classroom
  • Classrooms as laboratories for civic engagement and leadership development

Proposals should include: 

  • Presentation title
  • Names and job titles of presenters
  • Organization
  • Summary (for use in conference program)
  • Detailed description, including statement of relationship to theme, purpose and learning outcomes, presentation techniques and strategies to engage audience in active learning
  • Technology needs
  • The proposal should not exceed 5 pages.

Call 920-832-6744 or email

New Cashier – Financial Services

Cashier Update!

Lawrence University is excited to welcome its new Cashier, Tiera Heller.  Please take a moment next time you stop by the Cashier window to introduce yourselves and get to know Tiera!

Tiera Heller will operate the Cashier window the same hours 10am-2pm Monday – Thursday and 10am-noon on Fridays.

Please begin to direct all cash advance requests and key requests to Tiera Heller.

Brandie VanAsten, Accounts payable specialist and Lynn Payne, Student Account Specialist will no longer be cashiering on a regular basis.  They will serve as backup cashiers for Tiera when needed.