MyLU Insider

This Week’s Virtual Hug 5-7-20

A virtual hug is an online gesture of personal connection that acknowledges our interdependence while we are apart.

Quote For the Week:
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope”.
Barack Obama 

Tip for Inclusion Online:
Unplug regularly. Constant Zooming for class, meetings and social connection at a distance can cause a significant amount of fatigue, particularly when done in the midst of a world-wide health crisis. So it is important to spend time offline in order to be at our intellectual and emotional best. Routinely take time to read a physical book, spend time in nature even if that entails simply opening a window, and doing something physical like exercise or enjoying a quiet moment of reflection. Self-care is key to well-being anytime but especially during times like these.

Resources for emotional well-being and self-care:

Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus

National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources

Lawrence University Wellness Services

Something that brings me joy…
Taking advantage of warm weather that allows for a short visit with my son outside at his new home in the country a few miles from Madison. Even if it must be socially distant, we still feel the love six feet (or cities) apart. 

I’d love to hear about some of the things that are bringing you joy while we are learning, working and living at a distance. Feel free to send me an email,, about what brings you comfort and some measure of happiness in these difficult times. Pictures are always appreciated.

With warm regards for your continued health and well-being!

Kimberly Barrett, Ph.D.
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
and Associate Dean of the Faculty