Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The second session of open office hours for Spring Term is being held on May 10th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.
Category: My Department
Micro-grants available for student sustainability projects
Now Accepting Applications for the Student Sustainability Fund!
The Student Sustainability Fund offers students competitive grants of up to $2,500 for sustainability focused projects that may consist of research, internships, volunteer or service projects, class projects, or student group initiatives. Any Lawrence student that will be enrolled during the term of their proposed project is eligible to apply.
Applications for Term III are due May 11, 2018 but will be considered at any time.
To learn more: http://www.lawrence.edu/info/green_roots/student-sustainability-fund
Questions? Contact Kelsey McCormick. kelsey.m.mccormick@lawrence.edu or 920-832-7404
This year’s annual American Cancer Society Sole Burner walk/run will take place on the morning of May 12th. Streets on the route (map below) will likely be blocked off starting at around 8:55 am and will reopen likely around 9:40 as the last walker goes by. Streets directly around City Park will be blocked off earlier as this is where the race will start.
Listed below are the expected street closure times:
- College Avenue Bridge – 8:50 until 9:40
- Lawe/E. South River – 9:00 until 9:50
- Lawe/Franklin – 8:55 until 9:20 (after opening, you can take Lawe north out of downtown)
- South Island/Olde Oneida and Eagle Flats Parkway/Olde Oneida – 8:55 until 10:10
- College/Drew – 8:55 until 10:20, you may be allowed west via College until about 9:10
- Washington/Drew – you may be allowed west via Washington until about 9:10.
- Newberry Trail is open off Lawe Street to the Telulah park area
This year we will also likely have a marching band playing at the intersection of Drew St. and College Ave to cheer on our participants. They will be playing mainly between 9:15am – 11:00am.
For More Information: 5.12.18 Sole Burner
WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan Transition
As you may have seen in a mailing to your home, the Lawrence Retirement Readiness Plan is transitioning to the WAICU Retirement Readiness Plan.
Transamerica will be onsite hosting both group and one on one meetings May 21 – 24 (see schedule below). To learn more about Transamerica and how they can help you improve your overall well-being as you plan and invest for retirement, please attend one of the upcoming group meetings. Representatives from Transamerica will also be available to meet with you individually and answer any questions you may have regarding the transition as well as about rolling over funds from an account other than the Lawrence University Retirement Readiness Plan (those funds will automatically transition).
To schedule a one-on-one appointment, visit waicu403b.trsretire.com (you do not need to login). You will select “Schedule an Appointment” and choose “A – WAICU – Lawrence University” as the location before choosing your individual time.
There is no need to RSVP for the group meetings.
CPR/AED Certification Training
CPR/AED Class Thursday May 3 9:30am-12pm, Memorial Hall 105. Learn basic CPR and First aid skills and receive certification. The cost is $20. Sign up by contacting Erin Buenzli at erin.buenzli@lawrence.edu by May 1st.
LU Dance Team Spring Showcase
College Avenue closure
Beginning Monday, April 30, College Avenue will be closed to traffic at several intersections. The project is expected to be completed in two weeks. See the map below or click here for details.
All-Staff Meeting: Thursday, May 10
REMINDER!! The next All-Staff Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the Somerset Room in the Warch Campus Center. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
Please submit questions for President Burstein to staff_connection@lawrence.edu.
Pizza with Police TODAY at 5 PM
Join the Office of Diversity & Inclusion TODAY (April 19th, 2018) for informal conversations with Police Chief Todd Thomas and Campus Liaison Captain Polly Olson. Discuss current issues, concerns, and community policing in Appleton.
Location: Memorial Hall – Room 114
Time: 5 – 7 PM
Spring Term Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on May 10th
Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The second session of open office hours for Spring Term is being held on May 10th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.