Lawrence University News

Lawrence pianist Michael Mizrahi’s second album coming out March 25

The second album by Lawrence University piano professor Michael Mizrahi — “Currents” — will be released Friday, March 25 on New Amsterdam records.

Michael Mizrahi
Michael Mizrahi

He’ll celebrate with a release party performance March 26 at National Sawdust in Brooklyn, N.Y.  Acclaimed violinist Michi Wiancko will join Mizrahi as a special guest.

The follow-up to 2012’s “The Bright Motion,” his critically acclaimed debut album, “Currents” features six new American piano works, almost all of which were commissioned by Mizrahi and written specifically with his singular sound and approach in mind. Among the composers who contributed to the album is his Lawrence conservatory faculty colleague Asha Srinivasan, whose track, “Mercurial Reveries,” is a probing five-movement work that draws on her Indian American heritage. It is in one moment domineering and terrifying and in the next, delicate, docile and nostalgic.

Sarah Kirkland Snider wrote the title track, “The Currents,” which flows from start to finish, with currents of sound pulling the listener through eddies and whirlpools along the way.

Currents-album_newsblogTroy Herion’s “Harpsichords” evokes a transparent Baroque texture, replete with trills and shakes while Mark Dancigers’ “The Bright Motion Ascending” — the third installment in his Bright Motion trilogy written for Mizrahi — explores the vibrant upper reaches of the instrument before plummeting back to Earth with a cataclysmic final chord.

“Heartbreaker,” written by Missy Mazzoli, begins with focused precision then  evolves into a trance-like state that eventually breaks down in a schizophrenic collapse. Patrick Burke‘s “Missing Piece” features piquant dissonances and slow-moving triadic harmonies that plumb the lowest ranges of the piano.

As the title suggests, the album embodies forward movement, building on great piano works of the past while propelling the solo piano repertoire ahead in a new and energized direction. In a review of the album, National Public Radio called Mizahi “a gifted pianist” who “plays with both tenderness and fierce beauty.”

“Currents” is available at

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.


Lawrence student band Slipstream embarks on Midwest tour

As Lawrence students finish Term II exams, they’ll soon scatter across the country and the globe for a well-earned spring break. As for senior Joe Connor, juniors Ilan Blanck and Matt Blair and 2015 Lawrence graduate Dan Reifsteck — collectively known as Slipstream — they are hitting the road for their band’s first tour, a five-stop trip around the Midwest.

Slipstream — pianist Matt Blair, saxophonist Joe Connor, percussionist Dan Reifsteck and guitarist Ilan Blanck — will spend spring break on tour in the Midwest.

Slipstream, a quartet that operates in a space somewhere near the convergence of contemporary classical, modern jazz and modern rock, warmed up for its tour with an on-campus performance last week in the Memorial Chapel.

They’ll make their first stop in Oshkosh for a Thursday, March 17 performance followed by stops in Milwaukee (3/18); Des Moines, Iowa (3/21); Lincoln, Neb. (3/23); and St. Paul, Minn. (3/25).

“It’s nice to play anywhere at Lawrence and share our music with all of our friends and professors,” said Reifsteck, “but it’s a whole other thing to take it outside of the school and try to share it with a whole new audience that we haven’t even met before.”

The group, which features Blanck on electric guitar, Connor on saxophone, Blair on piano and Reifsteck on percussion, has been playing together since January 2015. Their genesis was the result of a piece they’ll be playing on tour, “Hout,” a 1991 piece written by Dutch composer Louis Andriessen that is arranged for tenor saxophone, electric guitar, piano and marimba.

“At some point, someone was like, ‘We should play this,’” Blanck said. “It all kind of converged.”

Suddenly the four friends, who had previously played together in various combinations, had a common project. Fast forward 14 months and Slipstream has just released its first EP, “Northland,” with the help of collaborator Jason Koth, a sophomore at Lawrence.

Slipstream_Northland_newsblog“Northland” features pieces written for the group by Lawrence alumni JP Merz (2014) “for i believed in the existence of…”, Patrick Marschke (2013) “le/af” and Chris Misch-Bloxdorf (2013) “Blinded by Silver Lines,” which the quarter performed at last month’s Convocation.

