The rigging for the flag pole above Main Hall was damaged in the high winds of a couple of weeks ago. It is a complicated repair process given the fact that the pulley for the line is mounted atop a pole that stands 17 feet above the roof of the cupola! Facility Services is aware of the issue and is working on a solution. The flag will be back up as soon as repairs are completed.
Category: Staff
Open Enrollment Meetings – Mark your calendar!
Please mark your calendar for the upcoming health insurance Open Enrollment Meetings. These meetings are strongly recommended to hear about benefit changes for the upcoming year. Please watch LU Insider and further communications from HR for further information.
- May 4th
- 10-11 AM
- 2:30-3:30 PM
- May 8th
- 10-11 AM
- 2:30-3:30 PM
- May 10th
- 8:30-9:30 AM
- 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
WELLU On the Move Challenge
The WELLU Challenge is on. Join over a hundred of your colleagues in this fun and engaging challenge to move more. Its never too late to join.
Sign up at
Move More, Sit Less and Thrive with the Lawrence On the Move Challenge!
Spring All-Staff Meeting
The staff connections committee invites you to attend our spring all-staff meeting on Tuesday, May 9th. The meeting will feature updates from various departments across campus as well as a Q&A session with President Mark Burstein and Vice President Christopher Lee. Sessions will be held in the Campus Center Cinema from 9–9:45 a.m. and 10:15–11 a.m. with coffee and treats to be provided between meetings.
And, we always need more questions for the Q&A portion of the meeting. Questions asked during the sessions will be selected from your emailed suggestions only, so please send any questions that you would like answered by President Burstein or Vice President Lee to by the end of the day on Thursday, May 4 and make sure to come to one of the meetings to hear the answer!
U.S. State Department Ambassador visit April 12th
If you are interested in hearing about the Foreign Service and how government and non-governmental agencies operate overseas, attend the April 12th Info Session with Ambassador Christopher Murray ’75. Currently a Political Advisor to the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, he will discuss his career path and other topics of interest to those considering international careers. Informal question and answer will begin at 12:00 p.m. in Schumann 126. Feel free to bring your lunch. Registration on LUworks is appreciated.
TODAY! Bi-Racial & Multi-Ethnic Group Meeting
Bi-Racial & Multi-Ethnic Group Meeting
Thursday, April 6 • 4 – 5 pm • Alice G. Chapman Hall 202 Conference Room
The purpose of this meeting is to begin to discuss ways in which Lawrence University can better include individuals who identify in this way and to provide a structure for mutual support as they navigate common issues. This meeting is open to students, staff, and faculty.
Please RSVP to
Career Symposium This Weekend! (April 7-8)
All majors are invited to the Career Symposium, a two day event this Friday and Saturday featuring sessions with over 25 recent alumni including Ali Heiring ’16, Adam Ferguson ’10, Michelle Li ’12, Syed Abbas ’11, Tara Jensen ’14, Sandy Murti ’95 and Jaime Harper ’83 from companies like Google, Facebook, Deloitte, Mercer and Citadel.
• Explore unanswered career questions
• Expand your professional network and
• Envision your future!
Learn about personal branding, networking, social impact and more with sessions covering the areas of consulting, arts administration and market research as well as a What to do with a Government Major panel.
Also, visit our newly added Info Tables with Innovation Pavilion and BCDVideo. Amaan Khan ’16 will discuss the Apprentice role, Job ID: 28138 with Innovation Pavilion and Wes Varughese ’16 will discuss the full-time Territory Account Representative position, Job ID: 28005 with BCDVideo.
There are also multiple opportunities to chat with alumni on a 1:1 basis! Contact Career Services to schedule a time.
Please register in LUworks (search “career symposium”) as room capacity is limited and space may fill. Walk-ins will also be welcome on the day of each event as space allows.
Critical Issues Forum – Purpose of Higher Education
Come and share ideas on April 14, 2017 • 11 am – 1 pm
Thomas Steitz Hall of Science Atrium
Please RSVP to by April 10.
April Wellness Tips from Laurie: Get Moving
“Spring breathes new life into the world around us.” Seeing the last remnants of snow melt away, and the first green of spring flowers poking up through the earth puts a little extra zip in everyone’s step. We’re a little more jovial, a little more upbeat. We find a reason to linger outside just a little longer, to catch another minute or two of sunshine.
With warmer weather comes more reasons and more opportunities for us to be outside. And for many of us, that means more opportunities to be moving. Whether that involves cleaning up the yard, walking the dog, or playing catch with the kids, there’s plenty of activities that help us to get moving. And isn’t this a great time of year to move more?
We may have plenty of reasons to move more at home. But what about here at work? We all spend a lot of time here. Think of the benefits – both mentally and physically – if we found ways to move more while we’re here at work. We’d likely be less stressed, leaner, healthier, and happier.
So give it a try! Here are some ideas to help you get moving more at work:
- Got a meeting in another building? Maybe you could leave 5-10 minutes early and take a quick stroll before that meeting. Or you could spend a few extra minutes and take the long way back to your office after the meeting.
- Better yet — could you turn it into a walking meeting, and bring the entire team outside? That additional activity and change of scenery often helps us “think outside the box” and may result in a more productive session.
- We all spend a lot of time sitting throughout the day. Think about planning a 10-15 minute walk with your co-workers at set times, like 10 am and 2 pm.
- Form a walking group with a few co-workers, and meet once or twice a week to get 30 minutes of walking (or running) in at the end of your workday. For many of us, we’re less likely to find an excuse to miss that activity, if we’ve committed to doing it with someone else.
For any questions or concerns, please contact:
Laurie Ehlers, RN, CDE
RN Educator
Room 102, Memorial Hall
Phone: 920-832-7498
Faculty Allies Network Group
If you are interested in helping Lawrence University become a more inclusive community, join our next Faculty Allies Network Group meeting.
Friday, April 21 • 11:00 am-12:30 pm • Warch Campus Center
Please RSVP to Michelle Lasecki-Jahnke at