MyLU Insider

Final Faculty Navigate Training

There is one more Navigate system training Faculty can attend. (Four have already taken place.) With Navigate now being our premier Student Success Management System (replacing Sunstone), we want to make sure that all Faculty are familiar with its functions, features, and how it will support student success at Lawrence. During each training, faculty can expect to hear about Navigate and:

  • The alert referral process and submitting alerts for at-risk students and
  • Completing progress reports and ad-hoc reports
  • Accessing assigned advisees and students who are enrolled in your courses
  • Using email campaigns to nudge groups of students to complete an action
  • Forthcoming Navigate features like calendar syncing and the risk prediction model (Predictive Model) and much more!

Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns about Navigate or the trainings to  

We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Tuesday 1/24/2023

Time: 1:00pm- 2:00pm

Zoom link here

Meeting ID: 928 1234 8280
Passcode: 056486