MyLU Insider


Category: Students


Saturday, April 6 | 6 p.m.
Sunday, April 7 | 4 p.m.
Stansbury Theatre

Cabaret is free for Lawrence students! Tickets can be purchased at the Box Office.

  • Adult – $6
  • Senior – $4
  • Faculty/Staff – $4

Cabaret is Lawrence International’s flagship event. It is an annual celebration of cultures, traditions, clothes, performances, and cuisine from across the globe, and it has been going on for over 40 years. It brings together a plethora of different cultures represented on campus (which promotes integration among the cultures), and fosters a positive social dynamic among LI and Lawrence community members.

A Cabaret is a unique event that promotes an understanding of diversity in Lawrentians and members of the greater community. Many students from numerous countries prepare for months to participate and get a chance to show their cultures.

Any student can participate in any performance and can join the fashion show to represent their own or another country.

Every year, faculty members, friends families, their children, and other community members participate and get a first-hand glimpse of other cultures.

Staged reading of “Run with the Hare”

Thursday, March 28 | 7 p.m.
Cloak Theatre

Staged reading of RUN WITH THE HARE, Daniel John Stapleton (1886-1968) and the Battle for Kilkenny.

Professor Troy’s new play is a result of his recent Irish Fulbright Scholar year researching the Irish War of Independence (1918-1921). This new play development presentation will showcase the contributions of four guest artists, Alan Kopischke, Olivia Gregorich, Stephen Spencer, and Jacque Troy joining forces with current Theatre Arts students. A talk-back with the playwright will follow.

Performing Arts Series: Zakir Hussain with Sabir Khan and Debopriya Chatterjee

Saturday, April 6 | 7:30 p.m.
Memorial Chapel

Zakir Hussain Event Graphic


Five-time Grammy Award-winner Zakir Hussain enjoys fame not only in his native India but the world over. The Chicago Tribune says, “if there is such a thing as a tabla superstar, Zakir Hussain is it.” Hussain’s incredibly loyal and large fan base is composed of enthusiasts young and old, valuing all musical types and genres. Hussain’s 2023-24 offerings include a Classical Indian trio with Sabir Khan on sarangi and Debopriya Chatterjee on bansuri, two of India’s most accomplished traditional instrumentalists.


Purchase tickets from the Box Office (920-832-6749) or online (

Ticket (assigned seats) prices:

  • Adults – $30 / $25
  • Seniors – $25 / $20
  • LU faculty/staff – $10 / $9
  • Students (LU and non-LU with valid ID presented at the Box Office) – free

New Music Series: Damselfly Trio

Monday, April 1 | 8 p.m.
Harper Hall

Damselfly Trio Event Graphic
  • Liz Pearse – Soprano
  • Chelsea Czuchra – Flutes
  • Lindsay Buffington – Harp

The Damselfly Trio presents the world premiere of Asha Srinivasan’s “Bhoomija Returns,” in addition to works by Ursula Mamlok, Kaija Saariaho, Alfred Zimmerlin, and Tania Léon.

Inspired by the Ramayana, “Bhoomija Returns” depicts a controversial scene in the Hindu epic where Bhoodevi the Earth goddess rises out of the ground to take the maligned princess Sita down to the earth, thus proving her innocence once and for all.

Free and open to the public!

Post-concert discussion with professors Asha Srinivasan and Constance Kassor.

Study in Dakar, Senegal Spring 2025 – Applications Due April 1

Off-Campus Programs will be accepting applications for the Francophone Seminar in Dakar, Senegal, through April 1. For more information on how to apply, go to our Applications and Deadlines page.

The Senegal program is open to all students who will have completed French 202, or the equivalent, by the start of the program. You do not need to be a French major to apply.

On this program, students will travel to Dakar, Senegal, with Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies Sarah Gamalinda and spend the entire term immersed in French language and Senegalese culture. For more information on the program, go to the Francophone Seminar in Dakar, Senegal page.

Planned Power Outage During Spring Break

Updated: March 17, 2024

Electric service restoration is scheduled for today, Sunday, March 17, 2024.

