MyLU Insider

My Department

Category: My Department

Current Open Positions at Lawrence

Assistant Director of Campus Life for Housing & Residential Living

Film Studies Program Support Coordinator
Assistant Professor of German

Waseda Program Assistant

Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Assistant Football Coach – Defensive Coordinator (full-time)

Assistant Vice President of Communication

Animal and Psychology Lab Technician

Financial Aid Counselor

Assistant Football Coach

Schmidt Fellow/Instructor of Chinese

Assistant Women s Basketball Coach

Bjorklunden Staff Assistant & Weekend Student Program Manager

Assistant Director of Admissions – Diversity, Inclusion, & Access Coordinator


Instructional Designer

Planned Power Outages

Please note the following planned power outages on campus that are scheduled in the coming weeks:

  • Thursday, July 19: 11:00pm –  Saturday, July 21 at 7:00am. This will impact Music Drama, Shattuck, Chapel and Plantz.
  • Thursday, August 2: 4:30am – Saturday, August 4 at midnight. This will impact the Quads, Sage, Trevor, and the Wellness Center.
  • Monday, August 6: 2:30pm – Tuesday, August 7 at 7:00am.  This will impact the entire campus.
    • As a result of this outage, campus will close at 2:00pm on Monday, August 6.
    • Employees will be paid for their full regularly scheduled hours that day; hours should be recorded as standard hours worked.
      • For example, if your regular eight hour shift ends at 5:00pm, you will be paid for the hours not worked between 2:00pm and 5:00pm.

Please contact Facilities if you have questions or concerns around these outages.

Summer Reads Coffeehouse in the Mudd Library

Summer Reads Coffeehouse in the Mudd Library
Join us for coffee and treats and share your recommendations for great Summer Reads! Wednesday, July 18 at 10 am in the Mudd Library.

You can also just show up, sip some coffee, and take in all the great book recommendations from your friendly librarians and other prolific LU readers.

This is part of our 2018 Mudd & Friends Coffeehouse series. This summer, we’ve invited speakers from across campus, in addition to our knowledgeable librarians, to present fun, relevant, and interesting information to you every Wednesday morning at 10 am. See the full schedule on our Summer Coffeehouse Guide.

Fiscal Year End Resolution-Pay less Sales tax in fiscal year 2018-2019!

This is a friendly reminder that Lawrence University is tax exempt from sales tax on goods and services purchased in Wisconsin.  Last week Financial Services obtained over $350 in refunds for sales tax that should not have been paid.  Please try to keep our exemption in mind when making purchases on behalf of Lawrence University during our new fiscal year 2018-2019.   Vendors should not need anything more than the Wisconsin tax exempt form that can be found on the Financial Services website.  The link is below.

Other states where LU maintains sales tax exemptions include:

 Florida

 Illinois (does not apply to lodging)

 Massachusetts (does not apply to meals and/or lodging)

 Minnesota (does not apply to meals and/or lodging)

 New York

 Colorado

Please contact Jill Senso, X6544 to obtain the sales tax form that vendors in these states will need.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

June New Hires

The following colleagues have been hired or rehired within the last couple of weeks. If you see them on campus, please welcome them to Lawrence! 

  • Rosie Bauer – Swim Camp Counselor (Athletics)
  • Hannah Birch –  Assessment Coordinator (Psychology)
  • Eryn Blagg – Swim Camp Counselor (Athletics)
  • Anthony Cardella – Piano Teaching Intern (Academy of Music)
  • Elizabeth Ceranski – Summer Painter (Facility Services)
  • Brianna Hauge – Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach (Athletics)
  • Lindsay Holsen – Summer Research Assistant (Spanish)
  • Ashley Layton –  Instructor (Off ­- Campus Programs)
  • Zachary Lee – Materials Management Assistant (Office of Campus
  • Gavin Lefeber – Summer Materials Management Assistant (Office of Campus Safety)
  • Ethan Paladini – Summer Technology Intern (Information Technology Services)
  • Timothy Platt – Summer Maintenance Assistant (Facility Services)
  • Isaac Portoghese – Materials Management Assistant (Facility Services)
  • Jackson Schipper – Summer Lifeguard (Athletics)
  • Ana Skolaski – Facilities Painter (Facility Services)
  • Rachel Taber –  Summer Bjorklunden Staff Assistant (Bjorklunden)
  • Laura Wierschke – Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
  • Emily Wilson – Executive Assistant (Office of Diversity and
  • Jessica Wilson – Temporary Custodian (Custodial)
  • Andrew Woodbury – Summer Electrical Assistant (Facility Services)

The following colleagues have recently moved to a new position within Lawrence. Please take the time to congratulate them on their new position! 

  • Susan Chadwick – Associate Registrar (Registrar’s Office)

Current Open Positions at Lawrence

Animal and Psychology Lab Technician

Assistant Director of Admissions – Diversity, Inclusion, & Access Coordinator

Assistant Football Coach

Assistant Football Coach – Defensive Coordinator (full-time)

Assistant Professor of Statistics

Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts

Assistant Vice President of Communication

Assistant Women s Basketball Coach

Bjorklunden Staff Assistant & Weekend Student Program Manager

Campus Safety Officer


Financial Aid Counselor

Instructional Designer

Schmidt Fellow/Instructor of Chinese

Waseda Program Assistant

New Trash and Recycling Bins on Campus

You may have noticed the addition of the new trash and recycling receptacles around campus. These bins were purchased as part of a sustainability initiative to create a uniform look for trash and recycling disposal on campus to reduce confusion and contamination. The results of a pilot program in Youngchild Hall from Term II of the 2017-18 school year informed us that installing these bins reduced the amount of recyclable material in the trash from 26% before the pilot to 7% after the pilot.

Since we will be replacing the many small bins in each building with these larger receptacles it may take some adjustment to find the correct bin locations in each building. Your patience is appreciated as we work to make this change on campus. If you have any questions or would like to make a location suggestion in a specific building or area, please reach out to Kelsey McCormick at