MyLU Insider


Category: Students

CCE Winter Olympics

Feb. 12-17

The CCE Winter Service Olympics is a new winter event aimed at helping Lawrence students participate in volunteer-related and community engagement activities while competing in friendly, purpose-driven events throughout the week. Students can compete as individuals or in teams (up to 10 students per team) to earn points through participation in daily activities and events. The three winning individuals or teams will be crowned as CCE Olympic champions.

Check back with the LU Careers and Community Instagram for event updates!

Feb. 12 | Civics & Society

Vikings Vote! | 12:30-1:30 p.m. | Warch 325 – Pusey Room
Do you want to impact campus voting initiatives? Stop by the CCE’s table to share feedback with us about your ideas for events, activities, and information/resources. Anyone who stops by is entered to win a raffle! It takes less than 5 minutes, so stop by today!

Intro to Voting Tabling | 2-5 p.m. | Warch Lobby
Stop by the table to learn about voting resources, ask questions, and get voting merch! The first election of 2024 is on February 20th, so now is the perfect time to start preparing!

Vikings Vote! | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | Warch 325 – Pusey Room

Writing to your Reps Workshop | 5-6:30 p.m. | Warch 325 – Pusey Room

Feb. 13 | Fair Housing & Hunger

Ethical Volunteer Training | 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Warch 204 – Cinema

Self-Care Kit Making for Senior Citizens | 7-9 p.m. | CCE – Warch 4th Floor

Feb. 14 | Public Health & Wellness

Sledding Relay Race | 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Cards & Cocoa | 6-7 p.m. | CCE – Warch 4th Floor
Join our CCE student staff in writing fun “Thank You” cards to health professionals in the Appleton area! This event will be a relaxing time to show appreciation for all that healthcare workers do, especially for underrepresented healthcare professions. Free hot chocolate will be provided!

Wellness BINGO | 7:30-8:30 p.m. | Warch 325 – Pusey Room

Feb. 15 | Child Advocacy/Environment & Sustainability

Pledge for Our Planet | 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. | Warch Lobby
Stop by to make your Pledge to the Planet! There will be petitions to sign, volunteer opportunities, whiteboard questions, and plenty of prizes! Students, staff, and faculty can all do our part to help our world.

Volunteering & Your Career | 4:30-5:30 p.m. | Warch 325 – Pusey Room
Learn how to make the most of your experiences at Lawrence with the CCE and the Career Center! Led by the Assistant Director of Internships, Rich Marshall, this seminar will address how students can reflect on experiential learning opportunities (volunteering, internships, etc.) and expertly summarize them during resume-writing, interviews, and more!

Friendship Bracelet Making | 5:30-7:30 p.m. | Warch 320 – Gallery

Feb. 16 | Arts & Education/VITAL/First of Many

5-7:30 p.m. | Warch 320 – Gallery
Join the CCE for a 3-for-1 event as part of the CCE Winter Olympics and LUgge! We will be painting canvases of shelter pets for the Saving Paws Animal Rescue, doing trivia questions based on “Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?”, and writing letters of advice to first-generation students. We hope you can participate!

Feb. 17 | Catered Lunch Olympic Ceremony

1:30-2:30 p.m. | Warch 324 – Somerset
Today wraps up the final day of the CCE Winter Olympics, part of LUgge! We will be having a catered lunch for all students who join us, and we will be crowning the Olympic Champions for both teams and individual competitors. Join us to celebrate everyone’s efforts this week!

Valentine’s Day Open House

Wednesday, Feb. 14 | 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
International House

Join us for a cozy Valentine’s Day Open House at International House!

Get creative making personalized cards for your loved ones and friends, and have a blast decorating cookies. Enjoy hot chocolate, coffee, or tea.

It’s a fun way to celebrate love – bring your friends, and let’s make this Valentine’s Day extra sweet!

Performing Arts Series: Blue Note

Blue Note Records 85th Anniversary Celebration, starring The Blue Note Quintet

Saturday, Feb. 17 | 7:30-9 p.m.
Memorial Chapel

Featuring Gerald Clayton, Joel Ross, Immanuel Wilkins, Kendrick Scott, and Matt Brewer

Blue Note Records celebrates their 85th Anniversary with a U.S. Tour featuring The Blue Note Quintet, honoring the label’s history and showcasing their current roster. Led by Gerald Clayton, a six-time Grammy nominee and renowned pianist, the group includes Joel Ross on vibraphone, Immanuel Wilkins on saxophone, Kendrick Scott on drums, and Matt Brewer on bass.

  • Adults: $25/30
  • Seniors: $20/25
  • Students (with valid ID): FREE

Black Excellence

Saturday, Feb. 17 | 8-11 p.m.
Warch 224-225 – Esch Hurvis

Black Excellence is Black Student Union’s annual dance/ball where students come together for a night of fun.

  • Theme: Masquerade
  • Colors: Black, White, and Gold
  • Attire: Formal

The goal is to showcase Black beauty and enhance Black community.

It’s On Us

Next week, February 12-18, 2024, begins our annual It’s on Us Week. We ask that all Lawrentians wear teal and/or a teal ribbon in support of the cause on Tuesday February 13, 2024. Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with additional ways to participate and remember, it’s on us to stand up to sexual misconduct.

What is It’s on Us Week?

It’s on Us Week is a call to action for all Lawrentians to act as active bystanders and stop problematic behaviors. It’s on us to stop sexual violence! It’s on Us is a national movement and honored by several institutions at different points in the year. We focus on healthy relationships, everyday consent, respect active bystander training, and of course hope to inspire all Lawrentians to reflect on their role in creating a caring and safe community!

