MyLU Insider

Art Around Campus this Summer

This summer the Wriston Art Galleries intern will be conducting an inventory of artworks around campus – he may poke his head into your office, but just to make sure things are where we think they are. 

Also: if you ever find yourself with artwork that you no longer want or need in your campus work spaces, send Beth Zinsli or Elizabeth Larew a note and we’ll come retrieve it – we are always happy to take care of art, and someone else may want it for their office. We can also store artwork safely during periods of construction or remodeling.

If you need a little more art in your life, the Senior Art Show is open through June 30, and the summer show, featuring our collection of German Expressionist prints, will be on view July 14-August 18. 

There are two Art @ Noon opportunities, too: Thursdays, July 18 and August 15. Join us for a fun 20-minute tour of the galleries over your lunch break!