The band honed those tracks during a two-day open rehearsal stint with Grammy Award-winning ensemble eighth blackbird last month at the Chicago Museum for Contemporary Art — a surreal experience, according to Blanck.

“They really pushed us in a lot of interesting ways, pushed us to kind of go for extremes in the music and encouraged us to push each other,” said Blanck.

The title track, “Northland,” takes its name from the street in Appleton. Slipstream was looking for an improvisational piece to lead into Marschke’s composition; “Northland” came on the first try.

“We probably sat with the tape rolling for a minute straight,” Reifsteck said. “There’s just a minute of silence where none of us was able to figure out how to start. But then eventually Ilan started, then Matt started to join in, then I started to join in and then Joe joined in. Right after we finished recording that take, we all looked up and we were like, ‘Ok, we don’t need to improvise again. That’s the take.’”

That kind of musical chemistry isn’t by coincidence.

“In music school, you’re playing so much music with so many different people and you usually have so little time to put things together,” Blanck said. “I feel grateful that we’ve had time to work on similar music and really get to know it and get to know each other.”

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

British scholar presents “Fifty Years Hence: Why Study Churchill Today?”

A scholar of Sir Winston Churchill examines the historical legacy of the former British prime minister and the ways he continues to speak to us today in a talk at Lawrence University.

Allen Packwood

Allen Packwood, a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, and the director of the Churchill Archives Centre, presents “Fifty Years Hence: Why Study Churchill Today?” Saturday, March 12 at 1 p.m. in the Wriston Art Center auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

Beyond his political will that carried Britain through World War II, Churchill was also a dedicated amateur artist who first began painting at the age of 40, an avocation that he carried through the rest of his life.

Packwood has written about and lectured extensively on Churchill throughout the United Kingdom and the United States. He served as co-curator of the 2004 exhibition “Churchill and the Great Republic” at the Library of Congress as well as “Churchill: The Power of Words,” a 2012 display at New York City’s Morgan Library.

As director of the Churchill Archives Centre, located on the campus of Churchill College, Packwood oversees the papers of  Churchill, former prime minister Margaret Thatcher and nearly 600 other politicians, diplomats, civil servants, military leaders and scientists of the Churchill era and beyond.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.


Celebration Concert: Lawrence Academy of Music Girl Choir marks 25th anniversary

The Lawrence Academy of Music’s Girl Choir program celebrates its 25th anniversary Saturday, March 19 with a pair of performances in the Lawrence Memorial Chapel at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

The Lawrence Academy of Music Girl Choir program celebrates its 25th anniversary in song March 19.

The Academy Girl Choir program comprises seven choirs, with singers in grades 3-12 from the greater Fox Valley region. The anniversary concert also features a choir of 101 Girl Choir alumnae visiting from 13 states.

Tickets, at $12 for adults, $8 for seniors and students, are available at the Lawrence Box Office, 920-832-6749, or online.

The anniversary concerts feature some of the Girl Choir singers’ most beloved repertoire from its 25-year history, including art songs, folk songs from around the world and contemporary compositions, including one written specifically for the Girl Choir.  The concert will close with the Martin Sirvatka arrangement of Walter Hawkins’ I’m Goin’ Up A Yonder,” conducted by teacher-conductor, Cheryl Meyer, who has been with the program for 24 of its 25 years.

From California to Massachusetts, Minnesota to Texas, former members will return to Appleton to celebrate the program’s silver anniversary.  Sisters Jennifer Brown and Elizabeth Everson, both Chilton natives, now living in Colorado and Maryland, respectively, will sing with the Alumnae Choir.

“I’m so excited to be going home to sing with my first choir friends for a reunion concert,” said Everson. “Plus I’ll be singing again with my sister, my first best friend.”

Recent graduates are similarly well-represented in the Alumnae Choir. College student Catherine Backer is “thrilled to have the opportunity to come back to a place where girls from all over grow together.”

