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Free Webinars and Monthly Live Talks Provided by ERC

Did you know our Employee Assistance Program, ERC, provides free webinars and live talks on various topics? Here is what’s coming up this month:

  • Resiliency Today: Bounce Back Stronger  – November 4th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Learn tips and techniques to use daily to become more resilient no matter what life throws at you. Participants will leave feeling empowered with the knowledge of what steps to take to become more resilient.
  • Parenting a Child with Special Needs/Disabilities: Effectively Communicating – October 9th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk will offer insights, tips, and tools for building and maintaining successful conversations to improve the results of communication in any relationship or setting you may find yourself.
  • Financial Wellness: Mind Over Money – October 10th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk will help participants understand why they spend, why they save and what money means to each person. The “neuroscience of money” is explored and participants will learn how to leverage money value systems to reach financial goals.
  • Parenting Your Teen: Parent/Teen Relationships– October 11th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Adolescence is a time when peer relationships intensify, teacher and work relationships grow in significance and parental relationships are routinely challenged. This month’s talk will define teen relationships, review best strategies and discuss conflict resolution techniques to share with your teen
  • Your Healthy Lifestyle: Stick with It –October 15th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • What dreams/goals do you harbor that seem out of reach? In this month’s talk, participants will learn tips and insight about making those dreams a reality. You will do this through the use of plans, anticipation, saying “yes”, identifying obstacles and their accompanying myths, determining techniques for starting and exploring motivators, flexibility, and how to keep going.
  • Caregivers Network: Caregiver Relief Plan – October 17th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Studies show that depression and anxiety have increased, especially among younger generations. This month’s talk provides insights into how to build resiliency and positivity even when challenged by caregiving.
  • Succeed at Work: Be Positive – October 18th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Today scientists understand how attitude can impact behavior, experiences and relationships. In this month’s talk, participants will discuss their ability to benefit from the power of positive thinking by making changes in their thought processes and perspectives.
  • Strong Parents, Strong Families: Teaching Kids about Money– October 24th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Surveys repeatedly show that most teenagers do not understand basic financial concepts. This month’s talk will cover how to teach children about money by looking at money values and how people communicate about money. Participants will discuss parental attitudes about allowances and working, how to set goals, and create spending and saving strategies with children.

Click here to register for any of the upcoming monthly talks. To login to their website and view more resources, use the following credentials:

  • Username: ERC
  • Password: ERC