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Free Webinars and Monthly Live Talks Provided by ERC

Did you know our Employee Assistance Program, ERC, provides free webinars and live talks on various topics? Here is what’s coming up this month:

  • Resiliency Today: Gratitude  – December 2nd from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk will explore the science behind gratitude and how it can help to increase meaningful relationships in all areas of your life. The newest research empowers individuals to incorporate gratitude both at work and home and participants will learn tips to help them do that.
  • Financial Wellness: Overcoming Debt  – December 8th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk will address the different types of debt and how participants can work towards living a debt free life.
  • Parenting Your Teen: Sibling Rivalry/Relationships – December 9th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Many parents suffer from sibling rivalry in their households. In this talk, participants will discuss how to reduce tension between siblings and even between parents. They will also examine which habits may encourage rivalry.
  • Your Healthy Lifestyle: Stress Busters –December 13th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • In this month’s talk, participants will explore the newest research, learn what experts are saying about the impact of stress on the body and the newest techniques to manage stress.
  • Parenting a Child with Special Needs/Disabilities: Positioning for the Future– December 14th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk is specifically designed to assist parents in advancing their capacities to further equip children with valuable life skills as they continue securing the strong foundation for their lives. Planning, preparing and pursuing life dreams alongside your children is a journey well worth investing in with long lasting benefits for all.
  • Caregivers Network: Holiday Gift Guide – December 15th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk is the annual Caregiving Tech Guide. Participants will explore the latest gadgets, apps, and age-tech using AI, Voice First, VR and more to support your older loved ones and you on the caregiving journey.
  • Succeed at Work: Understanding Personality Types– December 16th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk discusses different personality types and how they can impact behavior. Participants will learn to use type preference to enhance interpersonal communication.
  • Strong Parents, Strong Families: Keeping Children Safe in an Uncertain World – December 22nd from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk offers parents and guardians information on keeping children safe from violence. The discussion will cover the prevalence of violence, talking to children about violence (e.g., media, war, terrorism, school violence, bullying, gangs, peer pressure, etc.), safety strategies and preventive skills, and recognizing reactions to violence. 

Click here to register for any of the upcoming monthly talks. To login to their website and view more resources, use the following credentials:

  • Username: ERC
  • Password: ERC