Anna Benz, whose younger sisters are currently enrolled in the Girl Choir program, is “so glad to share the tradition with them, and to see their love of music growing.”

Local women also will be part of the celebration. Fox Valley resident Sarah Felhofer sang with the program more than 12 years ago.

“I feel like it’s concert day all over again! I’m nervous, excited, and can’t wait to be on the big chapel stage again.”

Chelsey Burke, who recently returned to Appleton, remarked, “It’s such a unique opportunity to reunite with my sisters in song after all these years. To come together not only to sing our most loved pieces of the past, but to sing them with the young girls we now see ourselves in is, in a word, inspiring!”

Allison Shinnick (left) and Claire Powling (third from left) will be among the singers performing with the Alumnae Choir for the Girl Choir’s 25th anniversary concert, which was organized by Karen Bruno (second from left), director of the Lawrence Academy of Music and conductor of the Bel Canto choir, and Cheryl Meyer, conductor of the Allegretto choir.

Nearly 1,800 singers have participated in the program during its 25 years. There have been 15 teacher-conductors, 36 collaborative pianists and 54 choir managers, many of whom were Lawrence Conservatory of Music education students. Each will be listed in the Girl Choir History pages of the concert program.

In addition to its semiannual concerts, Girl Choirs have been selected to perform at Carnegie Hall four times, represented Wisconsin at the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown colony, sang for state and regional music education conventions and performed in several international children’s choir festivals and women’s choir festivals.

They have collaborated with local arts organizations such as the Fox Valley Symphony, newVoices, Mile of Music, Makaroff Youth Ballet, Fox Cities Performing Arts Center, Appleton Boychoir and Monteverdi Master Chorale, and have a performance permanently linked on Wisconsin Public Television’s website. In 2012, Bel Canto won second place in the nation within the youth and high school choral division of The American Prize competition.

More than 300 girls typically are enrolled in the Girl Choir program, representing more than 50 schools throughout Northeast Wisconsin. Current teacher-conductors are Patty Merrifield, Karrie Been, Cheryl Meyer, Toni Weijola, Jaclyn Kottman, Debbie Lind and Karen Bruno.

The Lawrence Academy of Music Girl Choir program provides quality choral opportunities for girls in the Fox Valley region. Through the study and performance of the highest quality music, the girls develop vocal technique, musical skills, creativity, expressive artistry, and an awareness of various cultures. The program encourages girls to respect the uniqueness of others, to take risks that foster individual growth and to continue their development into self-assured young women.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Lawrence Provost David Burrows announces plans to leave post, return to teaching

David Burrows, who has served as Lawrence’s provost and dean of the faculty since July of 2005, has announced plans to  retire from this position and return to teaching.

Burrows will leave his position as the college’s chief academic officer June 30, 2017 to become a full-time member of the Lawrence faculty as a professor of psychology. As part of this work, he will lead a new effort that will foster collaboration with faculty to develop ideas and programs for liberal learning pedagogy.  Significant advances have been achieved in understanding how

David Burrows
David Burrows

individuals learn and Burrows wants to help Lawrence take advantage of these developments. This new effort will allow Lawrence faculty to better understand these advances in the science of learning and incorporate these concepts into the classroom, laboratory and studio.

A national search for a new dean and provost will begin this spring.

As provost and dean of the faculty, Burrows serves as chair of the curriculum committee and the financial planning committee and is responsible for the recruitment of new faculty, participation in reappointment and tenure decisions as well as budget planning.

Among the highlights of his tenure, Burrows cited his role in hiring 75 exceptional new faculty members who continue Lawrence’s tradition of great teachers and his involvement in developing Lawrence’s Senior Experience program. This capstone program engages every senior in a culminating academic project that demonstrates proficiency in their major field of study, integration of knowledge and skills gained during their years at Lawrence, and development of scholarly or artistic independence.

Burrows also was instrumental in helping implement the Lawrence Fellows in the Liberal Arts and Sciences program for emerging scholars who recently finished their graduate degrees.

