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Wellness Tip from Laurie

Did you know that nearly 5 million people are treated annually for skin cancer, at a cost of more than $8 billion? And that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S.—and most of it can be prevented?!

Here’s what the CDC recommends we do to protect ourselves from the damaging UV rays of the sun:

  1. Stay out of the sun, if possible. Find some shade, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  2. When you are out in the sun, cover up. In addition to your sunglasses, wear a hat, protective clothing and broad spectrum sunscreen (with at least SPF 15.)
  3. Re-apply sunscreen every two hours—and immediately after swimming, sweating or toweling off.
  4. Be extra careful around surfaces that reflect the sun’s rays, like sand, water and concrete.

And what about those darn ticks we keep hearing so much about this year? There’s actually some debate about whether ticks are going to be more plentiful this year than in the past, but regardless, the best way to prevent Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases is to avoid tick exposure. Here’s a link to an informative article that addresses how to avoid exposure in the months ahead:

Summer is a great time of the year, and we’re fortunate to live in an area that affords us plenty of fun outdoor activities to take advantage of.  With a little planning and the right skin protection, your summer can be both fun and safe.

Laurie Ehlers, RN, CDE
RN Educator
Memorial Hall, Room 102

Graduating this June? If so, read this about your Lawrence accounts.

If you are graduating this June the below information is for you. Technology Services wants to let you know that your Lawrence accounts (email, campus share and Office 365’s OneDrive) will close as of Thursday, Aug. 31.  Your Voyager account will remain active, but you will need to access it differently. See the below information on how your accounts will be affected by your graduation from Lawrence.

Lawrence account changes:

Voyager access after graduation: Upon graduation, you will no longer be able to access Voyager with the username and password that you used as a student. The first time you access Voyager as an alum from off campus, you will need to create a new password for your Voyager account. Please refer to the instructions below to create your Alumni Voyager password.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the button titled “Alumni, Academy of Music, Everyone else” in the User ID field, enter your Lawrence ID number or a personal email address that is on file with Lawrence.
  3. Choose the “Forgot PIN / Reset PIN” button
  4. At this point, you will have the option of answering your security questions to set a new PIN or you can choose to have a new temporary PIN sent to your personal email address on file with Lawrence.

Email: Your Lawrence email account will close with your graduation from Lawrence. If you desire to keep your Lawrence emails or contacts you will need to move them to another account. For instructions on how to move your email please see: Lawrence Email to your Personal Email Account. Also please notify your contacts of your new email address.

Files and Documents: Documents currently saved on Office 365-OneDrive or your personal network space will be deleted. If you want a copy of your documents you must copy or move them to your personal computer or some other storage device.  NOTE: Documents saved on the Lawrence network (personal space or campus share) must be copied/moved while you are still on campusIt is your responsibility to make copies of any documents you wish to save before your account closes on Thursday, Aug. 31.  Any data left on the network after Thursday, Aug. 31 will permanently be deleted.

Special Note to Student Teachers:
Student teacher accounts stay active through student teaching assignments. If you are registered for “student teaching” next year, your account will remain active for two weeks after your assignment end date.

Technology Services recognizes this is a busy time for you; please take the time to save your important data and move any emails you want to keep before Thursday, Aug. 31.  If you have any questions, please contact the Helpdesk at 920-832-6570 or send email to


Open Enrollment Deadline – May 31!

Please note the deadline for the submission of any Benefit Open Enrollment add/drop or change forms to be submitted to HR is Wednesday, May 31, 2017.

If you do not wish to make any changes to your benefit elections, you do not need to submit any enrollment forms with the exception of the flexible spending account enrollment form.  If you would like to enroll in the new vision coverage offering, that enrollment form must be submitted as well.

All Open Enrollment material, including the meeting presentation, can be found on Lawrence’s website.  Please use this link to access the page directly.

Register for the 2017 Diversity Conference

Lawrence’s inaugural diversity conference — “Teaching All Students Well: Preparing an Educated Citizenry for Wise Participation in a Diverse Democracy” — will be held Aug. 17-18 on the Lawrence campus.

