MyLU Insider


Category: Staff

A new chapter for Craig Gagnon

It turns out that a scuba diving trip has a funny way of clearing one’s mind…

Upon returning from a diving vacation with his wife, Ann, Craig Gagnon (our Associate Vice President of Communication, and a 1976 Lawrence graduate) decided that he kind of likes this vacation thing so much that he’d prefer to do it more often. Which is why, on Tuesday, April 10, he sent the following message to members of the Lawrence family:

Dear friends and colleagues,

I’ve always found it difficult to strike a balance between work and personal life. For most of my career, the balance has tilted toward work. It’s now time for it to swing the other way. That’s why I’m announcing my retirement this summer.

Lawrence teaches the value of lifelong learning and there’s much I still want to learn. I’m planning to use the coming months to treat myself to a sabbatical of sorts: to travel with my wife, to explore some neglected interests and to recharge before setting off in new directions.

As many of you know, Lawrence has been an important part of my life. First as a student, then as a volunteer, later as president of the alumni board and finally as a proud member of the staff. Thanks to all of you who have made this a wonderful journey. It’s been a privilege to work in a community of dedicated and passionate colleagues in support of an outstanding institution. I look forward to seeing you at campus events for many years to come.



After ably leading Lawrence’s Office of Communication for more than six years, Craig plans to work full-time through commencement in June, at which point, he will transition to part-time status through the end of July. In the meantime, a search for the next leader of our communication team will begin in May, with the hope of having that person on board in time to take full advantage of Craig’s experience and expertise in the transition.

Stay tuned for details about a retirement celebration for Craig… which may or may not be themed around diving.

Share your good news via Spotlight

During Spring Term, Career Services will be celebrating student achievements with Spotlight! We want to recognize students who have secured a summer internship, graduate school acceptance or full-time employment by celebrating their achievements through posters around campus and online.

If you have secured an opportunity, you can easily report your good news here: Spotlight Registration. Don’t forget to encourage your friends to register their opportunities with Spotlight as well!

p.s. Keep an eye out for an ice-cream giveaway at the end of term to celebrate your achievements!

Finance Finesse – Cabinet Answers Your SOS (Seniors Only Series)!

Join Chris Lee, Vice President for Finance and Administration for a discussion about finances after graduation from Lawrence. You’ll learn the best ways to save and invest your money, how to make a budget, handle credit, get auto and home loans, how to rent an apartment and more!  Refreshments provided!

Thursday April 19th, from 11:10 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center Esch Hurvis Room.  Registration on LUworks appreciated.

LevelUP Next Week Thursday, April 19

This event is right around the corner and mock interview times are filling fast.  Don’t wait to call or email Career Services to reserve an interview time in your specific area of interest.  Visit LUworks for a list of interviewers or follow our FB page daily as new interviewers are announced.

Don’t forget to also join us for the networking and dinner reception with members of the Lawrence University Alumni Association starting at 5 p.m. and have your resume/LinkedIn reviewed by a Career Services Advisor on a drop in basis all evening.  LevelUP will take place in Alice G. Chapman, Second Floor.

Nominate students to serve on Honor Council

It’s that time of the year again: the Lawrence University Honor Council is now recruiting new members for the 2018-2019 academic year, and your nominations form an important part of the process. Since we value a council that represents the student body at Lawrence, we are committed to ensuring that we have a diverse council. Please nominate any peers who you think are responsible, good listeners, who work well in a group, and have well-developed analytical thinking skills.  A large and diverse nomination pool will strengthen the selection process and allow for the continuity of the Honor System in coming years.

Any rising sophomore, junior, or senior who has not been found in violation of the Honor Code or Judicial Code, and who is committed to the Honor System, is eligible for membership.  To nominate a student for the Honor Council, please email their name to  by Friday, April 13th.  Feel free to list several names.

Look out for information tables in Warch Campus Center this week.

Maren Dahl and Willa Dworschack
Honor Council Selection Co-Chairs

Nominate Students to serve on Judicial Board

Judicial Board is accepting nominations until 9 a.m. Monday, April 16th, for next year’s Judicial Board. Any rising sophomore, junior, senior, or 5th-year senior may be nominated.

The purpose and functions of the Judicial Board include:

    • Adjudicating cases when a student/group is accused of violating general conduct as defined by LUCC legislation.
    • Deciding upon appropriate disciplinary action if a student/group is found in violation of LUCC legislation.
    • Educating the Lawrence Community about the University’s disciplinary system and Social Code as described in the Lawrence University Student Handbook.

If you know someone that you think would be an excellent student to serve on the Lawrence University Judicial Board, please submit that name to Dean Curt Lauderdale or by emailing .  All nominees will be notified and asked to attend an informational session to learn more about the responsibilities of a Judicial Board member and to inform them of next steps in the selection process.

Hailey Bomar
Judicial Board Chair

Piece of the Pie: Spring Wellness Initiative

What’s a good way to start off the nice spring weather than with ways to feel better overall? We will help start you on that path to spring! Participate in 6 of our wellness activities that we have listed and enter for your chance to win a prize! Program Starts Monday March 26th and goes till April 28th! Pick your piece of the pie sheet up at the front desk in the wellness center!

  • Yoga Class
  • TRX Class
  • Dietician
  • One-time Events
  • Mind Spa
  • 30min workout
  • Fit Bit Rental
  • Soccer
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Massage
  • Healthy Vikings
  • Intramurals