April 19, 2018
Memorial Hall Room 114, 5 pm – 7 pm
Join us for informal conversations with Police Chief Todd Thomas and Campus Liaison Captain Polly Olson. Discuss current issues, concerns, and community policing in Appleton.
Category: Students
Open Office Hours with Dr. Kimberly Barrett
April 12, 2018
Sampson House (2nd Floor), 1:30 pm – 4 pm
Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The first open office hours for Spring Term are being held on April 12th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.
Spring WELLU massage program
WELLU is pleased to offer subsidized full-body therapeutic massage services beginning April 2nd, 2018. Sign up starts March 26th and continues until all spaces are filled. Appointments are available for 60 minutes, cost $20 and will be held at the YMCA. Massage opportunities are scheduled with the YMCA. Students, staff and faculty may request an appointment by contacting Erin Buenzli at erin.buenzli@lawrence.edu or 920-832-7190. Limit one per term.
WELLU Walking Group
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12-12:30pm
Come join colleagues and friends for a 30 minute walk. Meet at the Wellness center front desk. We will walk inside if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Special Event Announcement and Parking Request
On Friday, March 30 the admissions office will host LUX – Lawrence University Experience – an open house for applicants and their families. If you see our guests on campus, please make them feel welcome! Many of them will be Lawrentians in the fall. Special thanks to all of the staff who will be doing presentations, providing a great lunch and making our facilities welcoming for this important event. Also, if possible, please find an alternate spot to park to leave room for our guests in the parking lots.
Piece of the Pie: Spring Wellness Initiative
What’s a good way to start off the nice spring weather than with ways to feel better overall? We will help start you on that path to spring! Participate in 6 of our wellness activities that we have listed and enter for your chance to win a prize! Program Starts Monday March 26th and goes till April 28th! Pick your piece of the pie sheet up at the front desk in the wellness center!
- Yoga Class
- TRX Class
- Dietician
- One-time Events
- Mind Spa
- 30min workout
- Fit Bit Rental
- Soccer
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Massage
- Healthy Vikings
- Intramurals
Lawrence to Seek Developer for Former Bank Building Property
This month, Lawrence will be releasing a request for proposals to developers for the former Northshore Bank property at 320 E. College Avenue. Acquired in 2014, the property has served as warehouse space, parking, and the location for Seth’s Coffee’s Appleton location. The City of Appleton created a Tax Increment Financing District that includes this site last fall which provides incentives for redevelopment. The university seeks a developer who will redevelop at least the College Avenue-facing parcel into mixed use retail/residential and leaves open the possibility of redevelopment of the Washington Street-facing parcel so long as a parking arrangement is considered.
Lawrence will not be a tenant of any building development, nor will we make any financial investment in the project. Ultimately, ownership of some or all of the property will likely be transferred to the developer. Proceeds from the project will support creation of new warehouse space to relocate inventory currently stored in the bank building and generate funds for other campus capital renewal efforts.
Click here to access the Offering Memorandum. We will accept proposals through early April. The plan is to have a developer selected by summer 2018.
Please direct any questions about this project to Jake Woodford at x6850.
On-Street Parking Restrictions
The City of Appleton recently considered a proposal to restrict on-street parking to two hours during business hours in the neighborhoods surrounding the Lawrence University campus. This proposal came out of a 2014 downtown parking study conducted by the City and a parking consultant. Following review of the proposal as well as a neighborhood meeting hosted by the City and Lawrence, the City of Appleton has decided not to proceed with the proposed restrictions at this time.
Instead, there will be minor changes in policy on streets on the southeast corner of the campus – near Trever Hall and also on Rankin Street between Alton Street and College Avenue. The total impact is expected to be fewer than 12 parking spaces.
In light of this new development, the University has decided not to proceed with further expansion of parking facilities north of Plantz Hall at this time. While parking continues to be limited for the campus as a whole, there are more critical areas of need for our constrained capital resources. Should available parking for the University significantly change in the future, plans for additional capacity will be revisited. If you have any questions please contact Jon Meyer or Jake Woodford.
As always, please take note of any posted parking restrictions around the campus and remember that on-street parking is prohibited in the City of Appleton between the hours of 2:00 am and 5:00 am.
All-Way Stop Installed at Meade and E. Boldt Way/John Street
In our continued efforts to improve pedestrian safety around the campus, the City of Appleton is installing an all-way stop at the intersection of Meade and E. Boldt Way/John Street. Before installation of the new stop signs, only northbound traffic on Meade Street was required to stop creating a hazardous condition for pedestrians and vehicles at this intersection. Please contact Jake Woodford (jacob.a.woodford@lawrence.edu) in the President’s Office with any comments or questions.
Final Winter Term Office Hours with Kimberly Barrett on March 8th
Dr. Kimberly Barrett, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion is hosting open office hours. The final session of open office hours for Winter Term is being held on March 8th, 2018. Drop by Sampson House, 2nd floor and share ideas, concerns, comments, etc. Appointments are not required, people will be accommodated on a first come-first serve basis.