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Inclusive Pedagogy Workshops coming soon

The Inclusive Pedagogy Committee invites you to join us for workshops with Dr. Michelle Miller:

Leveraging Psychology to Create Compelling Learning Experiences: Attention, Memory, and Thinking Skills

Educators are all in the business of changing minds: We build new memories, guide students in developing new skills, and promote the development of values and mindsets. Attention, memory, and higher thought processes are three aspects of the mind that are particularly critical to learning, and all align particularly well with the capabilities of instructional technologies.

In Part 1 of our workshop, we will explore the ways in which attention and memory shape learning, and apply those principles to challenges we face in designing learning activities.


After completing Part 1 of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain major principles of memory and attention as they relate to learning
  • Design learning activities that take advantage of the way memory and attention work
  • Apply principles from research on memory and attention to address challenges in teaching and learning within their own courses
  • Identify specific tools and technologies they want to explore further

In Part 2 of our workshop, we will explore the ways in which thinking skills develop and how that process can be accelerated using particular strategies for teaching and learning, with an emphasis on technologies that can help us implement those strategies.


After completing Part 2 of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain major findings and concepts relating to the development of thinking skills, as well as barriers and challenges that often get in the way
  • Design learning activities that take advantage of the way thinking works
  • Apply principles from research on thinking to address challenges in teaching and learning within their own courses
  • Identify specific tools and technologies they want to explore further

When:  Friday, Oct. 25

         Part 1 – 10:00 am – Noon

         Part 2 – 2:00 pm – 4:00 PM

Where:  Youngchild 041

The Inclusive Pedagogy Committee is also offering copies of her book, Minds Online, mentioned above.  Request a copy through through the RSVP link below.

We enthusiastically encourage all to attend!  To help us ensure available space/seats, please use the following link to RSVP your intent to join us:

About Dr. Miller:

Author, Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology, Harvard University Press, 2014

Dr. Michelle D. Miller is Director of the First Year Learning Initiative, Professor of Psychological Sciences, and President’s Distinguished Teaching Fellow at Northern Arizona University.  Dr. Miller’s academic background is in cognitive psychology; her research interests include memory, attention, and student success in the early college career.

Dr. Miller co-created the First Year Learning Initiative at Northern Arizona University and is active in course redesign, serving as a Redesign Scholar for the National Center for Academic Transformation. She is the author of Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology (Harvard University Press, 2014), and has written about evidence-based pedagogy in scholarly as well as general-interest publications including College Teaching, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, and The Conversation.

Dr. Miller’s current work focuses on using psychological principles to help instructors create more effective and engaging learning experiences, and to help students become more effective learners.

Her recent piece for the Chronicle addresses choosing technology for courses: