MyLU Insider

Sole Burner – May 12th

This year’s annual American Cancer Society Sole Burner walk/run will take place on the morning of May 12th. Streets on the route (map below) will likely be blocked off starting at around 8:55 am and will reopen likely around 9:40 as the last walker goes by. Streets directly around City Park will be blocked off earlier as this is where the race will start.

Listed below are the expected street closure times: 

  1. College Avenue Bridge – 8:50 until 9:40
  2. Lawe/E. South River – 9:00 until 9:50
  3. Lawe/Franklin – 8:55 until 9:20 (after opening, you can take Lawe north out of downtown)
  4. South Island/Olde Oneida and Eagle Flats Parkway/Olde Oneida – 8:55 until 10:10
  5. College/Drew – 8:55 until 10:20, you may be allowed west via College until about 9:10
  6. Washington/Drew – you may be allowed west via Washington until about 9:10.
  7. Newberry Trail is open off Lawe Street to the Telulah park area

This year we will also likely have a marching band playing at the intersection of Drew St. and College Ave to cheer on our participants.  They will be playing mainly between 9:15am – 11:00am.

For More Information: 5.12.18 Sole Burner