MyLU Insider

U.S. News & World Report Data Collection

We may need your help!

The U. S. News & World Report (USNWR) data collection is expected to open April 25.  The USNWR Rankings are released each fall and are based on three surveys in this collection:  Main, Finance, and Financial Aid. 

The Office of Institutional Research (IR) will be working diligently over the next few weeks to collect the data needing to be entered and submitted in these surveys.  If you have been contacted in the past (or have taken over a role contacted in the past) about survey questions pertaining to your area and have not been contacted already, we will be reaching out to you by email as soon as possible for confirmation of rolled-over or updated responses.  The email may come from any member of the IR team (Kristin McKinley, Sarah Dunnagan, or Haley Perkins).

As in previous years, we will likely request a less than two week turn-around time for your answers.  This is necessary because we need time to not only complete the approximate 150-page Main Survey but the institution’s designated administrators also need sufficient time to review and approve the surveys prior to the submission deadline.

Thank you in advance for your expertise and help in this collaborative effort!