MyLU Insider

This Week’s Virtual Hug 4-30-20

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:
The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them and lessens the threat of their differences.“
Audre Lorde

Tip for Inclusion Online:
Act as if words matter. We communicate best online when our writing is simple, clear and factual. Avoid sarcasm, idiosyncratic colloquialisms and all capital letters. In addition, remember just because you are not physically sharing the same space with someone does not mean it is acceptable to be rude, engage in name calling or be intentionally offensive. Recently, people have won significant financial settlements in the courts for being harassed online. So, if you wouldn’t say it in person don’t say it online. 

If you are a target of harassment, report it here.

Something that brings me joy…
Although I am being very intentional about eating healthy these days, my husband’s homemade triple chocolate cookies brought me guilty pleasure this weekend. He made them with ingredients he happened to find in the pantry. 

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
and Associate Dean of the Faculty