Service will go down at 5:00 p.m. as we transition from generator power back to our regular power. We anticipate restoring service by 9:00 p.m.

Campus will be open for all normal activity as of Monday morning.

We will share additional updates as early as possible.


Crisis Management Team

Jump to Frequently Asked Questions: General Questions | Employee Questions | Student Questions | Outage Map

Updated: March 14, 2024

Please be reminded about the important utility work that will impact campus power distribution during spring break.

It is important that office equipment and computers are unplugged, and freezers are defrosted by end of day Friday, March 15.

Work is scheduled to begin Saturday, March 16, 2024. Disruptions to electrical service are detailed below.

On Saturday, March 17, power will be down from 5 to 9 p.m. as we transition from our regular power source to the generators. We will alert you when the campus is on generator power. During this time, the campus will operate normally. At the conclusion of the work, power will be down for several hours as we transition from generator power back to our regular power source. We will communicate with you as early as possible in preparation for the second shutdown.

We are working closely with We Energies and the city of Appleton to minimize disruption and restore full service as soon as possible. Updates will be provided via email, with reminder links on Banner and MyLU to easily find the latest information, including updated FAQs. Please refer to the previous email (below) and current FAQs for additional information.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Crisis Management Team

Updated: March 1, 2024

Dear Campus Community, 

Campus leadership is preparing for a planned power outage during spring break that will impact operations for much of campus. The outage, which will last multiple days, comes as We Energies makes repairs to a damaged electrical cable that runs beneath Lawe Street (near SLUG). We Energies, in consultation with the City of Appleton and Lawrence, will conduct the repairs during spring break when campus is mostly empty. Because We Energies must begin the work (i.e., see the damage) to assess the full scope, the exact timeframe for the outage cannot be known in advance. 

Here’s what we do know: 

  • What parts of campus will be affected during the repairs? We Energies will cut power to all facilities on main campus (so, NOT including: 1025 E South River, Alexander Gym, Banta Bowl, Lawrence Community Music School, Wilson House, all buildings north of Washington Street, or Facilities Operations building – all of which are on a different power grid system). However, normal business operations and work schedules on main campus should not be disrupted because buildings will be powered by temporary generators for the duration of the repair period (see Question 2 under General Questions). 
  • When will the power be shut off? Power will be shut off for two separate periods: 1) at the beginning of the repairs, and 2) at the end of the repairs. The first outage will occur on Saturday, March 16, from 6am to 4pm. Our team will use this timeframe to connect temporary generators that will power campus systems throughout the repair period. The second outage – for reconnecting to the repaired system – will occur no later than Saturday, March 23 (exact time to be determined). Please note that, on both Saturdays, there will be several hours with no power – in the gap between connection from one power source to another. 
  • What buildings on main campus will be powered by generators during the repairs? All campus buildings and facilities will be operational during the repair period because of the temporary generators (see Question 2 under General Questions). 
  • Will employees work remotely during the repairs? No. Campus will have temporary generator power; therefore, employees will maintain normal work schedules during the repair period. 
  • Will students who remain during spring break be able to stay on campus? Yes. All residence halls will be powered by temporary generators during the repair period, and Kaplan’s Café will be open with an expanded menu. 
  • Will door access cards work during the repairs? Buildings that require ID access will continue to operate normally – except potentially during the two outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). Campus Safety will monitor and provide access as needed to buildings. Should you have difficulty accessing your building, please contact Campus Safety: (920) 832-6999 or  
  • Will buildings/facilities on main campus be open to the public during the repairs? No. There will be no public access to buildings on main campus, including Mudd Library, Warch Campus Center, the Wellness Center, Memorial Chapel, and the Music-Drama Center, during the repair period. 

We are working closely with We Energies and the City of Appleton to manage this process as efficiently as possible. For additional information, please visit our FAQ page or email us directly:

We will continue to update as information becomes available on MyLU. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. 

Crisis Management Team 

Frequently Asked Questions 

As of: March 1, 2024 

Jump to: General Questions | Employee Questions | Student Questions | Outage Map

General Questions 

1. Where is this maintenance work happening? 

The cable to be repaired is underground on S. Lawe Street (near SLUG). 

