MyLU Insider

Career Services

Category: Career Services

MLK Jr. Day of Service – Monday, January 21, 2019

MLK, Jr. Day of Service at Lawrence University is an annual event that invites the entire Lawrence community to continue honoring the ideas of Dr. King and the civil rights movements that continue to this day.  Students, staff and faculty will honor the continuance of the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through learning, serving, and celebrating.

A variety of both on-campus and off-campus opportunities are available to students, staff, and faculty.  Each activity is a student led initiative that benefits the community and helps Lawrentians solidify the value of learning as you serve. Select from a number of options, any of which will benefit a variety of agencies in the Appleton area.

Register for all events by Thursday, January 17th.

Seniors-Only Doubleheader May 10th!

Join Career Services and the Cabinet for two Seniors-Only events on May 10th.  At 11:10, it’s “Insurance Insanity!” with Athletics Director Christyn Abaray.  She’ll lead an important discussion about the various types of insurance seniors will need to understand after they graduate, including health, life, auto and renters insurance. Refreshments provided!  Warch Campus Center.  Kraemer Conference Room.

Then at 5:30, join Cal Hussman, VP for Alumni and Development for “Advancing to Alumni”.  Seniors can celebrate becoming alumni and learn the many privileges that come with being Lawrence alumni!  Beer, wine and appetizers are included in this event and is only for those 21 and over.  Please be prepared to show proof of age.  Warch Campus Center. Mead Witter Room.

Register for Spotlight at the Pop Up Table!

May 8 (11-1pm) Warch Campus Center, Andrew Commons
During Spring Term, Career Services will be celebrating student achievements with Spotlight! We want to recognize students who have secured a summer internship, graduate school acceptance or full-time employment by celebrating their achievements. Stop by the table to register your achievements with Career Services and be highlighted through posters around campus and online.

Summer Internship Orientation

May 9 (6pm) Seely G. Mudd Room 214-ITC
Those who have secured summer internships are required to attend an orientation to gain support and resources for your upcoming summer experience! At the orientation we will discuss how to establish formal methods of feedback from your supervisor and on campus advisors; your internship goals, and how to articulate those goals with your employer to maximize your summer opportunity. Register by logging into LUworks, select “Career Events” and “Orientation” for the event category. Space is limited so sign up NOW for your preferred session.

Wisconsin Conservatory of Music Visit Tuesday, May 8

Join Teresa Drews, Director of Education and Shalisa Kline Ugaz, Executive VP of Education and Advancement as they discuss the conservatory and faculty careers. They are actively recruiting for music teachers for all instruments and disciplines.

Two info sessions will be held.  Pianists are invited to join Teresa and Shalisa from 11:20 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. in Alice G. Chapman 202.  All musicians can join the second info session from 1 – 2 p.m., also in Alice G. Chapman 202.  All class years are welcome to join either session to learn about future career tracks or employment.

Summer Internship Orientation: May 3 (2pm) Seely G. Mudd Room 214-ITC

Those who have secured summer internships are required to attend an orientation to gain support and resources for your upcoming summer experience! At the orientation we will discuss how to establish formal methods of feedback from your supervisor and on campus advisors, your internship goals, and how to articulate those goals with your employer to maximize your summer opportunity.

Authenticity and Apparel – Cabinet Answers Your SOS! (Seniors Only Series)

Join Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Dean of the Faculty for a discussion about wearing professional workplace attire while still being true to yourself and retaining your uniqueness.

Warch Campus Center
Kraemer Conference Room
May 1st, 11:10 a.m. to 12:10 p.m.

Registration on LUWorks appreciated.