MyLU Insider

Sunday Open Movement and Music Jam

Come play, dance, and make music at the Open Jam.
This is a participatory event – join in!

Sunday at Noon.
Located at Lawrence University in Esch Hurvis, level 2 of Warch Campus Center.

Everyone is a dancer, and everyone is a musician. This improvisational movement and music jam is a space to try things out, to practice creating, to practice playing, to just be in space together.

Everyone is welcome. (all ages, all communities [LU or not], all abilities, all identities.) You decide how you participate in a jam space. You may make sound/music, you may dance, you may bring an instrument, you may rest, you may watch…

To start, there will be a brief, physical warm up to the space and each other facilitated by LU dance professor – Margaret Paek. You can come and go as you please during the jam, though you are encouraged and welcome to join the opening and closing circles to process together.