“I have enjoyed immensely being a part of Lawrence in my administrative role,” Burrows said in announcing his retirement plans. “We have a wonderful faculty characterized by talent and dedication. My colleagues on the cabinet and other staff members are also talented and are clearly working hard for Lawrence. I have enjoyed a strong and close relationship with President Mark Burstein. We have great students with outstanding potential for growth and achievement. Everyone has been very supportive and for that I am grateful.”

“It has been a privilege and pleasure to work closely with Dave for the past three years,” said Burstein. “His passion for liberal arts education, administrative capacity and care for each individual member of the Lawrence community will be greatly missed. I am thankful his leadership and talents will continue to be felt on campus as a faculty member and leader of our new effort to renew pedagogy.”

A native of New York City, Burrows joined the Lawrence administration after spending eight years as dean of the college and vice president for academic affairs at Beloit College, where he also taught in the psychology department.

“(Dave’s) passion for liberal arts education, administrative capacity and care for each individual member of the Lawrence community will be greatly missed.”
     — President Mark Burstein

Burrows enjoyed a lengthy teaching career as a cognitive psychologist before becoming a college administrator. He spent eight years on the faculty at the State University of New York at Brockport and 17 years at Skidmore College, including three as associate dean of the faculty.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Columbia University and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Toronto.Dave-Burrows_newsblog_2

An avid cyclist, youth ice hockey referee and sports enthusiast, Burrows has been a fixture at home contests of Lawrence football and hockey and has served as a guest athletic coach at the invitation of the volleyball team.

His interests in education extends beyond the campus borders. He is a member of the board of directors of the Appleton Education Foundation and is a former chair (2012-14) of the board of directors of the Fox Valley Literacy Council, for which he still serves as a board member.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Lawrence leftovers: Student organizations helping to feed the Fox Cities

An old English proverb claims the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Lawrence University senior and Servant Leader Fellow Shang Li is applying a similar philosophy not for affection, but to improve the lives of hundreds of area residents.

A product of Lawrence’s innovation and entrepreneurship program, Food for Fox is the brainchild of Shang, Rachel Gregory and Malcolm Lunn-Craft and run with the help of the Lawrence Food Recovery Network team to reduce food waste while also providing a healthy meal for clients of two area non-profit organizations, Harbor House Domestic Abuse Shelter and the Fox Cities Boys and Girls Club.

Helping to provide meals to area nonprofit organizations are Professor Mark Jenike, faculty advisor, Food for Fox co-founder Shang Li, Food Recovery Network co-presidents Sarah Diamond and Lindsay Holsen and Food for Fox co-founders Malcolm Lunn-Craft and Rachel Gregory.
Helping to provide meals to area nonprofit organizations are Professor Mark Jenike, faculty advisor, Food for Fox co-founder Shang Li, Food Recovery Network co-presidents Sarah Diamond and Lindsay Holsen and Food for Fox co-founders Malcolm Lunn-Craft and Rachel Gregory.

With the help of various student groups of volunteers — athletes, fraternity and sorority members, residents of theme houses and passionate individuals — unused food is collected from Andrew Commons, the Lawrence dining area, several evenings three weeks a month for twice-a-week deliveries of between 50 and 100 pounds of food to Harbor House. The collection the last week of the month is earmarked for a meal for children and their families at the Fox Cities Boys and Girls Club.

Beyond simple nutrition, Food for Fox’s goal is to support education of needy children through these donated meals.

“Food is a very powerful thing,” said Li. “We want to partner with local organizations to provide educational sessions for the children and their families on the importance of establishing healthy eating habits, especially at a young age.”

Gregory was drawn to Food for Fox in part because of her interests in sustainability.

“We waste an abundance of food, while many families in our own community go hungry or do not have access to a reliable supply of nutritious foods,” said Gregory, an environmental studies major from Plano, Texas. “We are melding two problems together to create a solution.”

The Food for Fox program has partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Fox Valley to provide a family meal the last Friday of each month.

As of the end of February, the Boys & Girls Club had served 230 meals courtesy of the Food for Fox program.

“The biggest benefit of this program is being able to open the meal up to our member’s families,” said Holly Purgett, Healthy Habits Food Program Coordinator at the Boys and Girls Club. “Socially speaking, this event encourages families to have a meal together and spend quality time with one another on a Friday night. Our kids are proud to bring their parents, siblings and grandparents to the club and show them where they spend much of their time.

“Although we receive certain reimbursements, they do not cover all of our food program expenses,” Purgett added. “Having a meal donated, even once a month, helps with those non-covered expenses.”

Li was initially inspired by a Facebook video she saw two years ago about the Food Recovery Network, which prompted her to help establish a campus chapter — one of the first two in the state of Wisconsin — in the spring of 2014.

“That Facebook video really touched my heart,” said Li, a government and history major from Tianjin, China. “I was fascinated with how simple procedures and a support system can transform food waste into warm, nutritious meals for people in need.”

“I envision LU Food Recovery Network along with Food for Fox being run by generations of Lawrentians because there is always a demand for food and there is always a platform that will allow our students to shine as servant leaders.”
     — Shang Li ’16

In its first year of operation (May 2014- June 2015), the Food Recovery Network collected more than 5,000 pounds of leftovers, which were shared with its initial Fox Cities organizations, Loaves & Fishes and Homeless Connection. When those partnerships dissolved for various reasons, Li proposed the Food for Fox idea last fall to the Food Recovery Network’s new leadership team, Sarah Diamond and Lindsay Holsen. Harbor House and the Boys and Girls Club became the new beneficiaries.

“We are extremely appreciative of the Boys & Girl’s Club for their willingness to collaborate with Food Recovery Network and Food for Fox to create an event that has a lot of potential as it continues to build awareness, promote sustainability and provide meaningful meals to kids in need,” said Holsen, a Servant Leader Fellow who joined the Food Recovery Network board in 2014 and became co-president last April.

Food for Fox founders Shang Li (l.), Macolm Lunn-Craft (c.) and Rachel Gregory (r.) are using surplus food from Lawrence to help feed others in the community.
Food for Fox founders Shang Li (l.), Macolm Lunn-Craft (c.) and Rachel Gregory (r.) are using surplus food from Lawrence to help feed others in the community.

Like Li, Gregory and Holsen, Diamond is passionate about food, maximizing its use and reducing its waste. She sees the collaboration between the Food Recovery Network and Food for Fox as an ideal vehicle to accomplish those goals.

“Food is a topic that is largely under discussed in daily life, especially among those that have enough of it,” said Diamond, a junior from Winchester, Mass., who worked with a group that focused on food, farming and hunger in the Boston area while in high school. “The fact that 40 percent of food produced in this country is thrown away while at the same time one in seven Americans are food insecure is simply not okay.”

The students involved see the two programs growing and expanding their reach in the years ahead, including operating during the summer and winter term break.

“We want to be a support system to low-income families and their children throughout the year,” said Li, who plans to pursue graduate studies in social innovations post-Lawrence. “I envision LU Food Recovery Network along with Food for Fox being run by generations of Lawrentians because there is always a demand for food and there is always a platform that will allow our students to shine as servant leaders.”

Gregory sees great potential for the Food for Fox program, especially in the education realm.

“I hope over the next five to 10 years, the program increases awareness to food-related issues. We want to introduce the kids to delicious healthy foods they might not have tried before, which will give way to healthy life-long eating habits. Economically, Food for Fox could even increase economic efficiency among our donors as they begin to take note of which foods are often left over. In our work this term, we tried to build a simple, logical model that can be applied to many different locations so that the program expands throughout the Fox Valley, Wisconsin and the Midwest.”

Members of Lawrence's athletic teams are among the groups who volunteer to collect leftovers for the Food for Fox program.
Members of Lawrence’s athletic teams are among the groups who volunteer to collect leftovers for the Food for Fox program.

