MyLU Insider


Category: Students

Not too late to sign up for the fall Community Read!

All students, faculty and staff are welcome to participate in the fall Community Read. This term, we will be reading Ross Gay’s Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude.  Ross Gay, winner of the Kingsley Tufts Award and a finalist for the National Book Award and the National Books Critics Circle Award, will be speaking on campus in October about his book that “studies the wisdom of the garden and orchard, those places where all—death, sorrow, loss—is converted into what might, with patience, nourish us.” Discussion may touch on topics including nature and culture; environmental justice and sustainability; pain, joy, and hope, and more.

You can sign up for one of four sessions that will meet four times during the fall term to discuss the book. Students can enroll in ENST 320, faculty and staff can contact Kelsey McCormick ( or the faculty member leading each session to sign up. This course has no papers and no grading.

Wednesday 11:10-12:20 – Celia Barnes
Wednesday 3:10-4:20 – Graham Sazama
Thursday 12:30-2:20 – Mark Jenike
Friday 12:30-1:40 – Claire Kervin

Cultural Competency Lecture – Cultural Appropriation: What is? What isn’t?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018  •  11:15am to 12:15pm  •  WCC Hurvis Room

Presenter: Jesus G. Smith, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies

The debate over when certain acts and behaviors are considered cultural appropriation versus when they are seen as acts of appreciation still rages on. In this open dialogue, we examine different cultural acts and events that are at the center of the cultural appropriation debate (including music, fashion, hairstyles and dances) and explore the complexity and nuances to the arguments. The hope is to walk away with a greater understanding of what both are, how they compare and contrast to each other, and how to do one versus the other.

Please RSVP to

Campus Climate Survey Town Hall Discussion

Thursday, September 20, 2018  •  11am to 12:30pm  OR Tuesday, September 25, 2018  •  7 to 8:30pm

WCC Cinema

The campus community including students, faculty, staff and alumni are invited to join in a town hall discussion of the Campus Climate Survey results. The town hall will include a presentation of findings presented by Dr. Kimberly Barrett, VP of Diversity and Inclusion followed by a question period. Next steps in addressing needs identified in survey results will also be discussed.

Ask questions!  Share ideas! Help shape the next steps that will be taken to make Lawrence a place where everyone has a voice, everyone feels they belong, and everyone can reach their full potential!

Please RSVP to


Advanced Upstander Training – September 19

September 19, 2018  •  1:00 to 5:00pm  •  Esch Studio

Become an agent for change and foster a positive of culture of safety and respect in your places of influence.

Upstander Training prepares participants to intervene safely and appropriately when witnessing incidents of discrimination, harassment or harm. Participants engage with real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively identify and challenge negative narratives and behaviors. This advanced session is especially geared toward those who are experienced practitioners and have considerable knowledge related to this topic.

Please RSVP to no later than Monday, September 17.


Spiritual & Religious Life – Sneak Peak for the year

Returning fall term and throughout the year, the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life will again welcome students and employees to share programs and space that support their spiritual expression.

Open Houses, Water Drops & Spiritual Library
Open Movement
Community Conversations
Worship Communities
Fourth Friday Lunches (employees only)
Holiday Encouragements
Student Religious Groups
Spiritual Support Groups
CORE meeting space
Tai Chi, Mondays in Warch: led by Linda Morgan-Clement

We hope you will join us in sharing ours as well as your own spiritual practices.

Makerspace and Pedagogy Summer Coffeehouse

Join us for our final Mudd Library coffeehouse of the summer on Wednesday, August 22 at 10 am on the first floor of the library!

Makerspace and Pedagogy: How to Integrate the LU Makerspace into Your Courses; Or, How Can This Stuff Be Used with Classes and Stuff? with Angela Vanden Elzen

You may have heard about the fabulous Lawrence University Makerspace located in the heart of the Mudd Library, but you may not know how it can support the work you do here at Lawrence. At this coffeehouse, we’ll briefly share the ever-expanding collection of cool technologies and tools available in the makerspace, then look at specific examples of how this equipment is used in higher education from a wide range of disciplines. Attendees are welcome to tour the makerspace following the presentation. As always, coffee and snacks are provided!
Makerspace and Pedagogy coffeehouse Wednesday, August 22 at 10 am

Meet Terra Winston -August 23 at 4pm

You’re Invited!

What a great time to welcome the newest team member in the office of Spiritual and Religious Life.

Terra Winston, 00′, Associate Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life started her new role on August 1st, and we are excited to invite the Lawrence community to stop by and get to know her personally.

Sabin house will be open to all staff and faculty to explore the space, let Terra know what you do on campus, and enjoy some time with each other as we begin to usher in the new academic year.

Please join in welcoming Terra to campus in this new and exciting role.

Sabin House / Center for Spiritual and Religious Life
Thursday, August 23, 2018

No RSVP required

Neurobiology of Stroke Summer Coffeehouse

Join us on Wednesday, August 15 at 10 am in the Mudd Library for another exciting installment of the Mudd and Friends Summer Coffeehouse Series. Bruce Hetzler will speak about the Neurobiology of Stroke.

Come and learn about several important factors related to the neurobiology of stroke: brain structure, stroke type, the impact of stroke location, and neuroplasticity. Talk about brain food!Wednesday, August 15 at 10 am