MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

IMPORTANT: Town Halls and Open Forums Part of Upcoming Accreditation Visit

On October 1-2, 2018, Lawrence will host a team of reviewers from the Higher Learning Commission as part of our reaccreditation process.

As part of the site visit, the HLC reviewers want to hear from the Lawrence community on a number of important topics. Your presence at meetings and forums that touch on areas where you may have insight to offer is a valuable piece of the reaccreditation process. These meetings and forums are open to students, faculty, and staff. PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR E-MAIL FOR INVITATIONS TO MEETINGS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE VISIT. View the current visit schedule here. More information about accreditation available here.

As part of the preparation for the visit, there will be a town hall next week to discuss topics that will be covered in the criteria meetings. This town hall meeting will be held at two different times to accommodate as many schedules as possible.

Accreditation Visit Preparation Town Hall Times and Locations:

Wednesday, September 26

4:30-5:30 p.m.

Warch Campus Center, Nathan Marsh Pusey Room

Thursday, September 27

11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Warch Campus Center, Nathan Marsh Pusey Room

Won’t You be My Neighbor Film Screening at Lawrence

We invite community members, faculty, and students to the LU campus cinema next week for special showings of the documentary film “Won’t You Be My Neighbor.”

The film asks audiences to consider Fred Roger’s advocacy for childhood through children’s television programming. His messages of kindness, love, and concern for children and their emotional well-being impacted generations of children and adults. How might his legacy impact our own work in our communities today?

Showings will occur at midnight Friday Sept. 28, and on Saturday Sept. 29 at 2pm and 8pm.

Immediately following the Saturday, 2pm showing, faculty from the LU Education and Psychology Departments will conduct a community conversation and Q/A on “Kindness, Childhood, and Building a Community.”  Refreshments provided.

These special showings are generously sponsored by The John and Sally Mielke Community Collaboration Program and SOUP.

Fourth Friday Lunch-Mark Your Calendars!

It’s back…and open only to Staff and Faculty.

From 12-1 at Sabin House / Center for Spiritual and Religious Life.
On September 28, join in community for soup and salad, continued welcome sentiments, and a discussion around “Beginnings”.

Beginnings can require an ending.  What is an ending that you might be facing as this academic year begins?  What resources help you let go with grace and hope?

Intersections – the Spirituality of Water

The Spirituality of Water will be explored on 9/26, 10/3, and 10/10.
This Fall’s Intersections  series will travel around campus and beyond to explore and discuss various water centered places and their many meanings.

Essential to the earth and to our being. Essential for healing and nourishing.  Be a part of explorations around water and the many ways that its spiritual expansiveness can be experienced.

Cultural Competency Lecture: Smash the Binary – October 16

October 16, 2018 ● 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. ● WCC, Mead Witter

Title: Smash the Binary

Speaker: Helen Boyd Kramer

Topic: Gender Inclusive Language

Helen Boyd will present information on non binary (enby) genders and pronouns as well as discussing some of the terminology used by genderqueer and gender non-conforming (GNC) individuals. She’ll also discuss the variations in cultures which have traditionally recognized three or more genders and discuss the intersections between trans* and enby genders.

Please rsvp to by October 12. Thanks!

Campus Climate Survey Town Hall Discussions – September 20 and September 25

September 20, 2018 ●  11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ● WCC Cinema

September 25, 2018 ● 7 to 8:30 p.m. ● WCC Cinema

The campus community including students, faculty, staff and alumni are invited to join in a town hall discussion of the Campus Climate Survey results. The town hall will include a presentation of findings presented by Dr. Kimberly Barrett, VP of Diversity and Inclusion followed by a question period. Next steps in addressing needs identified in survey results will also be discussed.  Ask questions!  Share ideas! Help shape the next steps that will be taken to make Lawrence a place where everyone has a voice, everyone feels they belong, and everyone can reach their full potential!

Please RSVP to

Cultural Competency Lecture – Cultural Appropriation Vs. Appreciation – September 25

September 25, 2018 ● 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. ● WCC, Hurvis Room

Title: Cultural Appropriation: What Is or Isn’t – Understanding the Complexities around Race, Culture, and Consumption

Speaker: Jesus G. Smith

Topic: Cultural Appropriation or Cultural Appreciation

The debate over when certain acts and behaviors are considered cultural appropriation versus when they are seen as acts of appreciation still rages on. In this open dialogue, we examine different cultural acts and events that are at the center of the cultural appropriation debate (including music, fashion, hairstyles and dances) and explore the complexity and nuances to the arguments. The hope is to walk away with a greater understanding of what both are, how they compare and contrast to each other, and how to do one versus the other.

Please RSVP to

Voter Registration

City of Appleton election workers will be on campus Sept. 25 – 27 from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center to register students to vote for the November 6th general election.

If your address has changed since the last time your voted you need to re-register.  Please have your student i.d. with you when your register.

If you’d like to complete the form in advance click on the link

Election information can be found at 

Learning at Lawrence: Cross Campus Connections

Learning at Lawrence is launching their first Cross Campus Connections training session of the new academic year, led by Steve Armstrong, Director of Information Technology, on the topic of Password Manager.  Join us Wednesday, October 17th from 10:10am – 10:50am in the Warch Campus Center Cinema to learn from Steve and gain a better understanding of password security and protecting yourself from cyber threats.