Julie Severance, general manager of Bon Appetit, has served as the advisor for Food Recovery Network since its inception while Mark Jenike, Pieper Family Professor of Servant Leadership and associate professor of anthropology, joined the team as faculty advisor earlier this year. John Brandenberger, Alice G. Chapman Professor Emeritus of Physics, Adam Galambos, Dwight and Marjorie Peterson Professor of Innovation and associate professor of economics, and Gary Vaughan, coordinator of the innovation and entrepreneurship program, have served as mentors to the Food for Fox program.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Educators Cheryl Meyer, Britta Luteyn recognized with state teaching awards

Cheryl Meyer

Two educators with ties to Lawrence University have been recipients of awards from the Wisconsin Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE).

Cheryl Meyer, a vocal music specialist at Appleton’s Jefferson Elementary School,
is one of the 2016 winners of WACTE’s Pre-Service Educator Mentor Award while  Britta Luteyn, a 2012 Lawrence graduate, has been named an Early Career Educator Award winner.

Both will be honored Sunday, May 1at the home of Lawrence University President Mark Burstein.

Meyer and Luteyn were selected for the awards by faculty of Lawrence’s college and conservatory teacher education program. Each state college or university that belongs to WACTE was invited to select a recipient for each award.

The Mentor Award recognizes an outstanding educator who has demonstrated a sustained pattern of mentoring pre-service educators for at least five years.

Meyer has spent 31 years as a music teacher at Jefferson Elementary. She also has taught at the Fox River Academy and has spent 24 years at the Lawrence Academy of Music as one of the conductors of the Girl Choir, where she has been praised by students for the “unconditional respect she consistently offers to children and adults.”

Jefferson Elementary School Principal Lori Leschisin called Meyer “the most caring music teacher that I have ever had the honor of working with.”

During her career, Meyer has mentored 31 student teachers.

Stewart Purkey, Bee Connell Mielke Professor of Education and associate professor of education at Lawrence, said he “cannot think of a more deserving recipient of this award. Cheryl truly models the change we wish to see in this world.”

Meyer earned a bachelor of music degree from UW-Madison.

The Early Career Educator Award honors outstanding educators within the first three years of their professional career.

Britta Luteyn '12
Britta Luteyn ’12

Luteyn, who earned her Lawrence degree with a major in Spanish, is a fourth grade bilingual dual-language immersion teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School in Madison.

Citing her intelligence and instructional skill coupled with her kind, positive nature, Brett Wilfrid, principal at Sandburg Elementary, praised Luteyn as an “excellent educator” and consummate teammate” with whom colleagues request to work.

In congratulating Luteyn, Purkey referenced education pioneer Maria Montessori, who believed the fate of the future laid within all children.

“On behalf of Lawrence, we are honored to give this award to Britta, who, by touching the lives of the children under her care, creates a better future for all.

“We’re confident that in the years to come,” Purkey added, “her demonstrated enthusiasm for multicultural teaching and her passionate commitment to her students’ academic and emotional growth will make her a teacher children adore and parents seek out.”

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Four faculty members promoted, granted tenure

Four members of the Lawrence University faculty have been granted tenure appointments by the college’s Board of Trustees.

Based on recommendations by the faculty Committee on Tenure, Promotion, Reappointment and Equal Employment Opportunity, and President Mark Burstein, tenure was granted to Sara Ceballos, Sonja Downing, Judith Humphries and Stephen Sieck. Each was promoted to rank of associate professor.

“The four persons who have been awarded tenure are outstanding members of our faculty,” said David Burrows, provost and dean of the faculty. “Each has contributed to our programs in distinctive, excellent ways and we are confident they will continue to do so for many years to come. Each is destined to become a leader among the faculty and to provide inspiration to generations of our students.”

Sara Ceballos
Sara Ceballos

Ceballos, a musicologist whose scholarship focuses on 17th- and 18th-century keyboard music, joined the conservatory of music faculty in 2008. She teaches classes as diverse as “The German Lied and National Identity,” “Music and Colonialism in the Age of Exploration” and “Music and Power Under the Sun King.”

She has been the recipient of awards for her research from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the University of California, and the Southwest and Northwest chapters of the American Musicological Society.

At Lawrence’s 2015 commencement, Ceballos was honored with the college’s Young Teacher Award in recognition of demonstrated excellence in the classroom and the promise of continued growth.