2. When will the power be shut off?  

Power will be shut off for two separate periods: 1) at the beginning of the repairs, and 2) at the end of the repairs. The first outage will occur on Sunday, March 17, from 5 to 9 p.m. Our team will use this timeframe to connect temporary generators that will power campus systems throughout the repair period. The second outage – for reconnecting to the repaired system – will occur no later than Saturday, March 23 (exact time to be determined). Please note that, on both days, there will be several hours with no power – in the gap between connection from one power source to another. 

3. What will (and will not) be powered during the two outages? (see Outage Map PDF) 

Buildings with emergency backup-generator power (i.e., Hiett, Kohler, Chapman, Trevor, Ormsby, Brokaw, Plantz, Coleman, Shattuck, Sage, Raymond House, Warch, Youngchild, Steitz, Main Hall, Memorial Hall, Memorial Chapel, Wriston, Mudd Library, Music Drama, Buchanan, and Boiler House) will have limited power during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions) – enough to run dedicated equipment (i.e., fire alarm panels, emergency lighting, lab equipment, and IT equipment). However, lighting and normal power will be limited substantially. Buildings not connected to the emergency backup system (Quads 1-6 and Small & Big Executive housing) will be without power in the gap period (see Question 2 under General Questions).

4. What parts of campus will be affected during the repairs?  

We Energies will cut power to all facilities on main campus (so, NOT including: 1025 E South River, Alexander Gym, Banta Bowl, Lawrence Community Music School, Wilson House, all buildings north of Washington Street, or Facilities Operations building – all of which are on a different power grid system). However, normal business operations and work schedules on main campus should not be disrupted because buildings will be powered by temporary generators for the duration of the repair period (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

5. What buildings on main campus will be powered by generators during the repairs?  

All campus buildings and facilities will be operational during the repair period because of the temporary generators (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

6. Will buildings/facilities on main campus be open to the public during the repairs?  

No. There will be no public access to university buildings/facilities – including Mudd Library, Warch Campus Center, Memorial Chapel, or Music-Drama Center – during the repair period. We will continue to have Lawrence-hosted admissions visits. 

7. What about events scheduled in Memorial Chapel or other parts of campus during the repairs? 

All events previously scheduled in Memorial Chapel or other parts of campus during the repair period have been canceled/postponed. Please check with sponsoring/host organizations for any information regarding rescheduling versus final cancellation. 

8. What frequently used facilities/services will be unavailable during the repairs?  

All campus facilities will be operational during the repair period – powered by temporary generators. While main campus will be closed to the public during the repair period, university employees will continue normal business operations and schedules. And students, who signed up for Spring Break, will be on campus. 

9. What are Seeley G. Mudd Library hours during the repairs?  

Mudd Library will be open to university students, faculty and staff (but not to the public). Spring Break hours are: 

  • Wednesday, March 13: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 14: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, March 15: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 16: closed 
  • Sunday, March 17: closed 
  • Monday, March 18: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, March 19: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, March 20: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, March 21: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
  • Friday, March 22: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, March 23: closed 
  • Sunday, March 24: closed 

10. What are Buchanan Kiewit Wellness Center hours during the repairs? 

Buchanan Kiewit Wellness Center will be open to university students, faculty and staff. Spring Break hours are: 

  • Saturday, March 16: closed 
  • Sunday, March 17: closed 
  • Monday, March 18: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, March 19: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 20: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
  • Thursday, March 21: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
  • Friday, March 22: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 23: closed 
  • Sunday, March 24: 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 

11. What are food options on campus during this time?

Spring Break Dining Service Hours are below. Please note that, while Andrew Commons is closed (March 15-23), Kaplan’s Café will be open with an expanded menu. 

