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Lawrence University Choirs Concert

Friday, Feb. 28 | 7:30-9:30 pm.
Memorial Chapel

Lawrence University Viking Chorale, Concert Choir, and Cantala present their Winter Term concert, featuring faculty artists Kivie Cahn-Lipman, Brian Pertl, and Leila Ramagopal Pertl, as well as a world premiere by Alexander Johnson ’12.

Free and open to the public!

Can’t make it to the Lawrence Memorial Chapel? Catch the live webcast here.

Disruptive Public Health with Catrina J. Sparkman

Preserving Black Memories: How the Creator’s Cottage Combats Alzheimer’s Disease

Wednesday, Feb. 26 | 4:30 p.m.
Wriston Auditorium

Catrina J. Sparkman, Black theater artist, publisher, authorpreneur, and Artistic Director of the Creator’s Cottage, an artist and writer’s maker space in Madison, WI will headline our new Disruptive Public Health Lecture Series on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.

Join us as we hear about the Memory Collectors Storytelling Project: how Sparkman harnesses the creative power of artistic storytelling to promote dementia and Alzheimer’s disease prevention among Black older adults! Come and learn about the origins of the Creator’s Cottage and its impact on Black mental health as well as artists and writers of color. 

The LU Disruptive Public Health Lecture series is designed to highlight professionals who use unconventional methods and new ways of thinking that completely transform the traditional way we improve public health. Learn more about Catrina J. Sparkman here

Lawrence University Wind Ensemble

Saturday, March 1 | 7:30 p.m.
Memorial Chapel

The Lawrence University Wind Ensemble is proud to present our tribute to the Conservatory’s 150th Anniversary in concert! Our program is entitled “Homegrown: Celebrating the 150th” and features works by student and faculty alumni as well as Wisconsin composers and friends of the Conservatory. We hope to see you there as we celebrate and honor the legacy of the Conservatory with this special concert!

Featuring works by David Werfelmann ’06, Percy Grainger and Fred Sturm ’73, John Harmon ’57, Charles Rochester Young, and Theresa Martin. Featuring Nadje Noordhuis, trumpet.

Free and open to the public!

Can’t make it to the Lawrence Memorial Chapel? Catch the live webcast here.

New Music Series: Kenji Bunch

Thursday, Feb. 27 | 8-9 p.m.
Harper Hall

Kenji Bunch writes music that looks for commonalities between musical styles, for understandings that transcend cultural or generational barriers, and for empathic connections with his listeners. Drawing on vernacular musical traditions, an interest in highlighting historical injustices and inaccuracies, and techniques from his classical training, Bunch creates music with a unique personal vocabulary that appeals to performers, audiences, and critics alike.

With his work frequently performed worldwide and recorded numerous times, Bunch considers his current mission the search for and celebration of shared emotional truths about the human experience from the profound to the absurd, to help facilitate connection and healing through entertainment, vulnerability, humor, and joy. Bunch is widely recognized for performing his own groundbreaking works for viola. He currently serves as Artistic Director of the new music group Fear No Music and is deeply committed to music education in his hometown of Portland, Oregon.

Admission is free and open to all!

Sunday, March 2 | 7:30 p.m.
Harper Hall

The Lawrence University New Music Ensemble will perform Ralph’s Old Records, Summer Hours, and Alpha Dog by composer Kenji Bunch.

Winter Sports Upcoming Championships

Our winter sports are gearing up for their Conference Championships! Follow along and cheer on our Vikings via live streams, live results, or attend live events!

For updates on all athletic teams, visit

Men’s & Women’s Swimming & Diving MWC Championships

Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA

Men’s Hockey NCHA Harris Cup Playoffs

Quarterfinals at Aurora University, Geneva, IL
Fox Valley Ice Arena | 1996 S Kirk Rd

Women’s Hockey NCHA Slaats Cup Playoffs

Quarterfinals at St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI
Resch Olympic Pavilion | 1640 Fernando Dr.

Fencing at Central Collegiate Fencing Conference Championships

Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Deadline extension: SEJ Paid Summer Internships

Looking for paid summer internships in social and environmental justice?

The Social & Environmental Justice Program provides a unique chance to complete a full-time summer internship with a partner organization in Milwaukee or Appleton, receive mentorship from faculty, alumni, and community leaders, and earn a $5,000 stipend to support wages and housing.

The deadline to apply is now Saturday, Feb. 22 at 11:55 p.m.

If you need assistance with your application materials, you can schedule an appointment on Handshake with Rich Marshall or reach out to Professor Jason Brozek ( or Michelle Buchinger ( with questions.

Summer Experience Funding Highlight: Kaitlin Mahr Fund

From now until the end of March, we will be highlighting various funds and summer internships available to students! Through the generous support of alumni and friends, Lawrence students are eligible to apply for funding to support summer internships or projects.

The Kaitlin Mahr Fund

The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English was established in 2019 in memory of Kaitlin Mahr, a member of the Lawrence University Class of 2009, whose life was tragically cut short in 2007 due to depression and an accidental overdose. As a student, Kaitlin was majoring in English, a member of Melee Dance Troupe, and a LARY Buddy tutor. 

The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English supports students pursuing internships in career fields related to English. This fund will allow students to seek prominent internships in large and midsized publishing houses and other literary endeavors in New York, Minnesota, California, and elsewhere. Internships might also take place at smaller independent presses or in new media, journalism, digital marketing, etc. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in English. 

The fund was established by Kaitlin’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Todd and Debra Mahr. Dr. Mahr is a member of the Lawrence University Class of 1979. The gift was made in honor of Dr. Mahr’s 40th Reunion. The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English will provide a stipend to cover travel and living expenses.

Priority Deadline: March 28, 2025

Questions? Michelle Buchinger can help! Email her at

Faculty & Staff Request for Group Housing

The LUCC Residence Life Committee is looking for faculty or staff interested in being a voting member of the group housing process.

Those who are voting committee members would ensure that the group housing process is fair and equal to all groups applying. This is a commitment that lasts only as long as the housing selection process (March 8, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; subject to change).

There are currently two positions open for applicants. You may not apply if you are an advisor for any student org that is already within the group houses or is considering group housing.

Applications will be accepted until March 5 at 11:59 p.m. If you are interested, please reach out to Antonia Lagunilla, co-chair of the LUCC Res Life Committee (