Ceballos, who plays piano, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Colby College with a bachelor’s degree in music. She also earned a master’s degree and Ph.D. in musicology at UCLA.

Sonja Downing
Sonja Downing

Downing joined the conservatory of music faculty in 2008 as a postdoctoral fellow in ethnomusicology and was granted a tenure track appointment in 2011. Her research interests include traditional Balinese music, traditional music pedagogy and the intersection of gender and performance.

She was instrumental in the founding of Lawrence’s gamelan ensemble, Gamelan Cahaya Asri and has performed in the U.S. and in Bali with the American-based Gamelan Sekar Jaya.

Born in Switzerland, Downing earned a bachelor’s degree in music from Swarthmore College, a master of music in flute performance and a Ph.D. in music from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

A member of the Lawrence biology department, Humphries first joined the faculty in 2007 as a visiting assistant professor before being given a tenure-track appointment in 2010. Her scholarship focuses on invertebrate immunology, with a special interest in the immune system of snails and how they regulate their immune responses to parasites and other biological threats.

Judith Humphries
Judith Humphries

In addition to the biology department, Humphries contributes to topics in Lawrence’s neuroscience department.

Prior to Lawrence, Humphries taught at the Institute of Biological Sciences at the University of Wales and was a researcher in the pathobiological sciences department at UW-Madison.

A native of Northern Ireland, Humphries earned both a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences and a doctoral degree at Queens University in Belfast.

Sieck, who joined the conservatory of music faculty in 2010, directs Lawrence’s Viking Chorale and co-directs the Concert Choir and Cantala women’s choir, all of which have been invited in the past two years to perform at state or regional choral director association conferences.

Stephen Sieck
Stephen Sieck

His current research interests include inclusive pedagogy and effective teaching strategies for diction and for developing tenor voices. He also has published scholarly articles on Benjamin Britten and Aaron Copland. In 2014, he was recognized with Lawrence’s Young Teacher Award.

Prior to Lawrence, Sieck spent five years as the director of choral/vocal music at Emory & Henry College in Virginia. He serves as the music director at Neenah’s First Presbyterian Church and as President-Elect for the Wisconsin Choral Directors Association.

Sieck earned a bachelor of arts degree in music from the University of Chicago and master’s and doctoral degrees in choral conducting from the University of Illinois.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Lawrence takes “The Beggar’s Opera” to the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center

Lawrence University Opera makes its Fox Cities Performing Arts Center debut Feb. 25-28 with four performances of John Gay’s revolutionary “The Beggar’s Opera” in the Kimberly-Clark Theater.

Performances Thursday, Feb. 25- Saturday Feb. 27 begin at 7:30 p.m. A matinee performance on Sunday, Feb. 28 begins at 3 p.m. Tickets, at $15 for adults, $10 for seniors, $8 for students, are available at the Lawrence Box Office, 920-832-6749 or the PAC Box Office, 920-730-3760.

Elena Stabile as Polly Peachum and Mitchell Kasprzyk as Captain Macheath perform in Lawrence’s production of “The Beggar’s Opera.”

Written by Gay as an English counter-response to 18th-century Italian opera, “The Beggar’s Opera” challenges conventional ideas of criminal and governing factions, of love and necessity. The revolutionary opera changed theatre for the next two centuries, introducing the use of popular songs and ballads of the time in a biting satire on English government and society.

At the time, men called thief-takers received stolen goods from thieves and returned them to their rightful owners for a fee. Knowing the names and crimes of each thief they dealt with, the thief-takers could, if not provided enough bounty, turn him over to the authorities for a 40 £ reward. The authorities profitably cooperated with thief-takers in this corrupt system.

“John Gay and his fellow satirists observed and railed against the corruption in the magistrates and elected officials,” said Copeland Woodruff, director of opera studies and stage director of the production. “‘The Beggar’s Opera’ is rife with these antitheses, pointing out that Lords are no more upstanding that the Highwaymen.”