Monday Feb. 12

  • It’s On Us Giveaway Tabling | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | Warch
  • SAASHA Green Flags Board | Outside Andrew Commons
  • Bystander Awareness Training | 7 p.m. | Warch 224

Tuesday, Feb. 13 | Wear Teal Day

  • It’s On Us Giveaway Tabling | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | Warch
  • FSL Jeopardy | 6:30 p.m. | Warch 325
  • Sign the pledge in your residence hall lobby

Wednesday, Feb. 14

  • Consent Workshop | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. | Warch 226
  • STI Testing | 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (by appointment) | Wellness Center

Thursday, Feb. 15

  • KINK Workshop | 7:30 p.m. | Warch Cinema

Friday, Feb. 16

  • SAASHA Gratitude’s Board | Outside Andrew Commons

Sunday, Feb. 18

  • SAASHA Resource Happy Hour | 2-4 p.m. | Spirit Space
It’s On Us poster

Meet Your Hosts

The week draws on a huge number of campus partners or collaboration and support. If you would like to become involved, please contact the SHARE committee and/or attend a SAHRE meeting. We are incredibly thankful for the efforts of each of our partners in working to raise awareness and inspire the call to action for all to practice as active bystanders!

How to Be an Active Bystander

If you cannot attend the Monday evening event but would like to host a group bystander intervention training, please contact Erin Buenzli, Below is a quick summary to get you stared as active bystanders on campus, information pulled from RAINN.

  • Create a distraction: The purpose of distraction is to interrupt the incident, safely, by communicating with the individual at risk and giving them an opportunity to safely exit the potentially dangerous situation.
  • Ask Directly: Asking directly to the individual at risk can help you determine if an action needs to be taken immediately to ensure a safe environment.
  • Rally Others: If you need to, enlist another person to support you. Remember, there is always help on campus from CAs, Area Coordinators, or Campus Safety.
  • Extend Support: Offer them appropriate resources and options for how you can support them.

How to Submit Your Feedback

We want to Hear Your Voice

As always, we want to hear about your thoughts and continue to create a more salient and educational experience. If you attend any of the events below or want to offer some feedback, please complete the link to our evaluation page:

Student Designed T-Shirt Winner -Available in Kates Corner Store

During the Fall term, we asked the Lawrence students to submit original t-shirt designs as part of a campus wide project. The submissions were reviewed, and a winner was selected.

Izzy Puello, Studio Art and Museum Focus major, provided the winning design. Their drawing was paired with the athletics logo, and a TruBlu graphic addition on the front for a unique shirt that highlights the many faces of Lawrence.

Get your shirt in Kate’s Corner Store and congratulate Izzy when you see them on campus!

Black History Month Events

Black Student Union is proud and excited to announce this year’s slate of events for Black History Month!

Stay tuned throughout the next month for announcements and updates as we gear up for a slew of fun events!

Scavenger Hunt
Thursday, Feb. 1 | 6-8 p.m. | Sankofa House

An opportunity to connect with fellow members in completing Black-centered challenges

Field Day w/ACU
Saturday, Feb. 3 | 2-5 p.m. | Wellness Center

An exciting sports day filled with games, laughter, and competitive team spirit

Lock-in w/ACU
Wednesday, Feb. 7 | 10 p.m.-2 a.m. | Sankofa House

Memorable night of vibes, games, camaraderie, and lasting memories. Dinner provided

Candles for Cuties

A fun night of candle-making in honor of Valentine’s Day!

BHM Brunch Series
Sunday, Feb. 11 | 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Warch 324 – Somerset

Our annual Brown Girl Brunch & Brunch on the Block with special keynote speakers

Haircare Initiatives
Thursday-Friday, Feb. 15-16 | Location given after sign-up

Treat yourself to a fresh look by getting your hair done for free by a local Black stylist.

Bon App x BSU Dinner
Saturday, Feb. 17 | 4:30-7:30 p.m. | Andrew Commons

A tasty dinner night!

Black Excellence
Saturday, Feb. 17 | 8-11:30 p.m. | Location TBD

BSU’s annual Black Excellence Ball. Theme will be revealed Feb. 1

Cultural Expressions
Saturday, Feb. 24 | 6-8:30 p.m. | Location TBD

Annual showcase of cultural talent and representation

Faculty recital: Kyungwha Chu, piano

Sunday, Feb. 11 | 7:30-9 p.m.
Memorial Chapel

Award winning pianist Kyungwha Chu performs as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the United States, Canada, Asia and Europe. Her performances have included appearances at New York’s 92nd street Y, Kennedy Center Washington D.C., Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall New York.

She has appeared as a soloist with the Seoul Symphony Orchestra, Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, Cleveland Institute of Music orchestra, and Royal Conservatory of Music Orchestra. Her awards include top prizes in the Korean Broadcasting System competition, Cleveland Institute of Music concerto competition and Royal Conservatory of Music concerto competition. She has participated in the professional training workshop at Carnegie where she worked with Yo-Yo Ma and Pamela Frank. In 2010 she was one of seven students of Leon Fleisher to perform all 32 Beethoven piano Sonatas in a single-day marathon concert. During the summer of 2014 she participated in the Pearlman Music Program, working with Itzhak Pearlman and Donald Weilerstein.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in piano performance from Cleveland Institute of Music and an Artists Diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music. As a student of Leon Fleisher, she completed both the Graduate Performance Diploma and master’s degree at the Peabody Institute of Music. Currently, Kyungwha is pursuing a DMA at Stoney Brook University, studying with Christina Dahl and Gilbert Kalish.

Spoerl Lecture Series

Organizing in Indian Country: Past, Present and Future

Tuesday, Feb. 13 | 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Steitz 102

Anahkwet (Guy Reiter) is the Executive Director of the Menominee non-profit organization Menikanaehkem and a community organizer, activist, author, amateur archaeologist, and lecturer.