Andrew Commons 

  • Thursday, March 14: 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. 
  • March 15 – March 23: closed 
  • Sunday, March 24: 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 

Kaplan’s Café 

  • Thursday, March 14: 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • Friday, March 15: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • Saturday, March 16: closed 
  • Sunday, March 17: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Monday, March 18: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, March 19: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 20: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 21: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
  • Friday, March 22: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • Saturday, March 23: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 
  • Sunday, March 24: 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Kate’s Corner Store 

  • Wednesday, March 13: 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. 
  • March 14 – March 23: closed 
  • Sunday, March 24: 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 

12. Will door access cards work during the repairs?  

Buildings (including residence halls) that require ID access will continue to operate normally – except potentially during the two outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). Campus Safety will monitor and provide access as needed to buildings. Should you have difficulty accessing your building, please contact Campus Safety: (920) 832-6999 or

13. Will the elevators work during the repairs? 

During the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions), elevators will be shut down. Otherwise, elevators will operate normally during the repair period. 

14. Will wi-fi and remote access work during the repairs? 

Yes. University wi-fi will continue to function – except for some hours during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

15. Will my cellular service work during the repairs? 

Cellular service on your devices will continue to work (if your devices are charged), and university wi-fi will continue to function – except for some hours during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). However, if you have a Teams voice license, you can install the Microsoft Teams app on your device (e.g., cell phone, tablet, laptop) to make and receive voice calls – even during the power outages. 

16. Will wired phones work during the repairs? 

Physical (hard-wired) phones will not work during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). Teams phones will work. So, if your line is connected through Teams, you will still have full phone functionality. Further, the phones at the Warch Campus Center Information Desk will work. 

17. Will the LU Help Desk be open during the repairs? 

The LU Help Desk will be open Monday through Friday of Spring Break from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

18. Will Campus Safety’s phone number work during the repairs? 

Yes. Campus Safety will receive calls at their full number: (920) 832-6999 – not the extension. You can also email: They will respond as needed. 

Employee Questions 

1. Will employees work remotely during the repairs?  

No. Campus will have temporary generator power; therefore, employees will maintain normal work schedules during the repair period. 

2. Should I unplug appliances and electronics in my office/building before the power outages? 

Yes. Please disconnect appliances and electronics before both power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). Also, please unplug and defrost all personal fridges. 

Student Questions 

1. How will I access my residence hall during the repairs? 

Card readers will continue to work normally during the repairs – except for some hours during the two outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). If you require assistance with access to your residence hall, please contact Campus Safety: (920) 832-6999 or, or a member of the Residential Education staff (your Area Coordinator or Community Advisor). 

2. Will the wi-fi work during the repairs? 

Yes. University wi-fi will continue to function normally – except for some hours during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

3. What should I do with the food in my personal fridge? 

If you will be away during Spring Break, please remove all items from your personal fridge. Unplug and defrost your fridge prior to the beginning of Spring Break. 

4. Will the community kitchen fridges work? 

Yes. Community kitchen fridges will work – except for some hours during the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

6. Will I be able to cook in the community kitchens?  

Yes. You will be able to cook in community kitchens. The Café in Warch will also be open, serving an expanded menu (see Question 11 under General Questions). 

7. Will Campus Safety’s phone number still work during the repairs? 

Yes. Campus Safety will receive calls at their full number: (920) 832-6999 – not the extension. You can also email: They will respond as needed. 

8. Will there be any events on campus for students during the repairs? 

Yes. Student Life will be coordinating several events and activities. Please stay tuned for more information. 

9. Do I need to unplug anything in my room during the repairs? 

Yes. If you will be away during Spring Break, PLEASE UNPLUG EVERYTHING IN YOUR ROOM – especially unplug and defrost your fridge (see Question 3 under Student Questions). 

10. Will I be able to charge my devices – like my laptop, tablet, and phone – during the repairs? 

Yes. Temporary generators will power buildings and facilities during the repair period. But you should fully charge all devices before the two power outages (see Question 2 under General Questions). 

11. Will I still be able to come back to campus early at the end of Spring Break? 

Yes – if you have signed up for Spring Break. Spring Break registration is open through Sunday, March 10 at 11:59 p.m. 

12. Will Counseling Services be available during the repairs? 

Yes. Counseling Services will operate normally. In the event of an emergency, please contact Campus Safety: (920) 832-6999 or dial 911.