The opera follows the tale of Peachum, thief-taker and informer, who conspires to send dashing and promiscuous highwayman Macheath to the gallows after Macheath has secretly married Peachum’s daughter, Polly. The result is a tale of chase and escape, of thieves and prostitutes, of love and loss, all told by the Beggar, who insists that the performance be viewed like all other fashionable operas of the time. In reality, of course, “The Beggar’s Opera” deliberately breaks away from the form of any opera before it.

Woodruff credited his experience working with the PAC last fall on his special “Expressions of Acceptance” micro-operas event for the location change from Lawrence’s Stansbury Theatre to the downtown venue.Beggar's-Opera_newsblog-4

“After planning the micro-operas there and meeting and working with the wonderful, generous team at the PAC, it seemed a perfect fit for this opera,” said Woodruff. “The Kimberly-Clark Theater has a very intimate feeling and the audience will be feet away from performers in a piece that is of the people and by the people.”

Guest conductor Hal France directs the orchestra, while Bonnie Koestner serves as music director and vocal coach. Choreography was designed by Margaret Paek and fight choreography by J. Christopher Carter. Michael J. Barnes served as the production’s accent coach.

In the double-cast production, sophomores Ian Grimshaw and John Perkins share the role of Mr. Peachum. Senior Elena Stabile and junior Lizzie Burmeister portray Polly Peachum, while seniors Mitchell Kasprzyk and David Pecsi portray Captain Macheath. seniors Kelsey Wang and Katie Mueller share the role of Lucy Lockit.

In addition to live music played my members of the Lawrence Symphony Orchestra during the opera, Holy Sheboygan!, a local band of Lawrence alumni, will play a pre-opera concert beginning 30 minutes before the start of each day’s performance as well as during two 10-minute intermissions.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.

Century of the Brain series examines perception of rhythm in music and language

John Iversen

Any musician will tell you playing music changes the way they think, but how exactly does music affect the perception of the human brain?

John Iversen, cognitive neuroscientist at the Institute for Neural Computation at the University of California, San Diego, seeks answers to that question in his studies of rhythm perception and production in music and language, spanning behavioral and neuroscience approaches.

Iversen presents “Rhythms in Music, Language, and the Brain: Using Music to Study Neural Function” Wednesday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. in the Wriston Art Center auditorium as the penultimate speaker in Lawrence University’s Liberal Arts in the Century of the Brain series. A question-and-answer session will immediately follow the presentation, which is free and open to the public.

Music perception and production is a key tool for understanding complex brain processes, including those that may underlie language. A common theme running through Iversen’s research is the perception of rhythm, including how a listener’s native language influences that perception, how listeners synchronize with the beat in complex rhythms and the differences in performance when a rhythm is presented aurally versus visually.

He currently directs the SIMPHONY project at UCSD, a longitudinal study of the effect of music training on children’s brain and cognitive development. Other research endeavors include a study of Japanese and English-learning infants, showing that language learning shapes basic rhythm perception. He earned  national attention for a study demonstrating that Snowball, a sulphur-crested cockatoo, can synchronize with a musical beat, an ability that was previously thought to be uniquely human.

Iverson earned a  bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard University, graduate degrees in philosophy of science and in speech at Cambridge University and a Ph.D in speech and hearing science from MIT.

The Liberal Arts in the Century of the Brain series incorporates the interdisciplinary areas of neuroscience and cognitive science to create connections with other disciplines at Lawrence.

The closing speaker in the series will be:

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Chauncey Stillman Professor of Practical Ethics in the department of philosophy and the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. April 12. The author of five books and more than 100 published articles, Sinnott-Armstrong is a scholar of moral psychology and brain science, which his presentation will focus on, as well as uses of neuroscience in the legal system.

About Lawrence University
Founded in 1847, Lawrence University uniquely integrates a college of liberal arts and sciences with a nationally recognized conservatory of music, both devoted exclusively to undergraduate education. It was selected for inclusion in the book “Colleges That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About College” and Fiske’s Guide to Colleges 2016. Engaged learning, the development of multiple interests and community outreach are central to the Lawrence experience. Lawrence draws its 1,500 students from nearly every state and more than 50 countries.