The conference is organized by Kimberly Barrett, vice president for diversity and inclusion and associate dean of the faculty, and the professional development committee of the President’s Committee on Diversity Affairs.

The conference is designed to help all educators strengthen their individual learning communities through effective and inclusive teaching methods.

Highlighting the conference will be a keynote address by multicultural scholar Derald Wing Sue, professor of psychology and education in the department of counseling and clinical psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. Sue also holds an appointment with Columbia’s School of Social Work.

Register online at:

For questions or additional information, contact Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at 920-832-6744 or

LU On the Move: Week 6 and 7 Winners

Last week Laurie Yingling won a Fit Bit to track her movement for being on the move week 6.

Week 7 Jami Rogers, Cal Husmann, Kate Alison and Erin Chudacuff won an On The Move T-shirts for being in the top 15 for points.

There are 5 move weeks left in the challenge. It is never too late to join and win prizes

Diversity and Inclusion Awards Reception – June 1

Office of Diversity & Inclusion Awards Reception

With sincere appreciation for making our progress possible,
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion cordially invites you to an Awards Reception

Thursday, June 1, 2017
From 4-6 pm

Esch Hurvis Room
Warch Campus Center
Lawrence University

Reply to Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at

Cultural Competency Lecture Series – Activism and Social Change

Guilberly Louissaint ’17 and Max Loebl ’17 will present on activism & social change on May 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center’s Esch Hurvis Room.

Student activism has become interwoven with our campus culture. It has taken different forms, such as protesting, workshops or even the creation of healing circles. It is imperative more than ever to be more strategic with student organizing. Communication and solid leadership are key components in creating successful outcomes during times of turmoil. Guil & Max will explore effective forms of activism, through student engagement, goal setting, impact analysis and personal experience.

The Cultural Competency Lecture Series at Lawrence features our faculty, students and staff sharing their expertise related to the knowledge and skills necessary to take a culturally competent, equity-minded approach to the work and learning in which they are engaged. Bring your lunch and learn!

Please join us by RSVPing to .

Attention Rising Seniors! Scholarship Opportunities to study in the United Kingdom or Ireland!

Do you want to pursue your graduate degree in the United Kingdom or Ireland for free?  Then, check out these scholarship opportunities for full financial support to pursue a degree in the United Kingdom and Ireland!

  1. Gates Cambridge – Scholarships are available for a postgraduate degree in any subject at the University of Cambridge. Eligible students are any citizens outside the UK and have academic excellence, leadership potential, commitment to improving the lives of others, and a good academic fit with Cambridge. National Deadline: October 12, 2017.  Application opens:  September 5, 2017
  1. Marshall ScholarshipFinance young Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree in a United Kingdom institution in any field of study. Eligible students are U.S. Citizens and GPA 3.7 or above.  Campus Deadline:  September 20, 2017.  National Deadline: October 2, 2017.  The Application for the 2018 Marshall Scholarships will be available in late spring 2017.
  1. The Rhodes ScholarshipThe oldest and most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world. The scholarship provides full financial support to study at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. Scholars are chosen for their outstanding scholarly achievements, their character, commitment to others and to the common good, and for their potential for leadership in whatever domains their careers may lead.  Application is available each year in early July and due early October.  Please see Bruce Pourciau for more information. 
  1. The George J. Mitchell Scholarship – Provides tuition, accommodation, a stipend for living expenses and travel for one academic year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by institutions of higher learning in Ireland (study in Northern Ireland is not currently an option through the Mitchell Scholarship). Potential students are U.S. citizens and have documented evidence of significant achievement in academic excellence, leadership, and commitment to community and public service.  Application Deadline: September 29, 2017.  2018-2019 Application Is Now Open!

Since Lawrence starts fall term relatively late, it is best to find out information and start preparing for these fellowship applications over the summer to meet the campus and national deadlines in the fall, if you are interested in any of these scholarships.  Please contact Kia Thao in Chapman Hall, 209, for questions and guidance through the process.